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My Local Dealer is CRAZY


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My car is finally getting delivered tomorrow and I was told that my local dealer also had an SGT on board for delivery. I purchased mine from an out of state dealer because originally (Dec) when I tried to purchase mine locally the sales manager told me that if they got any SGT's the owner or his friends would be taking them. Anyway after finding out they had a car on the same transport I thought I would go by and see how much they were asking. What a joke, when I asked how much he said as much as I can get and then went on to say that he had several dealers and brokers that had offered him $15,000 over sticker. I informed him that these were not GT500's and that they could be found on Ebay or at other dealerships for MSRP or less but all he had to say was "I guess I will have to sell it to those brokers". Needless to say I will not be doing any future business with this dealership, who knows how much they would over charge me for service work. I guess maybe I should offer to sell him mine for 12-13 over since he thinks he can get 15 and then buy another with all the goodies ! :lol:

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Some of these dealers are just plain NUTS! The dealer that screwed me out of a GT500 now has two in stock and he is wanting $25,000 ADM for both of them. I just laugh every time I look on ebay and see the prices going down daily!

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