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Great news! :D


FYI...Mine was completed on May 10th...and STILL, as of Wed, hasn't left Las Vegas.





Matt thats cause Amy and everyone at SAI is saying we are going to make Matt's car the last one to get shipped out :D

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Matt thats cause Amy and everyone at SAI is saying we are going to make Matt's car the last one to get shipped out :D



Either that or it's being used to run parts! Ugh..my summer drive time is slowly slipping away... :(


On the other hand in a way this has become a sort of game! I think I'll cancel mt SGT and put an order in for a Camaro! Then I can do this all over again! <_<

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Ugh..my summer drive time is slowly slipping away... :(


On the other hand in a way this has become a sort of game! I think I'll cancel mt SGT and put an order in for a Camaro! Then I can do this all over again! <_<



Matt..........I here you on the summer drive time thing. But I have a 95 Cobra "R" to scoot around in for awhile. Mine is at SAI also. Who knows when it will be complete. Just happy to be able to have one.


As for the Camaro thing........................NOT! :D

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at least those of us still waiting now know they are still finishing cars!! I'm with Matt, though, the drive time is slipping by quickly (unfortunately due to geographic location, mine's probably going to be on the last truck with Matt's!!! :angry: )


Matt-did you have mods done??

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at least those of us still waiting now know they are still finishing cars!! I'm with Matt, though, the drive time is slipping by quickly (unfortunately due to geographic location, mine's probably going to be on the last truck with Matt's!!! :angry: )


Matt-did you have mods done??




I was going to have Museum delivery, with mods (hood, lower grill w/ lights, and rear spoiler) but seriously gave up and when I couldn't even get an "idea" of when it might be done. Canceled the mods and asked it be shipped when completed. A loss of about $1000 additional profit to SAI. Not good!


Well my car was completed TWO weeks ago. On Tuesday, according to Anne at SAI, who I guess handles shipping, told me that it was "on a load plan that I have sent out to a dispatcher already. They tell me that they should have it picked up shortly and then on it's way to you". Well, already we're really into a week as Monday is a holiday with the car just sitting in the desert waiting to get picked up. Heck, forget museum delivery I would have just gone to get it had I know it would take another week or more to pick up then no idea how long in transit. Ugh....I'm already now looking at a FOUR WEEK "4" period from the time the car was completed to when I "might" actually see it! :(


At this rate, had I gotten the mods done, I really think I would be looking at the end of June early July.


Anyway, ok...that's my vent...I think if I had known this I would have gone the ebay route too. Getting the car on order was hard enough, see my old thread back in Jan/Feb, but this entire process (not the people at SAI) but the process, has added insult to injury. The PR sheet back in August said the conversion would take 4-6 weeks that I could handle. And we had the supplier issues in Dec/Jan, but still.


Of course all this will pass when it's actually in my driveway and I'm sure all will be forgiven...I hope on both sides! ;)



I have a lot of respect for Bud, John, and all but I just think there had to be a better way to do this. Let me come in and no charge do what I do for a living a provide some process improvement coaching. PLEASE!!!


Ok...monthly rant complete!


Matt's Car... Day: 92 "America Waits and Wonders"



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ahhhh crap Matt, they told me 4-6 weeks two weeks ago...according to your story summer drive time isnt going to happen :(



Who knows...I may not be a good representation of what you can expect. This is just my experience...so don't loose hope! I may have just been caught up in some busy period or something.


Hey...this too will pass...I'm sure by Jan 2009, just about all of us will have our cars and we call all sit back and laugh. Right? :unsure:

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