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Vin Tracker?


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Somebody needs to fire Helen Keller and get someone else involved in updating the Vin Tracker.

Or just take it down.....its a waste of time.

I love you guys,....but checking this thing is an utter WASTE OF TIME, PRESENTLY!



The ideal would be a tracker that was tied to the internal SAI scheduling/production database. That way as a car was scheduled and moved through the phases of production it wowuld be updated. Pretty easy to do, it's what I do every day, but there may be some other issue preventing that.


We're coming down to the end of the program so I wouldn't expect to see any investment around this.



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The whole tracking system is a joke. According to SAI our vehicle is still enroute to Vegas. According to Ford the car arrived and was signed for on March 27th. On top of that we already have been billed on our parts statement for the Shelby upfit to the tune of $8,390 and they say they don't even have the car yet. System is poor and should not be trusted.

I don't think they can handle the volume. We have agreed to offer our vehicle to the local chamber of commerce for a raffle and we need the car asap, but can get no response or accurate time frame.

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The whole tracking system is a joke. According to SAI our vehicle is still enroute to Vegas. According to Ford the car arrived and was signed for on March 27th. On top of that we already have been billed on our parts statement for the Shelby upfit to the tune of $8,390 and they say they don't even have the car yet. System is poor and should not be trusted.

I don't think they can handle the volume. We have agreed to offer our vehicle to the local chamber of commerce for a raffle and we need the car asap, but can get no response or accurate time frame.


while we were waiting on our SGT, i checked the tracker every morning. i feel like it was pretty close.

now we were also build on our statement, but got the car within a week of the bill. maybe this will help.

just a suggestion, please dont think im be a smart butt. are you using the correct VIN. we have 3 more cars going to SAI. the first few times i checked the car i was using the wrong VIN. just thought i would mention that.



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I wont write too fast cause I know you are a dealer and well ....we all pretty much thank God you guys arent air traffic controllers....now that said....yes Michael I am using the correct Vin number. I have been able to recite the darn thing off the top of my head for ...oh I dont know...about 3 months now.

And I dont think I am exaggerating to say most if not all of us waiting never see an "in production" at all. It goes from "arrived at SAI" to "completed and shipped" with the completed and shipped part often not coming until AFTER the person is already driving the car.Not much purpose there if it cant let you know the car is on the way before it gets here and the dealer calls anyway. Heck my car has been done since 3/26 and it still says arrived.

PS. I know its the right Vin cause my dealerships name comes up when I ask John to run status from his desk.

PSS. since you are one of the "good guys".....Let me say I should not have lumped you in with your brotheren so poignantly.....forgive me. ;)



Hey man, I have no problem running my VIN. I just run down to the barn and look at it right on the dash of the car. :lol:


Sorry, I had to rub that in. I couldn't resist.....

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I wont write too fast cause I know you are a dealer and well ....we all pretty much thank God you guys arent air traffic controllers....now that said....yes Michael I am using the correct Vin number. I have been able to recite the darn thing off the top of my head for ...oh I dont know...about 3 months now.

And I dont think I am exaggerating to say most if not all of us waiting never see an "in production" at all. It goes from "arrived at SAI" to "completed and shipped" with the completed and shipped part often not coming until AFTER the person is already driving the car.Not much purpose there if it cant let you know the car is on the way before it gets here and the dealer calls anyway. Heck my car has been done since 3/26 and it still says arrived.

PS. I know its the right Vin cause my dealerships name comes up when I ask John to run status from his desk.

PSS. since you are one of the "good guys".....Let me say I should not have lumped you in with your brotheren so poignantly.....forgive me. ;)


hey i didnt mean to offend you about the VIN. just thought i would throw it up to help someone out.

i have worked on a ton of cars over the years and sometimes the easiest thing that you skip over makes it right. i beg your forgiveness if i insulted your intelligents by offering help. i know im not the smartest guy on this forum just know alittle about the car buisness. our car said shipped to, then arrived, then completed and shipped. but maybe i got luck since my 4 year old nephew was there and helped me punch them little buttons on that there computer thing.

if i can be of any more help dont hesitate to ask. i will make sure my nephew is there to read it to me and help put my words together so that everyone can read them


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I wont write too fast cause I know you are a dealer and well ....we all pretty much thank God you guys arent air traffic controllers....now that said....yes Michael I am using the correct Vin number. I have been able to recite the darn thing off the top of my head for ...oh I dont know...about 3 months now.

And I dont think I am exaggerating to say most if not all of us waiting never see an "in production" at all. It goes from "arrived at SAI" to "completed and shipped" with the completed and shipped part often not coming until AFTER the person is already driving the car.Not much purpose there if it cant let you know the car is on the way before it gets here and the dealer calls anyway. Heck my car has been done since 3/26 and it still says arrived.

PS. I know its the right Vin cause my dealerships name comes up when I ask John to run status from his desk.

PSS. since you are one of the "good guys".....Let me say I should not have lumped you in with your brotheren so poignantly.....forgive me. ;)



There is no "in production" message. You will only see Arrived at ... until your car is "completed and shipped. This was discussed in these forums in january, when I was agonizing about my car, just as you are now. Average production time seems to be 5-6 weeks at SAI. It is agonizing, aggravating frustrating etc but it will be worth the wait!


Here is the discussion thread.




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The Shelby GT VIN checker program will now show you if your car has been shipped. There are only four possible status messages: 1) Not in our database, 2) Enroute to Shelby, 3) In Production, and 4) Complete and shipped.


We are working on some enhancements and will, as always, strive to provide you with the most comprehensive information we can give you.


-Rich Sparkman




Check the next 2 posts in that thread


DaltonDavid: "I guess you forgot: 5)"Arrived at Shelby Autos" because that is what mine is saying!! "


RickS: "Sorry, that's what I meant for #3."



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mines been completed since the middle of March......waiting on the lower grill and lights. Tracker still says "arrived at Shelby"...........


Took a little more than a week for the tracker to change my VIN from enroute to arrived at SAI. Quicker than I thought.

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