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2008 SGT Coupe & Conv. Info

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I agree they needs lots of help and are just giving away opportunities due to lack of execution. Recall how early on John and Amy were both active on this site. Made us feel pretty good didnt it. Well now where are they? And this is when they need to hear the customers. I have also cancel my mods....I simply can"t wait any longer. Four months is enough. SAI is losing major profit by not preparing up front to keep open communcations with customers who have already committed. Is a shame but I fear the problems will continue as they expand. Theory is if you can't control what is going on within your four walls...it is not time to add four more. Steve

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With all due respect, you are correct, you have your car. That puts you in another category. Sorry but true. Is awful easy to answer complaints when you are not directly impacted...except maybe for your stock price. Keep the faith. I would also rather have top management admit there are issues with delivery than to go dormant. Wouldnt you? Who do you want to invest your money in...somebody that hides worrying they will be thrashed or one who stands up..admits problems and goes about fixing them. Think about it.


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....Amy and the SAI staff also appeared to disappear just before the announcements of the KR and the super snake.


On the Bullit topic. I just don't get it. Bullit was a movie with a not too special mustang in it. Yes I like the movie, the car and love the chase. What I don't get is why would I buy a Bullit built at SAI, pay extra for it and it isn't a Shelby. Sorry, I don't understant that logic. Now if Shelby has become the replacement for SVT and all performance upgraded cars are going to be Shelbys (Shelyb GT, GT500, GT350?), I understand. I am not trying to slame Bullits but that logic doesn't make sense to ME.

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I got this in an email (I am a dealer):


The 2008 Shelby GT500 distribution program has been announced. The distribution will be very similar to the 2007 program. Approximately 8,000 units are planned to be built. This year SVT & SVT Focus dealers will not get extra allocation. The Regional Sales Offices will allocate and schedule the Shelby GT500s. It is planned to build less than 1,000 units of the Mustang Shelby GT500KR. Allocation plans have not yet been determined except for the drawings at the June Dealer Meetings in Detroit. Production number of 2008 Shelby GT is planned at 2,000 units. There will be a Warriors in Pink Mustang for 2008 and the production is planned at 2,200 units. Another special Mustang for 2008 will be the Mustang Bullitt. Production numbers are for this special series is to be 7,000 units.



Now based on this and Harley's info about the 08 Shelby GT's being available until Job #2, I'm betting that you'll find that the Bullitt becomes available at Job 2. My next bet is that Shelby does the conversion for the Bullitt (since it sounds like it'll have the same suspension as Shelby GT, I don't think Ford can do it in house due to ride height issues.) We'll have to wait and see, but that's my guess.


I understand the Bullitt will be done by Ford (not SAI) or at least, a closer off site facilty. There will be a total of 7700 Bullitts made with 700 going to Canada and they are booked for Job#2, which will see Spring 2008 delivery. Perhaps some will go to SAI for road-racing duties, but I think SAI will have more than enough on their plates for the upcoming year with the GT500KR and SS and of course the Shelby GT. And don't forget the possibility of a GT350 down the road. They will be busy!

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I for one am not disappointed by the news of a 2008 SGT. When I bought my S-GT, I always had assumed this wouldn't be a one-year only project, and never saw any announcements/promises, etc that this was for MY 2007 only.


I have to admit when I read the posts over the last couple of weeks from people who had visited the mothership in AZ reporting that there would be no 2008's I began to get kind of excited about having a 1 MY only car--but like I said, I had always figured there would be an 08 run anyway.


And I love the Vista Blues. I'd still rather have my black, but look forward to welcoming the 08s when they start showing up on the road!

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Big time issues that must be dealt with immediately, but won't be. Mr. Shelby is a an aging American icon that seems to be running the business like that too, with old technology and older ways of doing business. He needs to let the reins go to Amy or someone he trusts completely to run his business. Do you think he really cares about internet parts distribution? NO. All he cares about is the cars he makes and the bottom line, period. He can't see the money he is losing by not getting people their cars with the mods, he just wants deliveries like old school car people, mods are a hassle to him. But until he moves aside there will be continued issues. I wish it were different for Chicago Matt and others but I do not see the change any time soon.

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....Amy and the SAI staff also appeared to disappear just before the announcements of the KR and the super snake.


On the Bullit topic. I just don't get it. Bullit was a movie with a not too special mustang in it. Yes I like the movie, the car and love the chase. What I don't get is why would I buy a Bullit built at SAI, pay extra for it and it isn't a Shelby. Sorry, I don't understant that logic. Now if Shelby has become the replacement for SVT and all performance upgraded cars are going to be Shelbys (Shelyb GT, GT500, GT350?), I understand. I am not trying to slame Bullits but that logic doesn't make sense to ME.


I think the Bullitt will be Ford's own version of the Shelby GT available at a lower cost because it won't be shipped to Las Vegas or done by a third party (maybe not), down time etc. They will be almost identical to each other BUT it still won't be a Shelby. And I don't think SAI will be doing the Bullitt cars. SAI has too much on their plates for the upcoming 2008 year to tackle this. Just as in the Bullitt movie, the car will be a low-profile performance enhanced upfitted Mustang GT, very much like the Shelby GT, except not as flashy (and not a Shelby). Believe it or not, this does appeal to some people, and of course the Bullitt will not be as pricy as the Shelby GT. And for those that don't care, a lower price is always nice!

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Stump and others

Facts are they are tolerating it and not providing feedback to customers on current status. The vin status update was a great idea but now a joke. Why even have it. It just serves as aggravation. Take it off or update it. My god...how long could it take. Matt could do that in his sleep. My vote is for Matt, new SAI COO. Steve

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Fundriver, Thank you for clarifying the Bullit. That makes much more sense.


Swede, I wouldn't be surprised if the reigns at SAI, Vegas haven't already been handed over to Amy. When I was there my impression was that Mr. Shelby spends very little time there and in fact hadn't been there in months. Nobody but the managment of SAI knows how they are running the business.

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While I respect your position I seriously doubt if SAI knows how they are running the business. If they did things would change....seems like a cluster to me and getting worse. Why else would the people in this forum invent their own addiction? PSDS...pre shelby delivery syndrome......If our business ran like this....is simple , we would not be in business. Steve

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/ insert my opinion here:


Sorry to say, but this is starting to look better for the GT500. If tight exclusivity is no longer a factor, then our special niche is truly nothing more than an 07 with bolt-ons and a signature plate. The exclusivity is the Shelby magic that, I believe, gave most purchasers the kid-again grin that lead to forking over their cash.


I bought a garage queen, not a daily driver so this news kinda bums me. Think about it, if these SGT's become annual runs with a different color scheme like Mazda did with the MX5 M-Editions, they will not hold much, if any, additional value compared to the standard models. Things like depreciation and ADM would then be a more critical factor for new buyers.


I'm not trying to start the "I bought the car to drive not invest" debate. I just assumed this would be a more exclusive vehicle than it appears to be with this new news. “More Shelby’s in more hands” is great for the company, I understand. It’s just not that great for those of us that had hoped for a collectible.


No matter what happens, I love this car, but now I want a KR even more.


/ end my opinion.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, If I had ordered my car and been waiting for 3+ months like others, it would be canceled in a heartbeat. That is ridiculous. Besides, the Z06 is much faster. :lol:



Stump, problem here is that you have to own the Shelby in order to have mods done (at least that's my understanding). Many people, I was included until recently, have $50K or so riding on SAI's ability to complete and deliver the Shelby.


Take care. Good luck to everyone waiting. I'd like to say I'm thrilled with mine, but, I'm still not over the long wait (and I'm still waiting for things promised several weeks ago).

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go wicked go...and agree....I know this, if the top brass at SAI do not accept the responsibility which in my opinion they haven't ...then we can blame the entire organization. I look at it this way...if my car was going to take four plus months and still counting...tell me when I buy it.....not after. Is a simple case of customer respect. Steve


I see we have a lot on here today....think of it this way....your best friend says...are you happy with the service and response from the SAI folks during this program? I bet they will not even send a customer satisfaction form to us....Steve

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I think several of you are getting way too excited over rumors and unknowns. Also, I don't know why the big surprise over a possible '08 run. We always (or should have always) known that this was supposed to happen. Its also no surprise to me that a blue/white is coming out. Wasn't the first Shelby GT-350 (back in the sixties) black (Hertz), white, then blue? I could be wrong about that...

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Let me put in my 2 cents worth........I didn't buy my SGT in hopes of making a killing 20 years from now. This car is as fun to own, drive, sit and look at, as any thing I have owned. And I have owned some really nice cars. Several 69 camaro's (SS and Z28's), 66 and 67 Nova's, 69 GTO convert. to name a few. I get as thrilled while driving this car as any of those previous cars. I could care ess how many SAI builds in 2008. I own a 2007 SGT. If you own one or are awaiting ownership of one. Be happy you got it. If they do build 6000 thats still just 120 per average over the 50 states. I live the 5th or 6th largest city in Alabama (don't laugh, we are proud of being rednecks). The closest one to me is in Birmingham (north shelby). I get some many looks when driving this car it is unbelievable. Quit worrying about how many there're gonna get built and enjoy your ride.

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I would also rather have top management admit there are issues with delivery than to go dormant. Wouldnt you? Who do you want to invest your money in...somebody that hides worrying they will be thrashed or one who stands up..admits problems and goes about fixing them. Think about it.






The only way they get fixed is if they realize they have the problem in the first place. And then, when you do, fix it! Your right on. And the boards have been quiet with the absence of the SAI staff. That doesn't help matters. I know they are busy, but the customer is calling.......

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Let me put in my 2 cents worth........I didn't buy my SGT in hopes of making a killing 20 years from now. This car is as fun to own, drive, sit and look at, as any thing I have owned. And I have owned some really nice cars. Several 69 camaro's (SS and Z28's), 66 and 67 Nova's, 69 GTO convert. to name a few. I get as thrilled while driving this car as any of those previous cars. I could care ess how many SAI builds in 2008. I own a 2007 SGT. If you own one or are awaiting ownership of one. Be happy you got it. If they do build 6000 thats still just 120 per average over the 50 states. I live the 5th or 6th largest city in Alabama (don't laugh, we are proud of being rednecks). The closest one to me is in Birmingham (north shelby). I get some many looks when driving this car it is unbelievable. Quit worrying about how many there're gonna get built and enjoy your ride.








WILL BE 4800

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To be completely fair maybe that should be changed to "A" customer is calling. SAI has no problem delivering to dealerships and those of us who do have a SGT are very satisfied. Heck, we have dealers on this very board who can't sell the SGT's they have in stock! We on this board represent a very small minority - a single digit percentage of their customer base - and even with the 60 or so vocal people here, what percentage are unhappy over actual true issues? Naturally I am not advocating pushing out the one to please the 1000 in any way but in the big picture we are but a pixel.

I think it would be a good idea to start a new topic to see just who is waiting on a special order delivery and how long the wait has been just to check the percentages.

I know Matt would be first at a wait of 2 or 3 years now.... :P (sorry dude)




What I really would like to know is how many are built as of this date, I truely dont think that is unreasonable and SAI could answer that ........see no big fingers

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Let me put in my 2 cents worth........I didn't buy my SGT in hopes of making a killing 20 years from now. This car is as fun to own, drive, sit and look at, as any thing I have owned. And I have owned some really nice cars. Several 69 camaro's (SS and Z28's), 66 and 67 Nova's, 69 GTO convert. to name a few. I get as thrilled while driving this car as any of those previous cars. I could care ess how many SAI builds in 2008. I own a 2007 SGT. If you own one or are awaiting ownership of one. Be happy you got it. If they do build 6000 thats still just 120 per average over the 50 states. I live the 5th or 6th largest city in Alabama (don't laugh, we are proud of being rednecks). The closest one to me is in Birmingham (north shelby). I get some many looks when driving this car it is unbelievable. Quit worrying about how many there're gonna get built and enjoy your ride.



From the looks of things there are 4 of us located around the area. Birmingham, Southside (Gadsden?), Marietta GA, and Pulaski TN. Thats not too bad 4 cars in what, a 100 mile radius?

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From the looks of things there are 4 of us located around the area. Birmingham, Southside (Gadsden?), Marietta GA, and Pulaski TN. Thats not too bad 4 cars in what, a 100 mile radius?


So far as I know ther are 3 SGT's in a 150 mile radius in Maryland. Maybe 4. So the chances of your status being ruined of having the only Shelby SGT is probaly not gonna happen. And if someone really wants one now they may have to drive to get it, right Michael!

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