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zaino at work, after 2nd wax job and clear seal


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sorry can't figure out how to post here but here is link to latest pics today from my yahoo album after this baby got her 2nd wax and finished with the zaino clear seal.





Your shine looks great. Does this stuff hold up well or do you have to redo often? If yours is anything like mine it isn't the polishing, it is keeping the car clean for more than 5 minutes. Sure shows the dust.

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Are you gonna come over and do my car whenever it arrives. I have the box from Zaino sitting in my garage. How about those wheels, can you use the Zaino on them? :P




I am definately ordering some today !!! Awesome shine !



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Are you gonna come over and do my car whenever it arrives. I have the box from Zaino sitting in my garage. How about those wheels, can you use the Zaino on them? :P




hey socal you better put your pj's on your dreaming :), the aluminum wheel, i just wiped with damp cloth this time around, i email Zaino to find out specifically, i did see on the web site that Z-8 Grand Finale™ Spray Seal can be used on wheels also, I'll order some next time around. to answer ? above the Z-CS Clear Seal only needs to be applied every 3 months. to be honest i get a headache reading about all their different products, however my wifes black lexus suv paint job is trashed, i'm gonna order a bunch of other items and see what happens to her car if it transforms, its an eye sore right now swirls scratches everywhere

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yeah that stuff is awesome! If it can make white and yellow shine It must be doing something good. If you think that looks good wait until you use the Z-8, that is where the car will really shines. What is you're Zaino routine? mine is 2 coats of Z-5 followed by a coat of Z-2 fininshed off with a coat of Z-8. For the wheels I would use mothers mag/aluminum polish followed by a LIGHT MIST of Z-8

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hey socal you better put your pj's on your dreaming :), the aluminum wheel, i just wiped with damp cloth this time around, i email Zaino to find out specifically, i did see on the web site that Z-8 Grand Finale™ Spray Seal can be used on wheels also, I'll order some next time around. to answer ? above the Z-CS Clear Seal only needs to be applied every 3 months. to be honest i get a headache reading about all their different products, however my wifes black lexus suv paint job is trashed, i'm gonna order a bunch of other items and see what happens to her car if it transforms, its an eye sore right now swirls scratches everywhere



Awesome job! the car really looks nice. How long did it take you to do all the applications?


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Please let us know your exact process as requested above. There are many products on the Zaino website and with that incredible shine I would love to duplicate your exact process. Thanks in advance.

Great photos. Beautiful car. Congrats.



i know the zaino web site gives me headache also, here ya go, this is what we did, assumming you all know the basics, ie, car must be in shade, not too cold, if you live next to the ocean do it at friends house far away from the excess mositure etc. :) i wish i lived at the beach and had that issue



whole first process took maybe 4 hours, 2hrs the second time because only 1 wash needed, no clay bar and we did only one Z-2 application. my buddy clarence is really the master but i will surpass him very soon :) so i will input his thoughts also, the latest pics were after 2nd week wash and one Z-2 finished with Z-CS only as he was out of the Z-8, please anyone correct me if they feel different about the process as i said i am learning


use only made in the USA only, terry cloth 100% cotten towels, the imported cotton quality control is bad and for car use may scratch the car. must be washed first in liquid detergent hot water, if you want to be really anal cut off the edges of the towel and label totally. or just fold under as you use. my bud says do not use chamois to dry


1st I wash the car with with original blue Liquid Dawn only for this initial cleaning (1 time only!) THIS IS ZAINO RECCOMMENDATION


while car is still wet from the rinse of initial wash above I clay bar the car using a spray bottle of water and mixed with 5 drops of Z-7 (car wash) to make it slippery and clay bar the whole car (remember drying after initially washing the car is not necessary as the car is being clayed) Z-18 or any clay bar like MeGuire's or any other name brand. You CANNOT drop the Clay Bar on the ground or it is useless (I usually get 2 because of it). clay bar only need to be done maybe once a year if that. see zaino web site for more info http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc


After I clay bar the car I wash the car again this time with Z-7 (car wash soap). Dry the car


After that I use ZFX polish LOK and put a little on the car (1 coat). DO NOT WIPE IT OFF! Let it dry like it supposed to.


The next step is Z-2 polish should be applied with 314 Polish Aplicator pad. I put it on 2 to 3 times (waxing and removing and so forth) It's a long tedious process but the results speak for themselves.


The next step is Z-6 spray with terry cloth follow instructions, zaino also suggests applying this between the Z-2 steps above if u like


Z-CS clear spray. Put on a thin coat with terry cloth (let it dry)


last Z-8 spray with terry cloth (follow instructions)




from clarence i have a black Honda Civic Si (Sorry Mustang Shelby dudes) and it is black too.

This is the process i do and I would be more than happy to help anyone if they have any questions. Just have them e-mail you...Vegasty


again this is what we have used and done but i feel with so many product offerings the whole zaino process gets personal for what works best for you.



after the above is done i will just wash only and re-apply Z-2 every 3 weeks finished with clear coat, the z-8 is only special occasions not something you use all the time. please check zaino web site for all products particulars

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Thanks Vegasty!!

Really appreciate you taking the time to type all this out.

Sounds involved but hey, for the result, what wouldnt we do for our baby?

Again....your car looks absolutely fantastic.

I guess one coat of Turtle Wax paste just isnt going to do it. lol. Oh yeah, its not 1985.


Hope to be posting my success with your process soon, of cousre, the car has to get here first!





well i was correct the last 2 applications are as below, i corrected the original post. clarence my buddy the zaino self appointed master was WRONG, but his honda sure look sgood


Z-CS clear spray. Put on a thin coat with terry cloth (let it dry)


then lastly Z-8 spray with terry cloth (follow instructions)

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well i was correct the last 2 applications are as below, i corrected the original post. clarence my buddy the zaino self appointed master was WRONG, but his honda sure look sgood


Z-CS clear spray. Put on a thin coat with terry cloth (let it dry)


then lastly Z-8 spray with terry cloth (follow instructions)




I have a wonderful idea for you. Maybe you and your friend Clarance could prepare a video of the complete process. You wouldn't have to do the whole car.... maybe just a fender showing Steps A-Z. I think it would be very entertaining and educational and also a chance to make a few extra dollars to help pay for your supplies. If it was done up right and was reasonably priced I think there would be considerable interest in it. Maybe you could have an allocation for only 1000 videos and then you could add you ADM to it. :)

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I have a wonderful idea for you. Maybe you and your friend Clarance could prepare a video of the complete process. You wouldn't have to do the whole car.... maybe just a fender showing Steps A-Z. I think it would be very entertaining and educational and also a chance to make a few extra dollars to help pay for your supplies. If it was done up right and was reasonably priced I think there would be considerable interest in it. Maybe you could have an allocation for only 1000 videos and then you could add you ADM to it. :)



GOOD IDEA, i'll do it on hd dvds and make them free but shipping is $100 :)

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You guys really crack me up......hey I'll take one. Does it come with a poster of you and Clarence for my garage wall?


I like the idea of the poster. It would be extra great if I could get it autographed. You and Clarance could be known as "The Z Men." Dun Dun Dun....The Z that stands for Zaino! Maybe Zaino can get it marketed. ;)

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I like the idea of the poster. It would be extra great if I could get it autographed. You and Clarance could be known as "The Z Men." Dun Dun Dun....The Z that stands for Zaino! Maybe Zaino can get it marketed. ;)



mmmmmmm t-shirts,.......mugs.......jay leno.......and then our own cartoon series..........autographs are $100, we'll even make appearances and sign the outside of your car

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mmmmmmm t-shirts,.......mugs.......jay leno.......and then our own cartoon series..........autographs are $100, we'll even make appearances and sign the outside of your car


Autographs $100??? Pete Rose only charged $5.00 at baseball card shows for 9 year olds. We want you to end up in the Hall of Fame.......not the Hall of Shame. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just tried the Zaino system and was pretty impressed.


This is what I did:


1. Claybar using Zaino Wash diluted in a spray bottle - took about 40 minutes


2. Z-5 with the ZFX fixer in it to speed drying time - 20 minutes to apply, 30 minutes to dry


3. Buffed off the Z5 by hand with large cotton towel, used Z6 finishing spray


4. Repeated Step 2 and 3.


I plan on doing two applications of Z2 (higher optical qualities) followed by Z6 finishing spray tomorrow, but I can already see sharp image reflections in the finish. I'll y post some pics when I am done.


Of course I had to do all this to my 7 year old midnight blue Miata, since I don't have my Shelby yet! :(

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Just tried the Zaino system and was pretty impressed.


This is what I did:


1. Claybar using Zaino Wash diluted in a spray bottle - took about 40 minutes


2. Z-5 with the ZFX fixer in it to speed drying time - 20 minutes to apply, 30 minutes to dry


3. Buffed off the Z5 by hand with large cotton towel, used Z6 finishing spray


4. Repeated Step 2 and 3.


I plan on doing two applications of Z2 (higher optical qualities) followed by Z6 finishing spray tomorrow, but I can already see sharp image reflections in the finish. I'll y post some pics when I am done.


Of course I had to do all this to my 7 year old midnight blue Miata, since I don't have my Shelby yet! :(



PLEASE DON'T post any Miata pics, i'm still amazed a future s-gt owner admitted that he drives a MIATA!

paaaaaleasseeeeeeeeee......................................kiddin kiddin, glad the Zaino came out good

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PLEASE DON'T post any Miata pics, i'm still amazed a future s-gt owner admitted that he drives a MIATA!

paaaaaleasseeeeeeeeee......................................kiddin kiddin, glad the Zaino came out good


Vegasty, no offense taken! The Miata is one of the best handling cars ever and an absolute hoot on a road course . . . but they are a little HP challenged. :( That's why God invented superchargers! :lol:


Hang in there, you'll get you car. Until then you are more than welcome to come to TX and practice your Zaino skills on my car!.....

Just offering..


Thanks for the offer Stump, but I think I'll wait till your car shows up in Colorado. When it it gets hot enough in Texas ALL y'all Texans come to visit us . . . :lol:

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  • 1 month later...


i know the zaino web site gives me headache also, here ya go, this is what we did, assumming you all know the basics, ie, car must be in shade, not too cold, if you live next to the ocean do it at friends house far away from the excess mositure etc. :) i wish i lived at the beach and had that issue



whole first process took maybe 4 hours, 2hrs the second time because only 1 wash needed, no clay bar and we did only one Z-2 application. my buddy clarence is really the master but i will surpass him very soon :) so i will input his thoughts also, the latest pics were after 2nd week wash and one Z-2 finished with Z-CS only as he was out of the Z-8, please anyone correct me if they feel different about the process as i said i am learning


use only made in the USA only, terry cloth 100% cotten towels, the imported cotton quality control is bad and for car use may scratch the car. must be washed first in liquid detergent hot water, if you want to be really anal cut off the edges of the towel and label totally. or just fold under as you use. my bud says do not use chamois to dry


1st I wash the car with with original blue Liquid Dawn only for this initial cleaning (1 time only!) THIS IS ZAINO RECCOMMENDATION


while car is still wet from the rinse of initial wash above I clay bar the car using a spray bottle of water and mixed with 5 drops of Z-7 (car wash) to make it slippery and clay bar the whole car (remember drying after initially washing the car is not necessary as the car is being clayed) Z-18 or any clay bar like MeGuire's or any other name brand. You CANNOT drop the Clay Bar on the ground or it is useless (I usually get 2 because of it). clay bar only need to be done maybe once a year if that. see zaino web site for more info http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc


After I clay bar the car I wash the car again this time with Z-7 (car wash soap). Dry the car


After that I use ZFX polish LOK and put a little on the car (1 coat). DO NOT WIPE IT OFF! Let it dry like it supposed to.


The next step is Z-2 polish should be applied with 314 Polish Aplicator pad. I put it on 2 to 3 times (waxing and removing and so forth) It's a long tedious process but the results speak for themselves.


The next step is Z-6 spray with terry cloth follow instructions, zaino also suggests applying this between the Z-2 steps above if u like


Z-CS clear spray. Put on a thin coat with terry cloth (let it dry)


last Z-8 spray with terry cloth (follow instructions)




from clarence i have a black Honda Civic Si (Sorry Mustang Shelby dudes) and it is black too.

This is the process i do and I would be more than happy to help anyone if they have any questions. Just have them e-mail you...Vegasty


again this is what we have used and done but i feel with so many product offerings the whole zaino process gets personal for what works best for you.



after the above is done i will just wash only and re-apply Z-2 every 3 weeks finished with clear coat, the z-8 is only special occasions not something you use all the time. please check zaino web site for all products particulars


Vegas, thanks for the info. Just ordered the Zaino Ultimate kit to be ready for when my car arrives.

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Vegasty, no offense taken! The Miata is one of the best handling cars ever and an absolute hoot on a road course . . . but they are a little HP challenged. :( That's why God invented superchargers! :lol:


Okay, maybe a little off topic, but have any of you been following Stacey David's (used to the the host of Trucks! on SpikeTV) build-up of a Mazda Miata on Gearz (ESPN2: http://www.gearztv.com/index.php?content=home)? He pulled out the 4-banger and put in a Ford crate motor, all in tribute to Carroll's work in the early '60s. He's not done yet, so you can still catch the payoff. He opened the first episode by beating on a Superformance 427 roadster. Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me...

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i know the zaino web site gives me headache also, here ya go, this is what we did, assumming you all know the basics, ie, car must be in shade, not too cold, if you live next to the ocean do it at friends house far away from the excess mositure etc. :) i wish i lived at the beach and had that issue

whole first process took maybe 4 hours, 2hrs the second time because only 1 wash needed, no clay bar and we did only one Z-2 application. my buddy clarence is really the master but i will surpass him very soon :) so i will input his thoughts also, the latest pics were after 2nd week wash and one Z-2 finished with Z-CS only as he was out of the Z-8, please anyone correct me if they feel different about the process as i said i am learning


use only made in the USA only, terry cloth 100% cotten towels, the imported cotton quality control is bad and for car use may scratch the car. must be washed first in liquid detergent hot water, if you want to be really anal cut off the edges of the towel and label totally. or just fold under as you use. my bud says do not use chamois to dry


1st I wash the car with with original blue Liquid Dawn only for this initial cleaning (1 time only!) THIS IS ZAINO RECCOMMENDATION


while car is still wet from the rinse of initial wash above I clay bar the car using a spray bottle of water and mixed with 5 drops of Z-7 (car wash) to make it slippery and clay bar the whole car (remember drying after initially washing the car is not necessary as the car is being clayed) Z-18 or any clay bar like MeGuire's or any other name brand. You CANNOT drop the Clay Bar on the ground or it is useless (I usually get 2 because of it). clay bar only need to be done maybe once a year if that. see zaino web site for more info http://www.zainostore.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc


After I clay bar the car I wash the car again this time with Z-7 (car wash soap). Dry the car


After that I use ZFX polish LOK and put a little on the car (1 coat). DO NOT WIPE IT OFF! Let it dry like it supposed to.


The next step is Z-2 polish should be applied with 314 Polish Aplicator pad. I put it on 2 to 3 times (waxing and removing and so forth) It's a long tedious process but the results speak for themselves.


The next step is Z-6 spray with terry cloth follow instructions, zaino also suggests applying this between the Z-2 steps above if u like


Z-CS clear spray. Put on a thin coat with terry cloth (let it dry)


last Z-8 spray with terry cloth (follow instructions)


from clarence i have a black Honda Civic Si (Sorry Mustang Shelby dudes) and it is black too.

This is the process i do and I would be more than happy to help anyone if they have any questions. Just have them e-mail you...Vegasty


again this is what we have used and done but i feel with so many product offerings the whole zaino process gets personal for what works best for you.

after the above is done i will just wash only and re-apply Z-2 every 3 weeks finished with clear coat, the z-8 is only special occasions not something you use all the time. please check zaino web site for all products particulars




Looked at the web site, could you suggest what product to order 1st time around.

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Been a while since this post has been updated but I need some help with my upcoming Zaino treatment. For those who have done it, how do you handle the stripes...did you do the same as the car body or something different. Looking forward to your feedback. Thanx Steve

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