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Where are the Texas SGT owners?

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Wouldn't it be funny if Carroll came on and posted that he was right around the corner from you.


He was born in Leesburg and has property in Pittsburg where he raises a new type of cattle. Leesburg is about 15 minutes from where I from (Pineview) and Pittsburg is about 30.

Hey, it could happen!

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He was born in Leesburg and has property in Pittsburg where he raises a new type of cattle. Leesburg is about 15 minutes from where I from (Pineview) and Pittsburg is about 30.

Hey, it could happen!



Stump, next time I make it to Texas, I'll look you up and we'll go pay him a visit and have a few beers with him, Cloe and his Tula Bulls. Maybe he'll mix us up a little Shelby Chilli.

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