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Having fun in Houston

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Was driving home from work last night. Right off the bat I see a tricked out regular black GT. Had a whale tail spoiler and aftermarket exhaust. Don't know what he had under the hood. We palyed "who can make the most noise" for a couple of blocks. We had mutual admiration.


Then a Ricer blows by trying to impress everybody. Idiot.


Lastly, a Hemi Truck pulls up along side, driver says "thats really nice man". His little kid in the back seat says "awesome man".


Then I demonstrated how quick Sherby is by going 0-60 in about 5 seconds. As I'm now doing 60 in a 40 there is a cop coming in the other direction. I am thinking "Oh crap", but the cop gave me a thumbs up.


I love this town.

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Was driving home from work last night. Right off the bat I see a tricked out regular black GT. Had a whale tail spoiler and aftermarket exhaust. Don't know what he had under the hood. We palyed "who can make the most noise" for a couple of blocks. We had mutual admiration.


Then a Ricer blows by trying to impress everybody. Idiot.


Lastly, a Hemi Truck pulls up along side, driver says "thats really nice man". His little kid in the back seat says "awesome man".


Then I demonstrated how quick Sherby is by going 0-60 in about 5 seconds. As I'm now doing 60 in a 40 there is a cop coming in the other direction. I am thinking "Oh crap", but the cop gave me a thumbs up.


I love this town.


I had 2 cars full of state troopers go by me as I was doing 1 mile under the speed limit and all they could do was stare!

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I had 2 cars full of state troopers go by me as I was doing 1 mile under the speed limit and all they could do was stare!




I came down an on ramp where I had punched it and was going about 65 on the on ramp onto a 55 Mph highway. One state cop had his radar gun on me the other facing the other way ready to roll after me. I saw them too late and yelled "crap", or something like that, and pressed on the break. As I went past the guy with the gun I looked over at him and he just nodded and let me go! I kept looking in my mirror waiting but nothing.


I'd like to think he was into Mustangs....



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Passport 8500 guys.........good will wont save the world......or your license if you get nailed.

Speeding tickets are about revenue not keeping the roads safe.....

and most State Troopers that dont hit their "quota" each month get recycled back to real police work.


just my .02....... ;)

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Yea, or something like that. :lol:

No incidents with any cops here yet except for the one who pulled up behind me and started racing his engine really high.

They usually stare really hard though.


Yes we know giving tickets is all about revenue, I wonder how many cops that are on the force actually have a traffic violation on their records, I am guessing none and I bet I am right. Would this be because they don't speed? Or drink and drive?

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This time on the way to work I catch up to a really nice stock blue Mustang GT. A 2005-7.


I pull right up long side. Then give it a little gas just to let him hear what he's missing.


The guy pretends he doesn't notice. He stares straight ahead. Then he changes lanes and gets behind me.


Still pretending like he doesn't notice, he gives his some gas and changes lanes and passes me. Never once

did he look over (I think his eyes did, but he never turned his head).


It must have taken some will power to act like he didn't notice.


Some people just can't relax and have fun.

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Was driving home from work last night. Right off the bat I see a tricked out regular black GT. Had a whale tail spoiler and aftermarket exhaust. Don't know what he had under the hood. We palyed "who can make the most noise" for a couple of blocks. We had mutual admiration.


Then a Ricer blows by trying to impress everybody. Idiot.


Lastly, a Hemi Truck pulls up along side, driver says "thats really nice man". His little kid in the back seat says "awesome man".


Then I demonstrated how quick Sherby is by going 0-60 in about 5 seconds. As I'm now doing 60 in a 40 there is a cop coming in the other direction. I am thinking "Oh crap", but the cop gave me a thumbs up.


I love this town.


I, too, live in Houston with my 07 SGT (Sarge).


This is a car town, make no mistake.


I lived in Dallas for 18 years and just relocated about a year ago.


One major difference: there is simply a lot fewer cops, per capita, in Houston. There is no comparison. Right now, per plan, this city is short 4,000 police officers so the ones on the job are over worked!


Hey, Dave...


If you enjoy this type of activity (and I know I <bleep> sure do) I can hook you up!


There are regular meets in this town for gear heads. There are also several places where you can "lay it down" and it's physically impossible for another driver to jump into the pattern.


Based on my experience to date, here's how these SGT's stack up:


It's truly amazing how much faster these cars are than stock GT's. I can't figure it out. Two valves and Three valves. Matter of fact, I feel confident in labeling our car the "King of the NA GT's"!


Against other V-8's on motor only? Run 'em! You aint gonna win all of 'em but you'll be in all of 'em! Example-5.7 GTO with cam: barely, and I mean barely, got me (dig and 30 roll).


Forced-induction V-8's? Stay away from 'em. They're in a whole different league. Don't think (like I've seen other SGT owner's post) that the SHELBY across the back will now allow you to get out and run against Cobra's! You WILL get abused!


Vettes (C5's & C6's)? Fuhgedaboudit! One of my best friends has a C-6 with long tubes and he's probably a full second and a half faster than my car.


My doctor has recommended a diet high on rice and I follow his instructions to the letter. I recommend avoiding the less digestible variety that includes STI's, EVO's and any boosted Supra's! Anything else-bon appetite!


In a year or so, I'm adding the high-output Whipple and will put down 460 to 465 at rears. After that this car will be a real...well, most of you can guess the term I'd like to use but to honor decorum, I'll refrain!


Now for any of you tempted to post and lecture me about my recreational activities: don't waste your time!


I am a good husband, a good father and a good earner. I haven't had a friggin' drink in 13 years!


I'm not a monk and I love horse power! (Wow...my neighbor with his brand new M-5 just drove by. That's a beautiful friggin' car. See! We're everywhere!)


We didn't buy 'em to keep 'em in the garage!






"Leave rice to Uncle Ben! Drive American V-8's!"


Your devoted friend,



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It's good to know there's other Houstonians out there with SGT's. I also get some "thumbs up" from people and an occasional solicitation for "making some noise" (and sometimes without solicitation :D ). I'm originally from CA, moved to Houston area in 2002. One observation I'd like to offer up. I seem to notice more carless driving here than what I was used to seeing in CA. Sure, CA has it's fair share of bad drivers but it's mostly due to aggressiveness and driven by a desire to get the "H-E double hockey sticks" out of traffic jams. I have to admit that I've never heard the term "T-Boned" used as it is around here. I've seen several close calls and have been a near-T-bone on a few occasions. People entering traffic from driveways or intersections without stopping is a common occurrence. I never enter an intersection when the light turns green without doing a double or even triple-take on the cross traffic.

On the lighter side, I've found it amusing to see how people deal with traffic jams around here. I was amazed (and amused) the first time I saw someone who was stuck in traffic suddenly decide that they were going to establish a new off ramp. This driver decided to head over the grass shoulder (which was soaked with rain and mud) and make their way over to the feeder road. It wasn't a simple task as I'm sure they scraped the bottom of their frame and probably more on the curb going over. And, I've found that this was not just an isolated incident as I've seen it happen on several occasions. Novel approach but something I will never try in my SGT.

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