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Forced change of direction


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After some time, not as long as some of you, I did receive confirmation that my car is about 3 weeks out from hitting the mod shop. That was good news seeing that I was leaning towards getting a GT500 due to the delays and some communication issues about status.


The passion I have for this brand since 10yrs. old has not faltered in all these years. To make this car more special than other connections I requested a special CSM number. It would have just tied everything in and made this a bonding rather than a purchase. With ample time to spare, I thought, I requested that number. Knowing the remaining cars to convert it would not be an issue.


Today I came to the realization and had my worst fear confirmed by SAI that my car was given a CSM on arrival to the conversion shop. Not the mod shop and not on arrival to SAI but when it entered into the shop for conversion for the initial Shelby Pkg.


While it may seem trivial to some it was going to be something special to me. Just as Adam's car is special to him, this car was going to be my special Shelby.


No bond and somewhat dejected on this long journey I began to second guess myself and question the reasons for wanting this car in the first place. The reasons are still there but I will not have the connection I was hoping for.


So I have decided to change at the end of the process and search out the GT500. It could have been very, very special and was looking good but it is not happening and there is nothing I can do about it.


On to the GT500 and turn the page. Seems to be a good time to be in the market to purchase also. The ADM's are not holding and the market is softening. And I will have some pocket change left in the end.


I will keep monitoring this board because I belive I have formed some relationships with many of you. Just changing rides and keeping the license plate also. Shelby GT Super Charged.


Long live the Snake!

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Today I came to the realization and had my worst fear confirmed by SAI that my car was given a CSM on arrival to the conversion shop. Not the mod shop and not on arrival to SAI but when it entered into the shop for conversion for the initial Shelby Pkg.


While it may seem trivial to some it was going to be something special to me. Just as Adam's car is special to him, this car was going to be my special Shelby.


No bond and somewhat dejected on this long journey I began to second guess myself and question the reasons for wanting this car in the first place. The reasons are still there but I will not have the connection I was hoping for.


So I have decided to change at the end of the process and search out the GT500. It could have been very, very special and was looking good but it is not happening and there is nothing I can do about it.





My gawd what is going on over there?


For want of a number SAI looses how much in revenue? All because someone couldn't assign a number in advance as a special request?


Had I designed the ERP system it would have been easy to reserve the number and there would have been no issues.


But then I wasn't asked...


On the positive side the chili is good!



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After some time, not as long as some of you, I did receive confirmation that my car is about 3 weeks out from hitting the mod shop. That was good news seeing that I was leaning towards getting a GT500 due to the delays and some communication issues about status.


The passion I have for this brand since 10yrs. old has not faltered in all these years. To make this car more special than other connections I requested a special CSM number. It would have just tied everything in and made this a bonding rather than a purchase. With ample time to spare, I thought, I requested that number. Knowing the remaining cars to convert it would not be an issue.


Today I came to the realization and had my worst fear confirmed by SAI that my car was given a CSM on arrival to the conversion shop. Not the mod shop and not on arrival to SAI but when it entered into the shop for conversion for the initial Shelby Pkg.


While it may seem trivial to some it was going to be something special to me. Just as Adam's car is special to him, this car was going to be my special Shelby.


No bond and somewhat dejected on this long journey I began to second guess myself and question the reasons for wanting this car in the first place. The reasons are still there but I will not have the connection I was hoping for.


So I have decided to change at the end of the process and search out the GT500. It could have been very, very special and was looking good but it is not happening and there is nothing I can do about it.


On to the GT500 and turn the page. Seems to be a good time to be in the market to purchase also. The ADM's are not holding and the market is softening. And I will have some pocket change left in the end.


I will keep monitoring this board because I belive I have formed some relationships with many of you. Just changing rides and keeping the license plate also. Shelby GT Super Charged.


Long live the Snake!


Sorry to hear that :( ..and I do hope you stick around. You are a great source of support and info on these boards.



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Sorry to hear that we'll be losing a member of our distinguished Shelby GT club. Best of luck to you and have a great time w/ the GT 500!

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Thanks gang, I am NOT going anywhere! Even if I do change my ride.


This Forum is the core of this board, without all of you it would be a very dull place.


But remember the Yogi Berra saying "it aint over till its over" stay tuned, Michael Morris and I have some very HOT irons in the fire to find a way around this mess!



You are the best. Thanks for going the extra mile on this. Let's hope it all works out.

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My gawd what is going on over there?


For want of a number SAI looses how much in revenue? All because someone couldn't assign a number in advance as a special request?


Had I designed the ERP system it would have been easy to reserve the number and there would have been no issues.


But then I wasn't asked...


On the positive side the chili is good!




How do you figure SAI loses any revenue on this?


The car is there, it will still get built and the dealer will get charged the $8,390 cost of building it. They lost nothing other than the car will end up being owned by a different buyer in the end.

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How do you figure SAI loses any revenue on this?


The car is there, it will still get built and the dealer will get charged the $8,390 cost of building it. They lost nothing other than the car will end up being owned by a different buyer in the end.



About $10-12K in mods. at SAI

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Ross, I know we've talked at length over the phone about all of this, but I wanted to congratulate you for sticking in there.


Between your and Michael's positive and do-what-it-takes attitudes and SAI's desire to make things right for all of us, I'm confident it will all work out.

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im sorry Roger, i will help you anyway i can. look forward to talking to you in the next few days

michael morris




None of this would even be possible without the help you have provided. I commend you for going above and beyond.


Folks, here is a dealer with integrity and genuinely cares about the customer.



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After some time, not as long as some of you, I did receive confirmation that my car is about 3 weeks out from hitting the mod shop. That was good news seeing that I was leaning towards getting a GT500 due to the delays and some communication issues about status.


The passion I have for this brand since 10yrs. old has not faltered in all these years. To make this car more special than other connections I requested a special CSM number. It would have just tied everything in and made this a bonding rather than a purchase. With ample time to spare, I thought, I requested that number. Knowing the remaining cars to convert it would not be an issue.


Today I came to the realization and had my worst fear confirmed by SAI that my car was given a CSM on arrival to the conversion shop. Not the mod shop and not on arrival to SAI but when it entered into the shop for conversion for the initial Shelby Pkg.


While it may seem trivial to some it was going to be something special to me. Just as Adam's car is special to him, this car was going to be my special Shelby.


No bond and somewhat dejected on this long journey I began to second guess myself and question the reasons for wanting this car in the first place. The reasons are still there but I will not have the connection I was hoping for.


So I have decided to change at the end of the process and search out the GT500. It could have been very, very special and was looking good but it is not happening and there is nothing I can do about it.


On to the GT500 and turn the page. Seems to be a good time to be in the market to purchase also. The ADM's are not holding and the market is softening. And I will have some pocket change left in the end.


I will keep monitoring this board because I belive I have formed some relationships with many of you. Just changing rides and keeping the license plate also. Shelby GT Super Charged.


Long live the Snake!



Roger -best wishes on your search for the GT500 and your switch to the "dark side"-BTW the Shelby GT is still better :P . seriously though, sorry for the disappointing conclusion to your Shelby GT saga-I wish it would ahve come together for you as you wanted it.



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How do you figure SAI loses any revenue on this?


The car is there, it will still get built and the dealer will get charged the $8,390 cost of building it. They lost nothing other than the car will end up being owned by a different buyer in the end.


The mods which is where they make their REAL margin.

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Folks, here is a dealer with integrity and genuinely cares about the customer.




I hope so, because he's probably going to get sick of me calling him about my DORA, shipping costs, vin#s, CSM# etc.


Michael just noticed that we both owned a 1986 Buick Grand National. Got 2 speeding tickets in 1 hour in that thing. Great in a straight line but not so good on slick roads.

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Respectfully, buck up man! Life is loaded with real problems. When you really face a crisis, this will seem quite benign. If we all got just what we "reserved", we would miss all the surprises life has for us. Many of the surprises are far better than our own imagination. B)


Best wishes!

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Respectfully, buck up man! Life is loaded with real problems. When you really face a crisis, this will seem quite benign. If we all got just what we "reserved", we would miss all the surprises life has for us. Many of the surprises are far better than our own imagination. B)


Best wishes!



Thanks Todd.


I have had my share of life's REAL problems. Not for discussion here though. It is not the end of the world. And it surely is not a life or death situation. Just something significant in past events in my life that are important to the reality of everyday life.


This will pass and I will move on as always. The road ahead is still full of suprises. But you need to have faith and I know it always works out in the end. And mostly for the better. :D



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Thanks Todd.


I have had my share of life's REAL problems. Not for discussion here though. It is not the end of the world. And it surely is not a life or death situation. Just something significant in past events in my life that are important to the reality of everyday life.


This will pass and I will move on as always. The road ahead is still full of suprises. But you need to have faith and I know it always works out in the end. And mostly for the better. :D






Good luck Roger! You have been a great contributor!

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Good luck Roger!



Thanks Matt. I should know what's up sometime today and make a decision. Too many options right now. I just need to nail it down. A lot of good people trying their best to help me make it happen. I do really appreciate everyone's work behind the scenes.


I still want my original car. We are just working on finding the number and going from there. That's the first option and primaray goal.


Second option is to pull the trigger on an 07 GT500. I have found some pretty good deals if the dealer's hold their end.


Thrid option is to order an 08 from Michael and place the number request and start all over again.


As I stated one of my responses, I will always, strong words, be a member of this community no matter what car I end up with.


Lastly, no lastly JK :lol::lol:

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Respectfully, buck up man! Life is loaded with real problems. When you really face a crisis, this will seem quite benign. If we all got just what we "reserved", we would miss all the surprises life has for us. Many of the surprises are far better than our own imagination. B)


Best wishes!


If by "problem" you mean having to decide between an SGT and a GT500, sign me up.


Nice thought, though.


Best wishes, Roger.

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I am sorry, but I read this thread and I dont understand the isue, can someone explain? thanks



He didn't get the # he wanted and was apparently promised so now he is undecided as to which type of Shelby (GT, 500 or order an 08) to buy but has canceled his current order. Apparently him and Michael have some secret squirel stuff going on.....

.........and it involves dogs or something. :blink:


Or so I understood this thread anyway. :)

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Actually it is quite simple. I don't have all the details but from what I understand Roger had ordered a SGT with multiple mods. He is tired of waiting for delivery dates and now has cancelled his order. He is looking to buy something else. Bottom line here is SAI is losing revenue due to customers cancelling upscale modified SGT. I recommend you contact him for the straight skinny. Roger chime in if you want. Steve

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