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Hood replacement - Part 2


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The following is a copy of an e mail I sent to Amy at SAI.


Hi Amy,


Jim from Tulsa here. Thanks for getting me a response about the strut tower brace clearance issue. Although the brace was developed using an 05 Mustang that didn’t have the intake manifold cover, your guys think that the billet strut brace may clear the manifold cover which I would like to put back on.


Now for a more serious issue.


If you’ve been monitoring the GT forum, you can’t help but notice the concern and frustration over the infamous hood scoop. My dealer is getting ready to try the third scoop on my GT (0360). The second one is worse than the original. Not only is it gapped 3/16” on both sides, the rear lifts on days over 90, which we get a lot of here.


We all love our Shelbys; however for a vehicle that costs just a few thousand less than a basic Corvette, it’s not too much to expect a better fit and finish. I imagine that SAI is just as concerned and frustrated about this issue as we all are. While it was admirable of SAI to replicate the look of the original GT350’s hood scoop, unfortunately it just isn’t working.


If I may make a suggestion; allow Shelby GT owners to receive a credit toward replacing the entire hood with a CS6 or GT500 or GT500KR hood. I realize the financial issues, but the positive PR and owner loyalty to be gained would outweigh any immediate financial losses. In addition, by purchasing hoods in bulk would reduce the overall cost and with the GT owners paying say half of the cost would reduce the cost even further.


Like I stated before, we truly love our Shelbys and really want to work with SAI to resolve this hood scoop issue. However, to keep replacing the scoop until one fits properly is an effort in futility.


Thanks for your time.

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I really hope they come up with a fix before they start making the 2008s.




Excellent letter...and I do hope you get a response. ( for all our sake)


I would like to add, that I am not willing to pay half , as you stated, we paid a good price for this car, and it needs to be made right. I really don't want a different hood, what I want is a fix on this scoop.


Please keep us posted on if she replies, as I planned on writing my own letter this weekend. I just don't know what to do anymore to fix this , and it shouldn't be like this . :(

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I called Doug Sinclair at SAI and he told me to write an email to the SGT production line manager about my concerns. All I got was an email address (akosf@shelbyautos.com) and didn't catch his name.



"Dear Sir:


First off, I have a black SGT, S/N #384, 5 speed and I absolutely love this car! There are a few minor issues I've fixed and adjusted but that's to be expected with any new car and SAI and Doug Sinclair have been very responsive in the process. I also love the way the hood scoop looks. In my opinion, it is the best looking scoop design out there.


However, Doug Sinclair suggested that I email you about my concerns regarding the wrinkling, warping and lifting of the hood scoop off the hood on my car. I have an appointment on the 17th of July to have mine replaced.


I have been following the Shelby Forum regarding others who have had their scoops replaced once and even twice and it appears that the problem may not be solved with the new replacement scoop and the addition of two screws to replace the false rivets on the front of the scoop. While it looks good for a while, it appears the plastic in around the underside flanges of the scoop where the insert clips are attached "creeps" over time. This still causes the sides to lift and wrinkle even with the addition of the added front screws. On my scoop, I can see the gap under the sides change by just having it exposed to the heat of the sunlight for an hour (no engine heat).


Attached are some pics of someone else's scoop I got off the Shelby Forum. It appears to me that some additional reinforcing of the underside flanges may be of benefit to permit a greater preload on the screws to account for motion due to temperature. There also may be some dimensional issues forcing the scoop to lift as it heats up. I know you have to contend with fitting a scoop to a compound surface without distorting the hood in the process so the scoop has to have some give and I don't pretend to know the solution. While I hope my new scoop does the trick, can you provide some insight as to what other solutions you have considered and what solution you may try if there continues to be problems with the fitting of the scoop? I'm looking at keeping this car for a long time."



I'll let you know if I hear anything.

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My scoop is also starting to creep and move. It's done it since day 1 when driving or in the heat. However, I have not bothered to go in to a dealer yet as it just seems it's a temp fix thus far. I've also found that the more you mess with things, and the more your car goes to a dealer the worse things end up over time. Chances for scratches, and my general frustration to rise go up exponentially every time I take any car to a dealer for service.


SAI, I strongly urge you to keep finding a real fix for this problem. I'll live with my scoop as long as I can, but the PR on this is not a good thing. Nor, is leaving customers with 40k plus cars real unsatisfied.

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You know it occurred to me that this scoop is the "only" part, other than badges and stripes, that SAI designed and built for this car. I'm an engineer and when one of my designs has a problem I take it real personal and won't stop until I find a solution. Until of course the management and accounting shuts me down. Which is what I am concerned about here. There is always a technical solution to be found for design problems like this, but it requires management support.

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I dont understand why Doug wouldnt just go to this guy and talk with him and explain the concerns but it will be interesting to see the response.



Agreed. From a business standpoint this doesn't make much sense it duplicates effort and Doug should be collecting this data and sending it upward for action. Humm...unless there is some internal conflict going on where Doug doesn't feel he's being listened to by this other guy and hopes maybe a customer will have better luck!?!?


Either way it's kinda wacky...you need one voice, one point of contact, and a process internally to anticipate and respond to customer and market demands in a timely manner.


I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the majority of my issues were identified here months before my car was worked on or shipped.


Still waiting, after a week, for Ford Racing to respond to my issues and I expect to be waiting more. I'm sorta getting used to that with this car. Had to wait to buy it, wait to have it built, wait to have it done, wait to have it shipped, and now I wait to have it corrected.

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You know it occurred to me that this scoop is the "only" part, other than badges and stripes, that SAI designed and built for this car.


I'm glad that someone else said it first.


There is also the billet grille where the paint comes off of the support bars, but these are cosmetic issues. Ford Racing did their homework on the engine and suspension mods, and Ford's GT/CS bodywork (lower air dam, side scoops, rear diffuser, 18" wheels) are just fine. The problems most all relate to cosmetic stuff that makes the cars stand out, along with some installation issues regarding the exhaust, of course.


Back in 1965 and early 1966, it was okay that the rear end clanged and that holes were cut in the floor pan for the traction bars and exhaust came in...heck, these were RACE cars that happened to be DOT legal. Ford and Shelby teams, along with private teams, actually raced them with a good deal of success. By 1967 and 1968, Ford and Shelby were catching on that customers only said they wanted race cars, but what they really wanted were fast (driving and looking) street cars, and they added the little "cobras" to try to tie into the AC Cobra racing experience. By 1969 (and 1970, if you differentiate them as a new model...), the Shelbys were basically sexy-looking Mach 1s. Nither Ford nor Shelby had factory teams racing them as that duty fell to the Boss 302s. Once they lost their "street cred", they simply faded away.


The current Shelby GTs are, in my mind, more like the later Shelbys than the earlier ones. Yes, the cars are converted by Shelby Automobiles rather than being "built" on an assembly line in their final form, and yes, the engine and suspension goodies were designed by Ford Racing and have been approved for SCCA use by private teams, but there is no factory (Ford or Shelby) racing effort utilizing the production cars.


I love all things Shelby has touched, both past and present, but the current cars are "premier" Mustang GTs with a delicate string attaching them to something great that once was, no more and no less. Therefore, SAI, in my mind, really needs to focus on getting their few changes done correctly, as they can no longer fall back on "what do you expect, you just bought a race car...". Otherwise, the Shelby name will lose its credibility, and these too will likely fade away (not saying that they won't be collectible, etc., just that there will be less of a market for new versions).


Just my $0.02

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Very well said and I agree 100%. I believe SAI will make the issues right. They have stood behind everything so far and I have no reason to think otherwise. We are all just part of the new unpatient generation and we want things now. I am very guilty of this and have never been known for my patience so I am trying my hardest to do so. I think if we can just get a message from SAI it will put our fears aside for a while. So if you see this AMY or Bud please chime in!! :)

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Very well said and I agree 100%. I believe SAI will make the issues right. They have stood behind everything so far and I have no reason to think otherwise. We are all just part of the new unpatient generation and we want things now. I am very guilty of this and have never been known for my patience so I am trying my hardest to do so. I think if we can just get a message from SAI it will put our fears aside for a while. So if you see this AMY or Bud please chime in!! :)




But that's the issue.


SAI is no longer able to stand behind these things as everything now goes through Ford Racing. Ford Racing so much as told me SAI should not be dealing with ANY warranty issues.


I'm not saying SAI isn't going to fix things nor that they don't want to, only that now that the program is clicking along they seem to be contractually obligated to direct people to Ford Racing going forward so any fixes are really a discussion between SAI and Ford Racing not to us directly.


At least that's what I'm seeing.




I think the grill was designed by a 3rd party but I may be wrong.






Actually this isn't our grill!


Note what SAI hasn't been able to deliver they do:


"This full replacement grille eliminates the factory grille. NO DRILLING, simply install the CDC grille using factory mounting points and using the factory radiator cover and factory hardware."


This is the grill we asked for back in Feb and I might look to replace mine with this should I ever have to.

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JMO but I think this would be a better match for a replacement grille (looks more similiar to the SGT overlay than the CDC version)




I have to admit that seeing the honeycomb behind the overlay always bothered me. Yeah I know this issue has also been beat to death, but sure would be nice if they would just use a full up replacment grille.

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JMO but I think this would be a better match for a replacement grille (looks more similiar to the SGT overlay than the CDC version)




I have to admit that seeing the honeycomb behind the overlay always bothered me. Yeah I know this issue has also been beat to death, but sure would be nice if they would just use a full up replacment grille.




Looks closer to ours but don't know if that does the job...talks about a "bolt on" as if it overlays as well.

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Very well said and I agree 100%. I believe SAI will make the issues right. They have stood behind everything so far and I have no reason to think otherwise. We are all just part of the new unpatient generation and we want things now. I am very guilty of this and have never been known for my patience so I am trying my hardest to do so. I think if we can just get a message from SAI it will put our fears aside for a while. So if you see this AMY or Bud please chime in!! :)




Hi all,


Very well put. We do and will stand behind our vehicles. We do know abut the hood scoop issues and we are working on them everyday. Now, the only thing I do not know is when they will be done and how it is going to work. But, we do hear all of you and you have not been forgotten. Any comments, ideas etc. are brought up to the proper people who need to know. It may take a little time, but we will let you know about any changes that come down the road.



I also want to let you know that I do read the boards everyday. When I can catch a breath, I try to reply. If not, I will eventually :D



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Hi all,


Very well put. We do and will stand behind our vehicles. We do know abut the hood scoop issues and we are working on them everyday. Now, the only thing I do not know is when they will be done and how it is going to work. But, we do hear all of you and you have not been forgotten. Any comments, ideas etc. are brought up to the proper people who need to know. It may take a little time, but we will let you know about any changes that come down the road.

I also want to let you know that I do read the boards everyday. When I can catch a breath, I try to reply. If not, I will eventually :D




Thanks very much Bud. I think I speak for everyone here when I say it is nice to hear a voice from SAI and I don't have to tell you that the Shelby name commands a lot of respect in the auto industry and I can tell from how passionate we all are that we are proud to have the Shelby name on our cars and we all feel strongly that the quality of these cars live up to that great name.

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Here's a thread of 2 guys that have installed them




Yep, guess you're right!




Hi all,


Very well put. We do and will stand behind our vehicles. We do know abut the hood scoop issues and we are working on them everyday. Now, the only thing I do not know is when they will be done and how it is going to work. But, we do hear all of you and you have not been forgotten. Any comments, ideas etc. are brought up to the proper people who need to know. It may take a little time, but we will let you know about any changes that come down the road.

I also want to let you know that I do read the boards everyday. When I can catch a breath, I try to reply. If not, I will eventually :D






Hey Bud!


Hope all is well and you're enjoying the new gig!


I hope you guys can inject some of that "can do" attitude into Ford Racing. Miss the chance to deal with you and SAI directly. Yes, I have a long list of issues with my car but it's not what's wrong that matters to me but what's done in response to it. And thus far...


All the best to you!


P.S. Where's the gas cap you tease!!!!!!!!

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Hi all,


Very well put. We do and will stand behind our vehicles. We do know abut the hood scoop issues and we are working on them everyday. Now, the only thing I do not know is when they will be done and how it is going to work. But, we do hear all of you and you have not been forgotten. Any comments, ideas etc. are brought up to the proper people who need to know. It may take a little time, but we will let you know about any changes that come down the road.

I also want to let you know that I do read the boards everyday. When I can catch a breath, I try to reply. If not, I will eventually :D







Thank you for replying. I do hope you keep us posted as to what the fix will be. As you are aware, I am on my 3rd scoop, and I just am not going to do anything until I know there is a fix.


I urge SAI to resolve this issue before moving onto the 2008's !




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Just think Sue, if it were Raisin Brand you would be psyched to get 3 scoops!! ;)

Bud thanks for dropping us a message and calming our fears. When it is fixed isnt huge for me just that it is being worked on. We figured as much but your message means ALOT. We can now go back to important things like to get a S/C or not, or what kind of polish to use, and car driving stories! Which reminds me.....can you do something about this <bleep> rain we have been getting in Maine for almost a week now so I can drive my car??! :)

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Hi you all,

I have REALLY debated about posting my story on this forum. After reading these posts this morning I have decided to give you a short version as I believe you will find it VERY INTERESTING!!! It will show two things, really: 1) The effect of the high speed world we live in, and 2) the LACK OF OLD FASHIONED COMMUNICATIOIN!!!

First I want to say that I fell in love with this car from the first I had heard about it. I STILL LOVE IT AND HAVE NO BAD FEELINGS TOWARDS SHELBY. I am only disappointed by lack of communication and quality control issues.

I ordered my Shelby on Jan. 3rd. I was patient and finally learned the car was to be built on March 23rd about. Now the wait started and I watched the forum and vin checker daily. A 'month went by and still 'enroute to Shelby'. In the second month of waiting I finally contacted my dealer. He thought the car should arrive at the dealership around the end of May. All of this time I am reading about the exhaust rattle and hood scoop issues and paint issues and am beginning to question if I really want these problems with a $41,000 dollar car. But for the coolness factor I stayed with it.

Now it is the middle to end of June and still 'enroute to Shelby'. My wife got involved and with the correct phone calls we learned the story. It's now approaching 3 months in transit to Shelby.

What happened is that when the car arrived at Las Vegas it was discovered to have a scratch on the door. The car was taken to a local Ford Dealership. There it sat for many weeks before it got fixed. When it finally did get fixed the dealership forgot about it and it sat on the lot for many more weeks. Finally, after my wife's phone calls, it was delivered to Shelby in the first week of July. Now, it has 'arrived at Shelby'. I imagine it could be done in a week or two. However, I can't see it arriving at my daler untill the end of July or the beginning of August. I got quite depressed.




My point in this in regards to the two previously stated is this: 1) Without this forum I may have not known about the problems with this car. That is good for me I guess but bad for Ford as they lost a potential customer. I would imagine Shelby will hate to hear this but maybe they should. And, 2) I believe that someone shoud have notified us about the location and status of this car rather than leave us guessing. I realize that it would be hard to track every car. But, as a customer I feel I was kept in the dark.

I still love this car and enjoy reading about the cool times people are having with it. I may still look at the 2008 model but really liked the black 2007. I also don't want to purchase a new car and have issues with it when I get it home.


Jim R.

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I still love this car and enjoy reading about the cool times people are having with it. I may still look at the 2008 model but really liked the black 2007. I also don't want to purchase a new car and have issues with it when I get it home.


Jim R.

If you're still interested in the car, they can be found already built at dealerships. Heck I have 4 within 50 miles of where I live - at the dealerships. Plus there are several guys on here who would be more than willing to work with you.

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Agree with you and share the frustration on the SAI system, updates and communications. My story is similar but not as bad as yours. I can only honestly tell you the pain, we call it psds (pre shelby delivery syndrome) is quickly taken away the first time you start the engine. The cars are now on ebay and would recommend you review if really interested. BTW...I would expect the same frustrations with the 08. Good luck. Steve

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I still love this car and enjoy reading about the cool times people are having with it. I may still look at the 2008 model but really liked the black 2007. I also don't want to purchase a new car and have issues with it when I get it home.


Jim R.


I was envious of some who got to have mods done by SAI because they ordered their cars. I just found mine in the showroom of a dealer I happened to stop at on day in Feb. I didn't know the process was so uncoordinated. Tracking every car where it is on a daily basis should be standard practice. Hell, UPS does it with millions of packages. It is likely growing pains for SAI. But the dealerships should also be honchoing this tracking too for the customer.


As far as problems with new cars, it's to be expected I suppose to have to work out workmanship flaws and such.


If you like the black, find one and get it. All the other stuff is small and the only issue is the fitting of the scoop.


The scoop fitment, IMO, is a design flaw and it's permanent solution is TBD by SAI at this point. But this scoop design looks so good, IMO, that it is worth the patience for SAI to get it resolved. BUT they need to continually reassure us that it is being resolved and not just ignored. Progress reports when they know something would be helpful.

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What happened is that when the car arrived at Las Vegas it was discovered to have a scratch on the door. The car was taken to a local Ford Dealership. There it sat for many weeks before it got fixed. When it finally did get fixed the dealership forgot about it and it sat on the lot for many more weeks. Finally, after my wife's phone calls, it was delivered to Shelby in the first week of July.


You have to ask yourself how does a customer's car simply go missing and no one knows it! If I were Amy or Carroll it would be unacceptable to me that we could ship a customer's car off for repair and loose track of it. Now, I don't mean that they didn't know where it was, but that no one called the dealership to inquire why the car wasn't ready for pick-up. Seriously. There should have been a system, heck use a reminder in Outlook, that tells someone to follow-up on the work after X number of weeks. Did SAI send it or did Ford send it?


Ok, I love Bud, and SAI, but the business processes and systems, or lack there of, are just disappointing to say the least, again I don't know if this is SAI or Ford. But to the customer it doesn't matter and shouldn't.


Again, I would offer my services to design a system that would deal with all this and cut someone a REAL DEAL for a barter if I were only asked.


I can so do this in a few weeks work.


Ugh....drives me nuts to read stuff like this WE CAN PREVENT THIS!

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What happened is that when the car arrived at Las Vegas it was discovered to have a scratch on the door. The car was taken to a local Ford Dealership.



i had 3 cars headed to SAI. one day we are checking the cars in concept and it shows that Ford has taken one of the cars back? i do some homework and find out that the car was damaged in transit. Ford took the car out of my inventory while they decicded what to do with it. Ford didnt want us paying floorplan on it why the car sat in limbo. i figured Ford was going to take and keep the car, but they sent it to the Ford dealer in LV and had the car fixed then sent it back to SAI. i dont think that SAI really had any control over this part. i think Ford sent it to get fixed and Ford got it back to SAI. John Walker i talked about this car and he didnt know anything about or where it had gone. it just showed that it had not arrived at SAI.

stude maybe you car was sent to get fixed by ford not SAI. SAI just assumed the car was still awaiting shipment from the plant? of course i dont know which it was but i had the same problem, but it was Fords doing not SAI.

just wanted you to know that it had happend to someone else, but this car was for stock and was not a retail unit so i was not near as upset as you would have been.

Michael Morris

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