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Wife wants to drive Shelby!

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My MiniVan driving wife is begging me to drive my 5-Speed SGT. She has not driven a clutch

since she had a Ford Escort in College, 25 years ago. I took her for a ride and tried to scare her

with all the power and noises. Even let the tail out on a couple of right turns. She still wants to drive it.


I need more good excuses besides "I need to get him broken in a little more first".


Help me! :(

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My MiniVan driving wife is begging me to drive my 5-Speed SGT. She has not driven a clutch

since she had a Ford Escort in College, 25 years ago. I took her for a ride and tried to scare her

with all the power and noises. Even let the tail out on a couple of right turns. She still wants to drive it.


I need more good excuses besides "I need to get him broken in a little more first".


Help me! :(




Take her to a parking lot, an empty one, and let her try! One of two things will happen, she'll do well and why would you care if she drove it, or she'll have issues and forget the idea. I suspect since it's been so long for her, with the shifter and such, the later will happen. But if you can make the car fun for both of you why not?

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Tell her its a magnet for cops writing speeding tickets. Any ticket she gets and insurance upcharges, will be deducted off of her clothes/shoe shopping money. That would shut any woman down !!!!




Yeah! If you live in Virginia, speeding tickets now has become a statewide business. The new laws in Virginia as of July 1st will now make an 80 mph ticket (65 mph highway) into a class 1 misdemeanor crimminal offense that will costs thousands of dollars before you have finished paying, and you have a "crimminal" record that stays on the books. It also makes failure to use a turn signal a "reckless" driving charge that will also cost you $$$$. Many other changes too.


It's the state legislature's way of raising revenue for road construction and they are very open about this reason for the new laws.


I haven't had a ticket in 33 years and now I'm afraid these new laws are going change that.

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Along the lines of what CMC said, tell her that a clutch replacement is about $1500 and/or a transmission replacement is $5000.


If that doesn't work, just before she gets in the car, remove a few spark plug wires and then tell her she broke it when she starts it up.


Nah, just kidding, you'll just have to face the inevidible. When you got married, you gave up all rights to any form of fun-without-her.

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Dave I dont let my wife drive my SGT nor my 06 mustang GT I had. I am anal about it and she always jokes and tells people and its a ha ha thing. Anyway we went to wedding for a freind of mine last month and shockingly I got smashed and had to let her drive home. I shoulda known better and taken a diffeent car but hey its summer in Maine and it dont last long so I took the SGT. She drove it fine ( I was trashed so it seemed fine) and got us home and the next mornign when I went and looked at the car she was fine, drove the same, and no one died. So I say let her try it. She will do so and it will wear off and that will be the end. It isnt as big a deal to MOST women as it is to us guys. Take her to a parking lot as Matt said and let her have fun. BUT, I wouldnt do it without making a deal for your benefit if you know what I mean ;) Good luck dude :)

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I suspect since it's been so long for her, with the shifter and such, the later will happen.



I thought the same thing with my wife awhile ago. No such luck! She just got back in and drove like a pro. But the car was too noisy for her. :D

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My MiniVan driving wife is begging me to drive my 5-Speed SGT. She has not driven a clutch

since she had a Ford Escort in College, 25 years ago. I took her for a ride and tried to scare her

with all the power and noises. Even let the tail out on a couple of right turns. She still wants to drive it.


I need more good excuses besides "I need to get him broken in a little more first".


Help me! :(



Unfortunately you have 3 choices.

1. Teach her to drive it.

2. Sell the mini van and get her a v-6 stick Mustang and teach her to drive that.

3. Keep fighting her which will lead to problems in the house and (hopefully not) a divorce at which time she will probably get the car anyway!


I taught my wife to drive a stick in a 1986 Jeep Cherokee which was a beater. I put her in a pasture, gave her the keys and said "there you go, learn". She hated that Jeep but she learned how to drive a stick and has been hooked ever since. I know if she can drive that old POS thing, the Shelby is a cake walk!

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Unfortunately you have 3 choices.

1. Teach her to drive it.

2. Sell the mini van and get her a v-6 stick Mustang and teach her to drive that.

3. Keep fighting her which will lead to problems in the house and (hopefully not) a divorce at which time she will probably get the car anyway!


I taught my wife to drive a stick in a 1986 Jeep Cherokee which was a beater. I put her in a pasture, gave her the keys and said "there you go, learn". She hated that Jeep but she learned how to drive a stick and has been hooked ever since. I know if she can drive that old POS thing, the Shelby is a cake walk!




My wife can't drive a stick at all, but she really wants to learn so she can drive the SGT when it gets here. it told her that we don't play "grind 'em til we find 'em" in a Shelby so she'd have to find something else to learn in-I feel sorry for our single friend and his Jeep Wrangler today :D :D :D :D

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My MiniVan driving wife is begging me to drive my 5-Speed SGT. She has not driven a clutch

since she had a Ford Escort in College, 25 years ago. I took her for a ride and tried to scare her

with all the power and noises. Even let the tail out on a couple of right turns. She still wants to drive it.


I need more good excuses besides "I need to get him broken in a little more first".


Help me! :(



May not be as bad as you think. My wife finally drove ours for the first time and did OK. She loved it, but the stress of something bad happening to the "second love of my life" got to her. I think it's out of her system now and she is happy riding along with "me" in the drivers seat. Oh by the way, Did I mention the first love in my life is my Harley? She has no interest in piloting the bike, so I'm safe there.

Just kidding, any wife who allows her husband to have these types of toys should always be the first love in their life. Let her drive it!

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My wife can't drive a stick at all, but she really wants to learn so she can drive the SGT when it gets here. it told her that we don't play "grind 'em til we find 'em" in a Shelby so she'd have to find something else to learn in-I feel sorry for our single friend and his Jeep Wrangler today :D :D :D :D


You see, I got smart. My Wrangler is an auto..... ;)

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Oddly enough, my wife has expressed no desire to drive it. I think she's to afraid to hurt it. I've tried to get her to take it for a spin, to no avail. She drives a manual very well, and she has driven our 35' motorhome well. She also once owned a Mustang GT (1989 vintage) before I met her, and she loved that car. Go figure. She'll eventually drive it, I am sure.

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I laughed when I read this, and even told my wife how funny it was when she called to check in on me (like I'd be getting in trouble at work or something...).


Not so funny anymore as she indicated that she wants to drive "ours" when it comes in. She also drives a minivan (whachyagonna do once the kids start coming?) and hasn't driven a stick since I let her "try" on my 2000 GT before I bought it (hey, if she broke it, I could have just bought another one). That was an adventure that I'm surprised we both survived, and she's gone 7 years without asking since. I thought that I was free and clear. :(


So here's the plan; we get someone to babysit once the SGT comes in and go down to the local Ford dealer and say that wifey likes the SGT so much that she wants a Mustang of her on. We pick out a pretty V6 5-speed, maybe demanding that it have the Pony Package to make it seem legit, and let her proceed to litter the roads with transmission and rear end parts, and she'll be mortified to drive ths SGT.


If she actually does well in the V6, then I get hammered and let her drive it...once. :wacko:


PS - Michael, if my wife comes with me to pick up the SGT and she wants to drive your V6 Mustang, I was just kidding. Really.

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Here is the conversation She and I had yesterday....


Her: Your Birthday is coming up. What do you want?

Me: I don't need anything. I got plenty.

Her: Yeah you do, it's your birthday!

Me: Ok, I want a Shelby

Her: You got a Shelby already.

Me: No, YOU have a Shelby. I want one for me!

Her: Ok. I'll see if I can't find someone to buy your Jeep and get you one.



That's just WRONG!


Let the misses drive 'em boys. It could be worse!

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Here is the conversation She and I had yesterday....


Her: Your Birthday is coming up. What do you want?

Me: I don't need anything. I got plenty.

Her: Yeah you do, it's your birthday!

Me: Ok, I want a Shelby

Her: You got a Shelby already.

Me: No, YOU have a Shelby. I want one for me!

Her: Ok. I'll see if I can't find someone to buy your Jeep and get you one.

That's just WRONG!


Let the misses drive 'em boys. It could be worse!




Here is the conversation She and I had yesterday....


Her: Your Birthday is coming up. What do you want?

Me: I don't need anything. I got plenty.

Her: Yeah you do, it's your birthday!

Me: Ok, I want a Shelby

Her: You got a Shelby already.

Me: No, YOU have a Shelby. I want one for me!

Her: Ok. I'll see if I can't find someone to buy your Jeep and get you one.

That's just WRONG!


Let the misses drive 'em boys. It could be worse!


I sure am glad I don't have a wife anymore. However I am raising 2 sons 8 and 11 full time and the 11 year old has already asked me when will it be his car!

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My MiniVan driving wife is begging me to drive my 5-Speed SGT. She has not driven a clutch

since she had a Ford Escort in College, 25 years ago. I took her for a ride and tried to scare her

with all the power and noises. Even let the tail out on a couple of right turns. She still wants to drive it.


I need more good excuses besides "I need to get him broken in a little more first".


Help me! :(


I'm a mini van driving wife that is waiting for HER Shelby to arrive. A 5-speed and SC I might add. I need excuses to not have my husband drive MY car, he might drive it too fast and hard(I will do this myself) and besides he thinks he might be too cool in it. I'll probably let him wash and wax and fill it up at the gas station. I might let him drive it to the closest gas station, not the next state. Just kidding, he'll drive it when he wants. It's mostly his fault I've waited six months for this car because of the stuff he wanted. Not that I mind, but six months is a long time.

Let your wife drive it. She can probably handle it just fine.


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I'm a mini van driving wife that is waiting for HER Shelby to arrive. A 5-speed and SC I might add. I need excuses to not have my husband drive MY car, he might drive it too fast and hard(I will do this myself) and besides he thinks he might be too cool in it. I'll probably let him wash and wax and fill it up at the gas station. I might let him drive it to the closest gas station, not the next state. Just kidding, he'll drive it when he wants. It's mostly his fault I've waited six months for this car because of the stuff he wanted. Not that I mind, but six months is a long time.

Let your wife drive it. She can probably handle it just fine.





boy I am glad to see other female OWNERS on this board !!!!


Actually my hubby was the one that "talked" me into buying my last Mustang. I would have been happy with a V6.....and he said if you are going to do this...get a GT...so I did. He then said, you can't have a GT without a stick shift...so I got one. I hadn't driven a stick since my pre-children days ! Well then along came Ralph ! I love having a stick shift..especially when you need that little extra zip to get by someone :D :P


Teach your wife to drive it...she will love it.


Dang I miss Ralph...been out of town for 8 days now....and driving my mom's Buick ughhhhhhh <_< :o


Can't wait to get home Saturday and take him for a spin ! I have been driving on some awesome highways that would have been fun to have Raplh !



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boy I am glad to see other female OWNERS on this board !!!!


Actually my hubby was the one that "talked" me into buying my last Mustang. I would have been happy with a V6.....and he said if you are going to do this...get a GT...so I did. He then said, you can't have a GT without a stick shift...so I got one. I hadn't driven a stick since my pre-children days ! Well then along came Ralph ! I love having a stick shift..especially when you need that little extra zip to get by someone :D :P


Teach your wife to drive it...she will love it.


Dang I miss Ralph...been out of town for 8 days now....and driving my mom's Buick ughhhhhhh <_< :o


Can't wait to get home Saturday and take him for a spin ! I have been driving on some awesome highways that would have been fun to have Raplh !




Does hubby know you miss Ralph more than him??? :D

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More females comming to the surface ... hence my forum name you can guess i drive our car as much as my husband. Just because were ladies doesn't mean we don't like our fast cars too !!! I even gave ours a guy name just like sdear. I call ours Frank! I have to say though my husband and I have a pretty good arrangement he drives the car one week and then we switch. Face facts guys were not in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant anymore :)

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More females comming to the surface ... hence my forum name you can guess i drive our car as much as my husband. Just because were ladies doesn't mean we don't like our fast cars too !!! I even gave ours a guy name just like sdear. I call ours Frank! I have to say though my husband and I have a pretty good arrangement he drives the car one week and then we switch. Face facts guys were not in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant anymore :)


I'd be happy with just "in the kitchen"! :lol:

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Well, I let her drive my Shelby. She did just fine and didn't burn any rubber or even

power shift. She is a school teacher and drove like one.


Looks like I don't have to worry. She said all she wanted was just a taste.


Sorry to all the other women if I doubted your ability. It's just that I've waited over

40 years for a real hot-rod. I wanted to savor it for a couple of days before anybody

else touched it.


Can you forgive me?

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Well, I let her drive my Shelby. She did just fine and didn't burn any rubber or even

power shift. She is a school teacher and drove like one.


Looks like I don't have to worry. She said all she wanted was just a taste.


Sorry to all the other women if I doubted your ability. It's just that I've waited over

40 years for a real hot-rod. I wanted to savor it for a couple of days before anybody

else touched it.


Can you forgive me?


Dave, I guess I can forgive you but, I TOLD YOU SO. We women do know how to drive the big H.P. Tell her that if she needs any lessons on how to speed shift, I could teach her. After all she is a teacher and probably a fast learner and you won't have any rubber left. LMAO!! :P



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LOL Dave I figured as much. Mine was hounding me too. Not because she really wanted to drive it but because I told her she couldnt. Once she did she could care less about "that stupid car" as she puts it!LOL

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