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Shelby GT Best Car in Texas

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Probably just a 2007 S-GT. They mentioned that the GT500KR was coming, which it is, but they were driving an actual S-GT, and since 2008 Mustang GTs aren't even released, they can't have been converted yet. The colors were right for a 2007 model, and as for horsepower, I've seen writers quoting 319 (per EPA testing), 325 (per original press releases and GT-H data) and 330 (per dyno pulls). Could be wrong, but I doubt it.


Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure that someone will...), but I thought that SAI had said that they were working on three 2008 Mustangs: GT500KR, GT500SS and GT-H convertible. Logic would indicate that they'd follow the GT-H convertible up with a GT convertible, but as the orignal GT followed the GT-H by a year, I would assume this would come as a 2009 model to keep interest up just before the new body debuts.

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Well seeing how 90% of sales people at the dealerships still dont know what a Shelby GT is I guess we can let the meathead who wrote this article slide ;)

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The meathead gave us bigtime kudos considering what Car & Dumber gave us. Secondly I agree with his assessment, the SGT is an awesome car possibly the best mustang ever made.


Thirdly and lastly,heh heh heh I liked the way that sounded, Amy will NOt tell us anything she does not have to tell us as it could jepordize the $$ factor of Shelby. rememeber we are talking the internet here and that gets around MUCH faster than things did 40+ years ago. And as a business owner, I completely understandwhere they are coming from.

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I originally saw the above link on stangsunleashed. It takes you to Ford's Media site. I just tried entering "TAWA's Spring Challenge 2007" into google. It spits out a few different web sites but all of the links have the exact same press release. Maybe it's Ford spin. Maybe it hasn't hit paper's yet. I dunno.

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Hmmmm, thanks. I think we all should be excited about it especially it came from the Ford web site. I think the SGT is one of the best high performance Mustangs ever made, thus far as we have yet to put many miles on the car. Mine has almost 1000. I do have to my take my SGT in as it has started to spit & crap out @ 6000 RPM's, but that is small issue I believe. I have had many Mustangs before, many show mustangs, and this one by far is the most power responsive, best handling, nicest looking, most factory aggressive appearance I have ever seen. I think someone here said it best, this car makes you stand out in a crowd no matter what your driving.

Thanks for the reply.

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