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We need a DEDICATED Product Manager


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While I appreciate Amy's note about the scoops it opened as many new questions as it closed and again is where a Product Manager would have been handy.


Here is what should have happened BEFORE the scoop announcement:


1. Agreement of ALL parties as to the solution

2. Agreement of ALL parties as to the process

3. Creation of all installation and dealer/service communications

4. Agreement of ALL parties as to announce date to dealers/service and customers

5. Creation of customer facing materials to include the announcement, the process, and an FAQ.

6. Bill of Materials and finalized for service kit

7. Inventory of completed box kits to satisfy expected demand for the first 30 days with a plan to replenish prior to exhaustion of initial stock.




1. Announce to dealers/service managers

2. Announce to customers


In this way all our ducks are in a row and people can act immediately.


The way this has been handled has done nothing but put the customer into another loop and issue. SAI would have been better off again, stating we have suspended scoop replacements while we finalize a new program. Then get EVERYTHING done BEFORE we announce. We really can't say "go see your dealer next week". That's just shouldn't cut it for such a high impact customer satisfaction issue.


In my experience thus far the majority of dealers are clueless where this stuff is concerned and frankly too busy to read every TSB etc.. So the customer facing stuff is particularly important as we want customers to have as few issues as possible getting this corrected. The FAQ should outline what is done, what the procedure is, how long it should take, what are the conditions under-which the work will be authorized, who makes the determination, etc. The end goal being that our customers have suffered enough and we want them armed with the right information to ensure as smooth a solution as possible.


We need to put ourselves in the position of a customer walking into Joe's Ford in North Dakota. We shouldn't put them in a position where the service manager looks at them like they haven't a clue. If that were us what would we want to be able to present to the service manager as information or guidance.


You get the idea....


WE NEED A DEDICATED SGT PRODUCT MANAGER! This person should be glued at the hip to the Mustang product manager at Ford and together they work through these issues.


I can see this person working the following projects right now:


07' Issue Resolution

08' Ramp-up and demand generation

07' Mod Packages for fall and winter

07'-08' Accessories


Anyway....just my 2 cents!

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While I appreciate Amy's note about the scoops it opened as many new questions as it closed and again is where a Product Manager would have been handy.


Here is what should have happened BEFORE the scoop announcement:


1. Agreement of ALL parties as to the solution

2. Agreement of ALL parties as to the process

3. Creation of all installation and dealer/service communications

4. Agreement of ALL parties as to announce date to dealers/service and customers

5. Creation of customer facing materials to include the announcement, the process, and an FAQ.

6. Bill of Materials and finalized for service kit

7. Inventory of completed box kits to satisfy expected demand for the first 30 days with a plan to replenish prior to exhaustion of initial stock.




1. Announce to dealers/service managers

2. Announce to customers


In this way all our ducks are in a row and people can act immediately.


The way this has been handled has done nothing but put the customer into another loop and issue. SAI would have been better off again, stating we have suspended scoop replacements while we finalize a new program. Then get EVERYTHING done BEFORE we announce. We really can't say "go see your dealer next week". That's just shouldn't cut it for such a high impact customer satisfaction issue.


In my experience thus far the majority of dealers are clueless where this stuff is concerned and frankly too busy to read every TSB etc.. So the customer facing stuff is particularly important as we want customers to have as few issues as possible getting this corrected. The FAQ should outline what is done, what the procedure is, how long it should take, what are the conditions under-which the work will be authorized, who makes the determination, etc. The end goal being that our customers have suffered enough and we want them armed with the right information to ensure as smooth a solution as possible.


We need to put ourselves in the position of a customer walking into Joe's Ford in North Dakota. We shouldn't put them in a position where the service manager looks at them like they haven't a clue. If that were us what would we want to be able to present to the service manager as information or guidance.


You get the idea....


WE NEED A DEDICATED SGT PRODUCT MANAGER! This person should be glued at the hip to the Mustang product manager at Ford and together they work through these issues.


I can see this person working the following projects right now:


07' Issue Resolution

08' Ramp-up and demand generation

07' Mod Packages for fall and winter

07'-08' Accessories


Anyway....just my 2 cents!






As for my Ford service manager, he expects me to hand him an email from Shelby (usually Doug Sinclair) instructing him what to do (phone numbers, etc.).

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Where do I apply!!

After the experience I am having lately...............I do it for free!! :huh:

How about a director of internal communication ;)



Communication ???? What's that ???


I thought we were supposed to pay out large sums of money just wait to see if and when we might get something for it.


Like many of you have said if we ran a business with this kind of cummunication or lack of we wouldn't be in business long !

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So let's get this straight.


This board has been screaming for a hood scoop repair.

Amy announces they have one and when it will be available.

You gripe because you don't feel she did it correctly?


Am I getting the jist of this post?


Do you just not want any more info at all to come come from SAI in regards to anything? It's hard enough to get answers without brow-beating when we finally do.


Not flaming but it seems two-sided, theoretical proper business ethics aside.

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So let's get this straight.


This board has been screaming for a hood scoop repair.

Amy announces they have one and when it will be available.

You gripe because you don't feel she did it correctly?


Am I getting the jist of this post?


Do you just not want any more info at all to come come from SAI in regards to anything? It's hard enough to get answers without brow-beating when we finally do.


Not flaming but it seems two-sided, theoretical proper business ethics aside.




I don't want to take a day off, drive an hour to the dealer, walk in to the service area, and say; "Hi! Amy at SAI told me I could come in and get my hood scoop fixed." I know what I will get back...the sound of crickets. They'll say "who?", "what scooop?", etc...etc.


I called my dealer and they know NOTHING different than they did last week. There is no TSB (what ever that is) on the issue. So he says we're back to Ford Racing and taking pictures etc. which they don't have a good enough camera it seems.


BTW: I haven't been screaming for a "scoop repair" I've been waiting for a solution. I don't know yet what that solution is.


In fact, Amy has said nothing that hasn't been said a million times "contact your dealer for a fix" ok..done that...what I want to know is why will this time be different. I don't expect Amy to do this, she's the President, but a PM would do this and we would know exactly what to expect and what will happen.


Maybe you don't care, and this is enough for you, but I do and I have never worked for a company that wouldn't have done these things in this way.


If I go in AGAIN and to this process AGAIN, only to find that kits are not ready and won't be for weeks, as was rumored, I will not be a happy camper. I'm really tired of dealing with this issue.

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Well personally I have said for a week or two now I am going to wait until they have a garunteed fix and then take my car in once and have it repaired. I have dealt with the multiple trips to get something fixed before and it isnt fun so I can understand that. But when we KNOW the last fix or two didnt work dont bother to take it in cause all you are oging to do it get pissed. My suggestion is to wait until we get official notification this week of what the fix is and when we can get it done. I am thinking Amy said what she said real quick last week so we would not thiink she forgot us. We seem to forget we live in an instant world wheer things happen fast and it changes overnight. Everyone has a pc and jumps on a board and posts as soon as they hear something whether the info is good or not. I know the situation sucks but it is what it is. So lets try and wait until we get concrete info and we will all be happy. :)

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