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I don't have any drag racing stories, but I have a story of something that happened at a gas station over the weekend. This happened when I was fueling my ebony SGT.


At the next island, a mini van pulled in and a guy got out. He took one look at my car and loudly spoke to his wife and said "THATS THE SHELBY THAT I WANT".


He then came over and gave the car a good once over and said "nice car, your one lucky dude"


He then turned and slowly walked back to the mini van. I just couldn't contain myself and said to him "if she realy loved you, she would by you one"


He turned towards me and said softly, "she don't love me that much!", turned back and returned to his van.


After I drove off, I realized that I am one lucky dude. 1) I don't have a mini van, now or ever, and 2) my wife encouraged me to get the car!



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This isnt a very exiting story but I am bored sitting here waiting to go home and drive my SGT so I wanted to tell you about my car show experience. American dream machines in half moon bay ca last weekend.


Its foggy and cold there especially at 730 in the morning. I park my car and notice I am no near very many other cars. I started to walk around and found a whole slew of mustangs in another area. So I decided to move. Once parked I met a couple guys from a San Jose mustang club. They were really friendly and take road trips all the time in california. I will definatly be joining them for some comeraderie in the future.


Its alot of fun to stand near your car as people come up and make comments. I overheard one guy who stuck his head under the hood... " this car has been modified! he proclaims to his buddy" thats not stock! I KNOW HE WAS REFERING TO THE s/c... I did not respond. Well I guess hes half right it ,was modified but not by me.. It even says Shelby/Paxton on the blower. I guess he overloked that.


I started TO SEE A PATTERN OF MANY COMMENTs. pEOPLE DO NOT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THESE CARS. iT DOES NOT SUPRISE ME REALLY. many OF US HAD TO inform dealers about thier cars just to buy them. There were no naysayers I overheard. Mostley admirers and lots of picturtaking.


My time is up on the internet here . Next wed nite I am going to infineon raceway in sonoma for wed nite drags. I do not have drag tires but >Ill post some times here for u. Later!

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Filling up at the unical - 52.00 bucks. (Gas 3.71 here)


Getting a couple of things at the Grocery store for dinner - 28.00 Bucks


Some Guys walking up and asking questions about my Shelby Gt and drooling over it - Priceless



One guy was telling me a story of when he was younger that if he got good grades for collage that his dad would by him a Shelby Gt 350. Cost he said was 2800 bucks (1960's money) He got the good grades because he really wanted that car. He owned it for a few years but, then went to vietnam. When he got back home from Vietnam in 1972, his family was in financial trouble and had to sell it to help them out, Are you ready? Sold it for 600 bucks. He said of course if we new then what we know now. But he also said that My Shelby reminded him of his car and thought it was the coolest thing. He works there as security at the grocery store so when i went in he said " I'll keep an eye on it for you" When i got back to my car i thank him for doing so and thanked him for his military service and invited him for a ride. He said im working right now but can i have a rain check? You bet , i said.........


It was a great day today! :)

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It was a beautiful weekend in San Diego and just perfect for driving the Shelby around town. The San Diego Mustang club had their Monthly Gearhed Rendezvous so I decided to stop by and show off the SGT. Most of the members knew what it was but it was fun talking about some of the finer details of the car and what SAI is up to these days. There was a 50-50 mix of old vs new, with many fine Mustangs in attendance.


Sunday we were heading up to my nephews birthday party and my wife and I got a big kick out of watching 2 guys in a convertible vette, just about climb out of their seats while the cars were moving to try and get a better look.


Tonite it was 78 degrees at dusk. Got an invite to dinner at my brother in laws house a few miles away. My wife jokingly asked "What car are we taking?". You all know the answer. AC/DC was on the radio so we cranked it up on the way over. There are some good hills and curves on the way so I drove it as aggressively as I could get away with. It was still warm at 9pm when we left so we turned off the radio and rolled down the windows to listen to the exhaust rumble on the way home.


I know there are some negative things being said about this car but nearly all of those negatives are from guys that don't own one. This car has exceeded my expectations and I feel very fortunate to own one. For those of you still waiting... don't get discouraged, you will not be disappointed.



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Today I was driving through town and saw another Mustang coming down the street. I could tell it was a black conv but not much else about the car. As we got closer together I noticed some writing on the winshield and could tell the car had an altered front facia. When we finally met each other I could tell the other car was a Steeda. The other driver was talking on his cell phone but I could tell the moment he noticed what my car was. His jaw went slack (enough to catch june bugs!), his eyes got big, and he nearly snappped his neck trying to get a better look. I just smiled and waved as we passed. I had a big grin on my face all the way back to work knowing that my SGT made a Steeda owner act like a 12 year old eyeing a PLayboy for the first time!

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Just had my oldest daughters friend pick her up for dinner. I guess she had told him it was a special edition mustang. When he pulled up i went out side and he was on his cell phone tellin is buddie "Theres a F'n Shelby in the driveway!" I said thats F'n right and if you ever want to see it again, my daughter comes home without a mark on her or im rippin your Eye's out! :angry:


He looked at me with a blank face and said "Understood Sir!" :unsure:


My wife was laughin her ass of in the house, and my youngest daughter just about wet herself laughin so hard. I told my youngest "Laugh now!" cause when you go out, he's gettin the same bussiness! :)

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Just had my oldest daughters friend pick her up for dinner. I guess she had told him it was a special edition mustang. When he pulled up i went out side and he was on his cell phone tellin is buddie "Theres a F'n Shelby in the driveway!" I said thats F'n right and if you ever want to see it again, my daughter comes home without a mark on her or im rippin your Eye's out! :angry:


He looked at me with a blank face and said "Understood Sir!" :unsure:


My wife was laughin her ass of in the house, and my youngest daughter just about wet herself laughin so hard. I told my youngest "Laugh now!" cause when you go out, he's gettin the same bussiness! :)




Did you let him borrow the Shelby for their date?

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Just had my oldest daughters friend pick her up for dinner. I guess she had told him it was a special edition mustang. When he pulled up i went out side and he was on his cell phone tellin is buddie "Theres a F'n Shelby in the driveway!" I said thats F'n right and if you ever want to see it again, my daughter comes home without a mark on her or im rippin your Eye's out! :angry:


He looked at me with a blank face and said "Understood Sir!" :unsure:


My wife was laughin her ass of in the house, and my youngest daughter just about wet herself laughin so hard. I told my youngest "Laugh now!" cause when you go out, he's gettin the same bussiness! :)


That's awesome Ed! Great job!

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Did you let him borrow the Shelby for their date?




Nope! LOL


But he ask me if she drove it, and i said, not yet............... ;)


It was pretty funny.


He was kinda goofy but, at least he understands cars.



That's awesome Ed! Great job!




It was a Kodak moment for sure...............

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Another good , funny story. It has happened to me twice now so it may be happening to others with the SGT. I had two diiferent people at different occasions ask me about the car, about how much I drive it, look inside and notice the Carroll Shelby signature etc. .... After talking with them for a while, I realized that they thought the car was an original vintage Shelby ! Both people were in the 50's and probably not car nuts, but aware enough to recognize a Shelby even though it was from the wrong era! They walked around the car with near reverence as though it was a $200,000 car ! Funny. :blink:


Has this happened to anyone else?





It happened to me again this weekend. I was stopped at a convenience store when an older fellow came up and was asking me if I had a 4 valve engine (obviously thinking about the 289 hi-po). When I told him it was a 3 valve 4.6 he looked at me weird, but continued to check out the car for a few minutes before asking..."what year is this"?


Was shocked when I told him it was a 2007. :D

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YEP I got "the nod" yesterday!!!!


While driving into a local cruise night on Sunday , there was an original '67 Shelby GT350 driving out and we passed each other slowly, while each of us were checking out the other guy's car. As I looked up from looking at his car, the owner gave me a smile and a nod! :D My life is complete.... :lol:


Funny thing is, I was snubbed by a new GT500 convertible owner a few minutes later. :( go figure!

I got my satisfaction when I heard the GT500 owner saying to his friend when he thought I was away from my car....."Yeah that's one of those new Shelbys that they make in the factory like the 60's! hehehehe



Don't even try to start the Gt500 vs Shelby GT debate here. The above was for information purposes only and subject to change based upon market conditions, special considerations and the writer's wimm...

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While I was in the process of ordering my SGT I found out that a fellow employee was at the top of the waiting list for a GT500 from the same dealership. I got my SGT in February and he got his GT500 a few weeks ago (after being on the list for 3 years). We both drove our Shelby's in one day to compare them side by side. Both cars drew lots of attention and admiration from the other employees.



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:) Well I was down at the car cruise in Ocean City Maryland and I had a good time. Everywhere I went people would say "look theres a shelby" , "nice car" I think many of you all know what I mean. A couple of guys would pull up and ask if it had 500 horsepower and I would say I guess you can find out. One answer I give is that this is a REAL SHELBY not a prodution car like the gt500. So on the way back home today me and my wife had a little race coming home. My wife was driving the 1996 Mystic COBRA with 4.30 gears and a air cleaner and exhaust. We would play around a little on some short streches then came the big long open highway with of course nobody on the road. We both were in 3rd gear when we took off. Well I have to say she got me a little at first then when my rpms got up there we were fender to fender. My wife had just a little pull but not like I was blown away. The next thing I knew we were going 138 mph and i was still in 4th gear just about tached out. My wife was of course in 5th at this time. She was full of smiles and was teasing me the whole evening about this race. I know to some this sounds dangerous and against the law but hey I live for the moment. When was the last time you have had this much fun with your wife!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I passed 1000 miles today and decided the time had come to really push my Shelby. I took some little used back roads on my way home this afternoon and turned her loose.


Mine may not be the fastest car around in a straight line but good grief will it handle! I have had sportbikes that didn't do as well in the corners. The roads are really tight and I didn't get it out of third gear much but the first three were plenty. I have run these roads in my 94 Cobra for years and the Shelby would easily blow it off the road.


All along the roads people who were out in their yards would stop and stare as I flew past. It was a blast. Now I can't wait to get to a track day so I can see what it will really do!

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Wile on vacation, we were going through a small town in New Mexico. Christie was driving and we decided to fill up before going on to Roswell. We pulled into the gas station and I got out to put gas in the car. There were two kids - later teens or early 20's - and one was filling up. As I got out I noticed he was just starting wide eyed and mouth dropped! I said a friendly "how's it going" and he just shook his head speechless. I just chuckled and walked around the car. Well suddenly his friend who at the time was oblivious to the rest of the world around him suddenly shouted out excitedly and breathlessly "THAT'S A MOTHER F*****G SHELBY!" as if he just suddenly been slapped across the head.

Maybe you had to be there but at the moment and with the timing it was hilarious.


Coming out of the mountains going into Roswell I was doing about 65 because it was dark and I did not know the roads although it was just a long wide-open stretch with very few cars. I saw a mustang coming up behind me then pass. Seeing he had NM plates I just set in behind him and followed - a nice front door so to speak. Seeing I was following he decides to try and lose me and just hammers down.


Yeah, right.... :rolleyes: As he was my front door I just stayed right with him, playing. No way was he running off and you could tell when he got exasperated from trying.


Anyway as we get closer to Roswell he pulls beside me running about 60, rolls down his window and yells "DUDE! THAT'S A NICE CAR!" I reciprocated and we went on our way. He was in a Boss.


One thing that did surprise me though was while in Vegas, home of the Shelby GT, other than at the plant I did not see one other single Shelby on the road. I guess I just assumed the town would be crawling with them.


Stuff like this happened so many times it would take another whole thread to post it all. There may be Shelby haters out there as indicated on certain forum's but I have yet to meet one.

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Wile on vacation, we were going through a small town in New Mexico. Christie was driving and we decided to fill up before going on to Roswell. We pulled into the gas station and I got out to put gas in the car. There were two kids - later teens or early 20's - and one was filling up. As I got out I noticed he was just starting wide eyed and mouth dropped! I said a friendly "how's it going" and he just shook his head speechless. I just chuckled and walked around the car. Well suddenly his friend who at the time was oblivious to the rest of the world around him suddenly shouted out excitedly and breathlessly "THAT'S A MOTHER F*****G SHELBY!" as if he just suddenly been slapped across the head.

Maybe you had to be there but at the moment and with the timing it was hilarious.


Coming out of the mountains going into Roswell I was doing about 65 because it was dark and I did not know the roads although it was just a long wide-open stretch with very few cars. I saw a mustang coming up behind me then pass. Seeing he had NM plates I just set in behind him and followed - a nice front door so to speak. Seeing I was following he decides to try and lose me and just hammers down.


Yeah, right.... :rolleyes: As he was my front door I just started right with him, playing. No way was he running off and you could tell when he got exasperated from trying.


Anyway as we get closer to Roswell he pulls beside me running about 60, rolls down his window and yells "DUDE! THAT'S A NICE CAR!" I reciprocated and we went on our way. He was in a Boss.


One thing that did surprise me though was while in Vegas, home of the Shelby GT, other than at the plant I did not see one other single Shelby on the road. I guess I just assumed the town would be crawling with them.


Stuff like this happened so many times it would take another whole thread to post it all. There may be Shelby haters out there as indicated on certain forum's but I have yet to meet one.


"As I got out I noticed he was just stareing wide eyed and mouth dropped! I said a friendly "how's it going" and he just shook his head speechless"


Stump....are you sure he wasn't checking out Christie ;)

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Had the Shelby out today for the around town drive. While on my way back home I got stopped at a light. Behind me was a younger guy and his girlfriend on a motorcycle. The light turned green and I was off. Hit second and scratched that gear, hit third and I could see myself pulling away from the motorcycle as he was trying to keep up. I shut her down before I was at the next stop light. The guy on the motorcycle pulled up next to me, smiled and said boy that thing is quick. Both him and his girlfriend both commented how nice the Shelby was. Now I know why I bought this car. Its a blast to drive. :D

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