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Shelby GT posters

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someone asked yesterday about broshures or anything promo stuff on the SGT. i went on dealer estore and found some posters, they are titled white or black performance with no comprise

if yall would like for me to order some please let me know, i have to order 100 and they are real expensive.

like 2 dollars a piece. if yall need to take out a loan for them let me know and i can arrange fin.



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someone asked yesterday about broshures or anything promo stuff on the SGT. i went on dealer estore and found some posters, they are titled white or black performance with no comprise

if yall would like for me to order some please let me know, i have to order 100 and they are real expensive.

like 2 dollars a piece. if yall need to take out a loan for them let me know and i can arrange fin.




i didnt mean that anyone had to buy all 100. and i was joking about the expense. dont think 2 dollars is all that much. after i read the post i thought folks might think i was saying that you had to buy 100 at a time. just wanted to clarify.



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someone asked yesterday about broshures or anything promo stuff on the SGT. i went on dealer estore and found some posters, they are titled white or black performance with no comprise

if yall would like for me to order some please let me know, i have to order 100 and they are real expensive.

like 2 dollars a piece. if yall need to take out a loan for them let me know and i can arrange fin.






It would be a deal! There is a guy on ebay selling these for $20 a piece! I'd buy 5-10 of them. You might want to get them, undercut the other guy at $10! ;-) These will be worth $$ one day for sure.



Count me in!

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Micheal, I would like to order some of the posters as well


thanks for the offer






You can count on me for between 5-10 posters. Do you mind getting a mailing tube and shipping them rolled? I'm sure we'd all kick in some extra $$ for mailers, shipping...etc. Thanks, Dave

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You can count on me for between 5-10 posters. Do you mind getting a mailing tube and shipping them rolled? I'm sure we'd all kick in some extra $$ for mailers, shipping...etc. Thanks, Dave


i have 100 on the way and have already recieved emails saying the shipping them. i will repost when they get and we will work on the cheapest way to send them. i with you on a tube seems to have always worked best

i will have some news in a day or so.

please keep posting replys so i can get an idea how many are left.



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i have 100 on the way and have already recieved emails saying the shipping them. i will repost when they get and we will work on the cheapest way to send them. i with you on a tube seems to have always worked best

i will have some news in a day or so.

please keep posting replys so i can get an idea how many are left.




Michael, put me down for 1. Take care. Doug

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someone asked yesterday about broshures or anything promo stuff on the SGT. i went on dealer estore and found some posters, they are titled white or black performance with no comprise

if yall would like for me to order some please let me know, i have to order 100 and they are real expensive.

like 2 dollars a piece. if yall need to take out a loan for them let me know and i can arrange fin.




Count me in for 2. Thanks.



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I was the original poster poster. I will take 5. Rickpost-768-1139277382_thumb.jpg

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i have 100 on the way and have already recieved emails saying the shipping them. i will repost when they get and we will work on the cheapest way to send them. i with you on a tube seems to have always worked best

i will have some news in a day or so.

please keep posting replys so i can get an idea how many are left.





I do have one question. Are all the posters the same design, with the white car in the foreground and the black car in the background? If they come both ways I'd like the one that has the white car in the foreground as pictured in your first post. As I posted yesterday I'll take 5-10 of them. Thanks, Dave

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I sent you an email with my poster request (5).




i got it Lon, it just wouldnt let me reply for some reason.





I do have one question. Are all the posters the same design, with the white car in the foreground and the black car in the background? If they come both ways I'd like the one that has the white car in the foreground as pictured in your first post. As I posted yesterday I'll take 5-10 of them. Thanks, Dave


hey Dave,

no only comes one way. im sorry. if i have to order more than the orginal 100 we can do that. i think it said i could order up to 500.

thanks for the nice things yall have said, us cars guys aint all bad. this is just alittle off the subject but i have a few (10 ro 20) Ford GT posters. if yall would like i will throw one in with the other posters. that way they wouldnt be in extra shipping charge. if not i will take them to the warehouse where i keep all the other junk that will be priceless in 100 or so years. (LOL). my great grand children are going to be so lucky(im 37 with no kids)


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i got it Lon, it just wouldnt let me reply for some reason.



hey Dave,

no only comes one way. im sorry. if i have to order more than the orginal 100 we can do that. i think it said i could order up to 500.

thanks for the nice things yall have said, us cars guys aint all bad. this is just alittle off the subject but i have a few (10 ro 20) Ford GT posters. if yall would like i will throw one in with the other posters. that way they wouldnt be in extra shipping charge. if not i will take them to the warehouse where i keep all the other junk that will be priceless in 100 or so years. (LOL). my great grand children are going to be so lucky(im 37 with no kids)




I will take a GT poster on top of the two SGT posters I requested eariler. Thanks...

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