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Tell me a story........


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For all you guys and gals out there who already have your car......you read this forum everyday.....


....my exhaust rattles, what oil do I use, ebay prices....yadda yadda yadda..


for all of us waiting (patiently) for our cars to arrive...


tell us a story....tell us something good....."I was at a red light and some clown in a camaro started revving his motor and then......"

"I drove past my old sweetheart who dumped me for some bald guy and that look on her face when she saw the SGT AND THEN........."


"Some little ol lady saw me parking the car, stopped me and reminisced about meeting Carroll Shelby after the 1958 Sebring and then..........."


Please help me out here.......... :huh:

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For all you guys and gals out there who already have your car......you read this forum everyday.....


....my exhaust rattles, what oil do I use, ebay prices....yadda yadda yadda..


for all of us waiting (patiently) for our cars to arrive...


tell us a story....tell us something good....."I was at a red light and some clown in a camaro started revving his motor and then......"

"I drove past my old sweetheart who dumped me for some bald guy and that look on her face when she saw the SGT AND THEN........."


"Some little ol lady saw me parking the car, stopped me and reminisced about meeting Carroll Shelby after the 1958 Sebring and then..........."


Please help me out here.......... :huh:


I have a story I'd like to share. It happened last night. I was out for my first cruise last night. I decided to head out to a 4-lane highway near my house when I noticed I was being followed by a 69 Z-28 Camaro. I really didn't feel like racing since I was not used to the car yet but oh what the hell. As we both got side by side we stopped. We said we would race for a quarter of a mile. His friend got out of the car and said he would be the flag man. I was a little nervous but figured my past racing skills would prevail. As the flag dropped we came out of the chute like gang busters. He pulled on me a little in 1st gear but when I shifted into 2nd it was all but over. As I shifted into 3rd I noticed another set of lights behind me. At this point I was shifting into 4th gear at approximately 115 MPH. Just then I saw the red lights come on. The trooper said he was going to impound my car and take me to village court where they would decide what to do with the car. Just then my alarm went off and I realized it was all a big dream and my car was still "Enroute to Shelby". :)

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Not to exiciting but pretty neat...


We've had # 227 black/silver for about 2 months, every where we go the car get alot of looks. Wife and I are empty nesters, we had a '06 GT but when we saw the SGT we had to have one. Living in the DFW area helped so I started searching all the dealers w/i 100 miles and found a really great deal in Irving. Bought the car at a fair and are loving it.......enough said


We entered a couple of local shows last Saturday, I had never done anything like this before, didn't know what to expect, anyway, people flipped over the car it is amazing how many people "supposed enthusiast" don't know the car exist but once they realized what is was you couldn't tell them enough about it. We won our class in the morning and finished 3rd in the second mainly because I mis-classed the car and participants voted. Kind of boring but what great day.


If you haven't got yours yet you will really enjoy the ride, as you move through the gears and give it a little extra the car just comes alive, 46 yo here, had a few of the old muscle cars in my youth, but this baby is SWEET.



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I did have a rattle in the exhaust like others on the forum, took it to Kenny's Exhaust, little plug there beacuse they do great performance work and love mustangs, we found that last d/s exhaust pipe was about 3/8 to 1/2 to long and rattled againest the spare tire well, it also caused the the hangar to rattle, we removed and trimmed the pipe. No more rattle. Every one probably knows but a reminder, when your are putting your SGT on the rack make sure they have boards or something to reduce the angle if not the body will drag just behind front wheels.



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OK so here’s my story of having the car for 3 days. The dealer called and told me the car was coming in on the truck in a few hours. I was able to dash from work and get pictures of the car coming off the enclosed carrier……a major bonus to see it for the first time.


I picked it up the next day and drove it around for about an hour before getting back to work. The dealer is close to the highway and I was on the road for only about 5 minutes when on two occasions people drove up next to my car to get a better look at the car and give me a thumbs up! Later, many times I had people see me go by in the high speed lane and quickly follow the car for a mile or so to get a better look. Be prepared to have a lot of ricers follow you as soon as they hear and see the car go by. I don’t race 17 year olds so I just pull ahead and they give up and go away.


Of course, I have followed all posted speed limits…bla,bla,bla. Yet, I believe in breaking it in like you will drive it and drive it like you stole it. If you want to argue that point, then feel free to send me an email at goaway@NOwhimps.com. If you are still with me, read on.


The sound of the motor just over 4000 rpm is absolutely wonderful. I never once hit the rev limiter because it isn’t necessary. The car pulls hard in every gear including 5th. Blast off an exit in 2nd , shift up and the speedo is sweeping past 110 in 4th. It fill your ears with a nice deep roar the isn’t too loud or too soft. (I found NO annoying drone at 1800 rpm that my ’05 GT convertible had right from the factory. ) The positive “notchy” shifter is a joy to shift. You can bang out gears with precision and not have the fear of missing a shift when you get aggressive with the car. The car just sits pretty when you drive it and handles like a dream by hugging the road with neutral steering on corners and will even drift around a tight turn with the traction control shut off and lots of throttle.


My wife and I went for lunch at our favorite restaurant in Providence, RI and parked the car right in front of our sidewalk table. It was a great spot because we got to sit there, watch the car, and hear the comments of people as they walked by. I was surprised to see that many people old AND young recognized the car as a SHELBY! They stopped looked inside the windows and generally hung out in front of the car as they gushed and admired the Shelby GT. Not 1 negative comment. The car was a celebrity on the street which is filled with Brown University, Rhode Island school of Design college kids, parents and Providence locals….. who all loved the car.


There is no comparison to the ’05 GT that I sold to get this Shelby. The car has exceeded my expectations. The car has PLENTY of grunt and speed and, for me, enough to keep me entertained for long time to come. I can’t express in words how much of a great package the car is. It just feels right at any speed it feels safe, capable, nimble and able to handle the road. Not once did it under steer or over steer to scare me. It could use more brakes and that is part of my long term plan for the car anyway so I don’t fault SAI.

It is apparent that the Shelby legacy is well and alive in this car. You can feel it with the finished product and everyone who sees the car seems to recognize the greatness it represents.


I gave my neighbors wife a ride today. She is a nice lady in her late 30’s and is fairly reserved and conservative but likes to laugh and have fun. I asked “Do want a nice ride or do you want o see what it will do?” She wanted the latter so I found a nice clear spot and drove her there softly, short shifting and keeping to the speed limits. THEN…I said ready? And hit 1st,2nd,3rd up to about 70 and then got on the brakes to down to about 35. She squealed like a little girl, yelled laughed out loud in surprise, fear and excitement and immediately screamed… DO IT AGAIN!!!!! DO IT AGAIN !!!!!!!while slapping here thighs with her hands. I was delighted and we laughed all the way home. Once we got back I told her the Shelby salesmen $100 bill story and now she really understood! :blink:

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Just this past Saturday, I took my wife out to breakfast and on the way back, I hit the throttle - hard - to get around somebody who was "in the way"... Since my car is an automatic, its not a subtle jump to unleash the horsepower... :rolleyes: Anyway, we made our turn onto another street, near our home, and on a side street was a local patol car. We rolled past him, doing the speed limit, and he gave us a hard look. I made comment to my wife about that. I asked her if that was a good look or a bad look... She felt is was a bad look. That usually means there will be a ticket coming our way... ;) I kept an eye on my rearview mirror and sure enough he pulled out of the side street in our direction. I proceeded to turn onto our street and kept an eye out for him, and he also made the turn. I thought "this can't be good"... :o Once I turned into my driveway, we got out of the car and kind of waited for him to pull up. Sure enough he did!!! He then told us, "Thats a nice car"... What a relief that was... My wife and I laughed about it and said to him that we noticed he was looking at the car as we drove by and weren't sure if he gave us a good look or a bad look. He laughed as well again saying it was a nice car...


As others have said, you get noticed and you have instant celebrity status...



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This is my wife's favorite story I had forgot until I read the above post. The fist time we really took the car out a-drivin' naturally we were getting looks and stares. We were approaching a red light in town and I saw a State Trooper coming up behind us but really didn't pay attention since we were being good, law abiding citizens at the time. It was a cool day so the windows were down. While sitting there, someone starting racing their engine really high. My wife looked around and said " I was going to tell you to do it back but there is a cop behind us." I said, " Honey, it was the cop who did it". I just looked in my mirror and smiled and waved. He smiled and waved back.


That just made her day and she was telling that story to everyone we saw whether she knew them or not.

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I don't really have any good racing stories yet but I have made an observation on the handling. On the way to my house there is a three lane hill that is slightly off camber. In my 94 Cobra about as fast as I'm willing to push it is around 75 or 80 mph. On my way home today this guy in a lowered chevy 1/2 ton thought he would be cute and try to keep me behind him. I knew it would be no competition so as soon as I had room I down shifted and passed him. The car felt so good I never let out of the gas until I topped the hill. When I looked at the speedo I was running about 95 or so! The car never felt like it would slide or anything. If I had done that in the Cobra I would have ended up in the other lane!


Also I had a police officer tell me one night that he wouldn't mind helping me find the SGT's top speed.


One more thing, the number of people who come in my store just to ask if they can look at it is astounding. If they all bought something from me I would be in good shape.

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I started out flooring the car and quickly went past 80..90...100...110...120...125....and she started to lose force in acceleration....130....really pushing hard on the gas....135......now she just kept creeping up slowly.....140......ok time to get out of the gas......bend in the road coming up.



It's like it hits a wall at 130. I can't tell if it's out of juice or the aerodynamics of the car exceeds it's forward momentum. Either way it's like it needs another 100 horses or so.

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It's like it hits a wall at 130. I can't tell if it's out of juice or the aerodynamics of the car exceeds it's forward momentum. Either way it's like it needs another 100 horses or so.


dont you mean 156 more horses? 319+156 = 475

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I don't have any fantastic stories. Just a few comments that add to what others have said. the first day I got my car I had to make a stop on the way home at Home depot and thats where I had some dude in a truck w/ his wife presumably pointing, looking pretty excited (which was kind of an odd feeling seeing this), and then giving the thumbs up....I've had a few thumbs up in my small town already.


The dealer in town who I tried to get to order the car back in Nov/Dec got a SHelby in a week after I got mine and I'm trying to get them to put it out on the net because I don't want anyone in my aread w/ one!


As far as top speed, I also got up to a little above 140 fairly easily, I felt like it had a bit more to go, but I kinda expected it to cut off before I ever got that high...so I was pleased.


As far as just highway driving, it seems like cruising speed for this car is about 70. Doing 55 or 60 just doesn't feel right in the car, it doesn't want to. It seems to like 70 because thats where I seem to settle in at unless I set the cruise and force it down to 60.


The first and only day I drove it to work I guess it caused quite a stir from what I can tell. People were talking about it. I had a guy come in to my office checking on something and said something to the effect of "so I take it you're the guy I hate w/ the Shelby? I spent a good bit of time looking at it the other day...." and then showed me his Eleanor 2005 GT he did that sits in his garage.

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thanks USAFMike.......


Wow...I thought there would b more stories....I guess you guys (or gals) dont drive your cars......just wax them and complain (based on posts).....oh well.....I tried.........................


dont mind me.....just my PSDS kicking in......... I used to think this experience was like a kid waiting for Xmas......but now I am beginning to think Santa got mugged........


<bleep> dude you must be a high school teacher or something. Chill out! People are putting stories up. You are being a little annoying. You put up the post, now just relax and read them when others write.

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Regarding "the wall" of speed at 125, 140 or whatever...


My '67 GT500 has the same thing. Ever since I got it new, it would quickly run up to 126 mph indicated and then just stop accelerating. That happens right at the 5400 rpm power curve peak, which is well below the 6000 rpm redline on its dual-quad police intercepter 428.


Mustangs have a pretty good sized "flat plate" equivalent drag area. An increase in speed requires the square of the increase in horsepower, ie, to go 1.2 times faster (say, 150 mph versus 125 mph) will require almost 1.5 x the horsepower. If your car requires 250 HP to go 125, then it'll need close to 375 HP to get to 150 mph. This math explains why it takes such prodigous amounts of power for exotic cars to go 180 mph, etc.


I think the answer, as someone here alluded, is to add the supercharger for "up to 475 HP." I wonder what that "up to" means? Does SAI have a variety of different ECU programs that can be flashed? Maybe when they install the S/C on my car (arrived at Shelby, Wah Hoo!) I'll be able to choose, like..."nah, just give me the 400 HP option, I don't want 475." Yeah, right.


Roger Ramjet

Coast of WA


Oh...yes...I still have the GT500, pictured here with my son at the wheel.

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<bleep> dude you must be a high school teacher or something. Chill out! People are putting stories up. You are being a little annoying. You put up the post, now just relax and read them when others write.


one thing he has to remember that these cars are just out of the box. plus for many of us the weather is just turning to the point we can get the cars out and drive them. plus we have a lot of rainy days ahead. I'll drive my car but it isn't my daily driver.


I can say people love it. aside from the thumbs up, I can't count the looks its got in the short time I've had it out. people gawk like whoaski and quite frankly I'm not quite used to that and it makes me a bit uncomfortable...........perhaps thats just my experience w/ the 101st airborne in Iraq kicking in. That was the last time I had people staring at my ride like they are now w/ the Shelby except instead of worrying if someone was going to pull out some sort of weapon, I wonder if they are gonna come steal/key my ride :o




Regarding "the wall" of speed at 125, 140 or whatever...


My '67 GT500 has the same thing. Ever since I got it new, it would quickly run up to 126 mph indicated and then just stop accelerating. That happens right at the 5400 rpm power curve peak, which is well below the 6000 rpm redline on its dual-quad police intercepter 428.




Oh...yes...I still have the GT500, pictured here with my son at the wheel.



Will you adopt me....please. I'm 30 but will you still adopt me.

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This is unreal! I was crusing yesterday when a GT500 came up just before my door. I thought it was a regular Gt until I saw the hood. I looked over at him, he was with his blond girl friend, he smiled and nodded his head. I started to shake because I knew he wanted the SGT for lunch. Just as the light turned green I pulled strong out of the hole and as soon as I stopped spinning I stomped it to the floor and took him straight off the line, about 3/4 car length. He then started to take me by a 1/2 car length and I speed shifted into second and started to change lanes due to the power, I regained controil and started to edge him. I then heard the BIG wind, he missed third gear, but slamed it in just as the motor started to wind down. This dropped his RPM's greatly. I then hit third gear and squaked em good, I was impressed at my driving and pulled strongly about 1 car lenth ahead and kept on the gas, pedal to the metal. He did the same.Then I heard his Super Charger wind like a roaring tiger and he started to pass me. At that moment I hit 4th gear and stayed with him, neck and neck. Then @ 5th gear, he broke down and so did I. It was a glorious race. Road and track was correct my SGT was only approx. 2/10's of a second slower, but the quickness of my small blcok took him by surprise. We stopped and looked at the motors and chatted for a few minutes. He was impressed with the quickness the SGT showed and I was impressed by the power of the GT500. Then we both drove off and that was it. I then woke the next morning with a smile on my face. I really never raced him in person but this is what I dreamed would have happened if I did.

heh heh heh. :P

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Here's a story for you.


I have the cruise set at 90 on I-20 yesterday just cruising..........

.............and I am STEADILY getting passed, even by an older F150 pickup!! :blink:


I really think I need to spring for the SC.



Okay...left this morning with my son to attend a mustang show in Manchester CT and was on I84 when I saw a red shelby cobra in my rearview mirror about a 1/2 mi back. Told my son one was coming up and pulled into the center lane...in a flash he was beside me with his son in the car. We were doing about 70 and he took off....I stayed with him up to about 90 and he kept going....too many cars on the road and did not want to go any faster with someone else in the car. Got to the car show and I spoke with the driver.....427 Cobra bought in 89 and restored and on the road by 91. Insanely fast car......there were two other SGT's at the show....one white 5sp that a dealer brought and another black 5sp from Rhode Island (great car Tim!). Met Adam who I believe is not far off from his delivery date (some time in May) and overall my son & I had a great experience at the show. The SGT is a great car that I am enjoying more each day....today was also the 1st time that my wife drove the Shelby and she loved it (had an 05GT and she likes this much better....handling, power...). For those who are still in waiting..........hang in there.......the car is worth the wait!!

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I FINALLY picked up my black 5-speed yesterday from my dealer that i ordered the day after Thanksgiving last November. This car is unreal to me. I had the lower grille insert with driving lamps and brake ducts installed and this is the sweetest looking mustang i have ever seen. I have driven my dad's GT500 and that is a lot of fun. My SGT feels like it pulls just as hard all the way through 3rd gear into fourth as his 500 does. On the way home from the dealership i got on a good strait stretch and had it just above 130 in 4th gear. There was a corner coming up in about a 1/4 mile so I got out of it. It was still pulling strong. I am so in love with this car!!! the exhaust sound is amazing and the handling is unbelievable. I got to put about 150 miles on it just driving around town giving my friends and family rides. I'm pretty upset though, i had to leave home to go back to Boston for work and i wont be home (south of Buffalo, NY)much this year until winter. Later today or tonight i am going to post some pics. It still hasn't set in that I actually own this car. I am only 24 years old and this is my first big purchase and i think i made a really smart one. B) B) B)


By the way, has anyone pegged their speedometer on their SGT, or know what the speed cutoff is??

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I unfortunately don't have a lot of top speed stories YET, but I can attest that it will cruise all day at 110 and feel very calm, cool and collected at that speed.


I will say that for those of you who are still waiting on yours, it is hard to imagine the kind of interest you will get driving this car around.


I picked mine up late on Feb. 28th, I didn't leave the dealership until after 10 pm...I drove out of the parking lot, and went about 3/4 of a mile until I had to stop at a red light. Some guy in a pickup pulled up next to me--rolled down his windows and wanted to talk about the car and how awesome it looked. Again, this was less than 2 minutes after I had driven off the lot.


It is rare that I day goes by without getting a thumbs up, or someone stopping me a parking lot to talk about the car. This Saturday was a beautiful day in the mid-70s and not a cloud in the sky here in Austin, TX and I drove it around quite a bit. While pulling out of a restaurant lot I had 2 girls in their early 20s wave me down and ask to take their pictures with it :D They just wanted pics of the car--not of me.


I then went to go meet a friend at another place and when I pulled up a gentlemen in his 60s driving a Mercedes S class came up and wanted to talk about the car, as did a younger guy in a Subaru WRX.


So far all of the interest hasn't included cops--except for one pair of motorcycle cops who pulled up beside me at a light and gave me thumbs up.


The car is definitely not for the shy...

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My girlfriend informed me early last week that I was going to take her shopping Sunday. I contemplated a minute or two ant told her ok, as long as we could take the Shelby. Now going shopping for maternity clothes with a pregnant woman is not high on my fun factor list, but I figured if she was going to make me go then I would make the best of it.

All day long I was getting thumbs up and stares from other drivers. Several times when we would return to the car there would be another Mustang parked beside us. I don't know if it was by chance or not, but I thought that was pretty cool.

I have owned several sharp cars through the years but none of them has ever gotten the response of the Shelby. I don't know what it is, but I have to admit. It's pretty cool.

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I agree with CM198. The problem with a thread like this is that everyone wants to 1) come up with their BEST story-because we've all had more than one and 2) take the time to articulate it in a way that does justice to the actual experience. There isn't a day I hit the road that is boring. So, Mr. my wicked shelby... Be patient. I'm going to think about whether to tell the:

* 10 German tourists swarm my car at a hand car wash, snapping 50 million pictures and offering me whatever price I want to sell the car, causing such a scene that pretty soon many people are gathered around trying to figure out what the fuss is about.

* Being flipped off at a light by a jealous, over-confident Corvette ZO6 driver. (Whatever happened to American pride?)

* Calmly waiting for a green light sitting next to a throttle-happy twin turbo Viper. Okay...maybe not so calmly.

* Driving down the Las Vegas Strip on Nascar Sunday, where there are so many wanna-be Shelby owners that one would think I'm Kurt Busch himself.

* Getting my first speeding ticket by an unappreciative old, boring Highway Patrol officer that wouldn't (and didn't) know a hot car when it was sitting right in front of him.

I'm going to go think of some more stories now. Santa does exhist.

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* 10 German tourists swarm my car at a hand car wash, snapping 50 million pictures and offering me whatever price I want to sell the car, causing such a scene that pretty soon many people are gathered around trying to figure out what the fuss is about.


I did take the car up to a GM salesman friend of mine to show it off ( and listen to him tell me I should have got a 'Vette, which he did not surprisingly) and the other salesmen were coming out taking pics of the car.....

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I have always been a "chevy man" and have already had some friends ask "way didn't you get a Vette"or "why didn't you wait for a new Camaro." The Corvette is not that "special" to me. There's plenty of them on the road. The new Camaro does not have enough 60"s look to me as I would like it to be. And I think they will be like mustang gt's too. Plenty on the road once they come out. Now something like a Yenko edition my change my mind. Once the SGT is payed for, that might be a possibility..........

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Another good , funny story. It has happened to me twice now so it may be happening to others with the SGT. I had two diiferent people at different occasions ask me about the car, about how much I drive it, look inside and notice the Carroll Shelby signature etc. .... After talking with them for a while, I realized that they thought the car was an original vintage Shelby ! Both people were in the 50's and probably not car nuts, but aware enough to recognize a Shelby even though it was from the wrong era! They walked around the car with near reverence as though it was a $200,000 car ! Funny. :blink:


Has this happened to anyone else?



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Another good , funny story. It has happened to me twice now so it may be happening to others with the SGT. I had two diiferent people at different occasions ask me about the car, about how much I drive it, look inside and notice the Carroll Shelby signature etc. .... After talking with them for a while, I realized that they thought the car was an original vintage Shelby ! Both people were in the 50's and probably not car nuts, but aware enough to recognize a Shelby even though it was from the wrong era! They walked around the car with near reverence as though it was a $200,000 car ! Funny. :blink:


Has this happened to anyone else?





Yep...it has happened to me. I was showing it off to a group of neighbors in broad daylight when one of the guys asked me "so, what year is it?"


He thought it was from the 60s...

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