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zaino at work, after 2nd wax job and clear seal


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John, I ordered the Zaino kit....Zkit-2. It has everything you need in it and prolly more. It was $116.95. I used it on my 06 Mustang GT and it was easy to use and looked incredible.

MrH, I started my process last night on my Shelby GT. I got as far as washing her with Dawn to remove any old wax.There isnt any on her yet but that is why you would use Dawn and dont do so regularly as it removes wax. It also does a good job on tar and bugs. Anyway I will be claybarring tonight or tomorrow night. I will be calling Zaino in regards to the stripes this afternoon and let you know what I find out. I think you just go over them like the rest but I will make sure. regardless for those who havent used this product before you will be amazed with the shine.



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Webba..thanx let me know what you find out about the stripes..I have already done my wifes bright red jeep and agree the finish is outstanding. I following the above recommendations. I took in total about 7 hours. Only problem I had was drying of the z2 car polish. Was very hard to remove. Let me know your results. Thanx Steve

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Steve I just called Zaino and they close at 4 est. It is 4:10 here so I will try in the AM. The open at 9. Wish I only had to work 9-4 ;) Anyway Ill call tomorrow and let ya know. I want to get mine all dojne this weekend too. I havent driven her since last weekend. Been raining here. Having withdrawals!!

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No Meguiar's people? Am I the black sheep on this one? Anyone using Zaino that used to be a die-hard Meguiar-head like me?



I used to use Meguires. But went to Griot's Garage products exclusively when I purchased my 1st. Black car. Won't go back and won't change. Now there are 2 Black Sheep.

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