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Hood pins


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I just bought my SGT (#358) from Galpin Ford (California) Sunday, April 1, 2007. I pointed out the bent hood pin ring to my salesman and the pin fell out before I got the car home.

Is there going to be a fix for this $20.00 part failure? :angry:


Also, the wheel hop is a problem that can be resolved with a Watts Link (similar to the Saleen/Parnelli Mustang) are there any plans on addressing this issue for customers?


I plan on adding a Vortech and some acceptable tires for Los Angeles Shelby American Automobile Club (lassac.org) open track events at Willow Spring and SAAC Does Vegas, the stock tires don't cut it.


More later, I'm leaving Friday morning (April 5) for Vegas and I'm going to come by to see if you have any answers.


Randy Richardson

President LASSAC

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Welcome to the forum. I have a couple questions for you.


You mentioned the tires are not acceptable for track days. Is that a performance opinion or an actual rule. If it's a rule can you direct me to it so I buy proper tires for mine when the wheels arrive. Also on the track day question. Are tinted windows allowed on the track. I understand why they might not be but I am new and want to make an informed decision.


On the bent hood pin deal. I think it may be caused when somebody pulls the hood latch without removing the pin first. I noticed the bent pins on the first car I saw in a showroom. The next time I went back they had a note with huge font telling people to remove the hood pins first. I later saw two other cars and Ebay post with the same note that appears to be sent from SAI.



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I just bought my SGT (#358) from Galpin Ford (California) Sunday, April 1, 2007. I pointed out the bent hood pin ring to my salesman and the pin fell out before I got the car home.

Is there going to be a fix for this $20.00 part failure? :angry:


Also, the wheel hop is a problem that can be resolved with a Watts Link (similar to the Saleen/Parnelli Mustang) are there any plans on addressing this issue for customers?


I plan on adding a Vortech and some acceptable tires for Los Angeles Shelby American Automobile Club (lassac.org) open track events at Willow Spring and SAAC Does Vegas, the stock tires don't cut it.


More later, I'm leaving Friday morning (April 5) for Vegas and I'm going to come by to see if you have any answers.


Randy Richardson

President LASSAC



Hood pins are a dime a dozen. If you don't want to wait for the stealership to replace them like I am, go to Jegs and get some. They are not expensive at all.


Why do you buy a car and then come on the cars site and immediately start trashing it? You did not say one thing positive. Are you really that disappointed in the car?


Of course I used to own a Dodge so I can kind of understand :D

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I just bought my SGT (#358) from Galpin Ford (California) Sunday, April 1, 2007...


..More later, I'm leaving Friday morning (April 5) for Vegas and I'm going to come by to see if you have any answers.


Randy Richardson

President LASSAC




Hi Randy.

You are gone today but I'll add this for the record...


How was dealing with Galpin ?

Did you order it thru them or was it in stock ?

White or black (just curious).

Who was your contact and would you recommend him/her ?


Im in the SFV and was considering them as a dealer to go thru when the time comes (they are my 2nd closest). Good to know about the pins.





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There is a serious problem with these Hood Pins. Even though it is only a $20 part, there is a serious risk of damaging the hood. Does anyone know of an easy way to replace these with better hood pins? Is it OK just to remove them until someone figures out a better solution? I do not want to take the risk of these cheep parts damaging my hood!

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There is a serious problem with these Hood Pins. Even though it is only a $20 part, there is a serious risk of damaging the hood. Does anyone know of an easy way to replace these with better hood pins? Is it OK just to remove them until someone figures out a better solution? I do not want to take the risk of these cheep parts damaging my hood!




Mike, what is the serious problem? How are the pins damaging the hood?



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Today is Monday and I visted Shelby in Vegas last Friday. I met with two great guys, Steve Navarro (Sales Associate) and John Walker (Director of Sales). I showed them the hood pins, the pins didn't lock and the beauty rim was too thin and was bent from opening hood release before the pins were removed. This is one of those production issues that they are addressing. In the mean time they replaced my beauty rim and fixed the pins while I was there.


BTW; I'm not trashing the Shelby GT, everyone recognizes that there is room for improvement and the Shelby GT is a great place to start. I will be running open track this weekend at Willow Springs and I want to run the car as equipped for a base comparison.


Chris asked about tires for open track. The Goodrich tires as equipped are all weather tires which is understandable for a factory car. I will try out some "Dry" tires for the track in the future to compare, tire brand and size can either move in a positive direction or negative if you make the wrong selection. I asked John if they had any information on what works well and they have not been given any feelback from owners yet, I'll let you all know. FYI tinted windows are okay for open track, newer vehicles have no problem passing tech, the first part to fail "is the nut behind the wheel" (that's the driver).


I'm not going to get into a lot of detail here, but if you have a low numbered car, look at everything closely and let your dealer know if anything needs to be addressed.


I bought my car from John Turner at Galpin. He was easy to deal with, I believe he really enjoys his job. I walked in to the showroom and they had a Black Shelby, several hours later I owned it.


Today is Monday and I visted Shelby in Vegas last Friday. I met with two great guys, Steve Navarro (Sales Associate) and John Walker (Director of Sales). I showed them the hood pins, the pins didn't lock and the beauty rim was too thin and was bent from opening hood release before the pins were removed. This is one of those production issues that they are addressing. In the mean time they replaced my beauty rim and fixed the pins while I was there.


BTW; I'm not trashing the Shelby GT, everyone recognizes that there is room for improvement and the Shelby GT is a great place to start. I will be running open track this weekend at Willow Springs and I want to run the car as equipped for a base comparison.


Chris asked about tires for open track. The Goodrich tires as equipped are all weather tires which is understandable for a factory car. I will try out some "Dry" tires for the track in the future to compare, tire brand and size can either move in a positive direction or negative if you make the wrong selection. I asked John if they had any information on what works well and they have not been given any feelback from owners yet, I'll let you all know. FYI tinted windows are okay for open track, newer vehicles have no problem passing tech, the first part to fail "is the nut behind the wheel" (that's the driver).


I'm not going to get into a lot of detail here, but if you have a low numbered car, look at everything closely and let your dealer know if anything needs to be addressed.


I bought my car from John Turner at Galpin. He was easy to deal with, I believe he really enjoys his job. I walked in to the showroom and they had a Black Shelby, several hours later I owned it.

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I bought my car from John Turner at Galpin. He was easy to deal with, I believe he really enjoys his job. I walked in to the showroom and they had a Black Shelby, several hours later I owned it.





Thanks Randy.

Ill keep them in mind.


And I should have asked...

Was there a markup on the car ?

Did you pay any markup on the car ?




I will be running open track this weekend at Willow Springs and I want to run the car as equipped for a base comparison.


I will be at the LBGP on Saturday but might try to get up to Willow on Sunday if you will be running. It would be nice to see one on the track.

Is there an entry fee for spectators ?

Can you provide any other info ?




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Randy, It was nice talking with you on Friday. Guys, he's not bashing. All of his points are valid, and we are looking into them. I can't wait to hear more on the Watts link. I've seen it in the Modified Mustangs. Now I want to experience it.


On another note, thanks for the invite to Willow Springs, but I have to pass as I'll be at the NHRA races here this week-end.


Did you make it out to the show at the Gold Coast? What a blast! I think I have the fever.



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Oilman; Talk to SAI and/or your dealer about the hood scoop.


Kris; Mark up in price? They started at 10K above sticker that quickly dropped. It's all part of the deal, I traded in a vehicle with purchase. There's room to hide value with a trade in, more for your car, more for theirs, etc. I walked away happy after three hours. Spectator fee for Willow Springs is $10.00 at the gate. Come out to watch and you will be hooked.


There is a reason these cars are built, and running Open Track allows you to enjoy owning and driving a performance car in a safe environment.


John; Gold Coast car show is another side of cool. Shelby's fulfill one automotive need and rat rods sometimes fills another. A cool car is a cool car, that's why we have to have more than one.


I also relocated the front sway bar link as you suggested, I'll let you know after Willow.


P.S. Anyone else notice that no one knows that SHELBY is making Mustang's again. When I owned my first 1966 Shelby GT350 in 1970, everyone thought it was just a fastback Mustang, I'm begining to get flashbacks.

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Yeah, they are kind of coming back with a whimper instead of a roar like you would expect. Maybe the 35 (or so) year hiatus let the generations change enough that the Shelby name does not carry what it used to. I know when I take the car out the older crowd waxes nostalgic and talks about their hot rods and fast cars when they were younger and the younger crowd just thinks it's a sticker on a Mustang.....


Maybe Mr. Shelby needs to hop in a Cobra and go win a couple of races again! :))

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Yeah, they are kind of coming back with a whimper instead of a roar like you would expect. Maybe the 35 (or so) year hiatus let the generations change enough that the Shelby name does not carry what it used to. I know when I take the car out the older crowd waxes nostalgic and talks about their hot rods and fast cars when they were younger and the younger crowd just thinks it's a sticker on a Mustang.....


Maybe Mr. Shelby needs to hop in a Cobra and go win a couple of races again! :))



Funny, while I was in one of the dealerships I stopped in yesterday a group of kids (16-19) came in and gawked at the side by side GT500 and SGT, both black. The kids liked the SGT more and were going on and on how cool it looked. None of them seemed to know what a Shelby was, or cared, it was just cool to them. Maybe the return of Shelby will open the eyes of a whole new generation that will one day, like many of us, will clamor for a Shelby later in life talking about the old SGTs of 07! :)

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Funny, while I was in one of the dealerships I stopped in yesterday a group of kids (16-19) came in and gawked at the side by side GT500 and SGT, both black. The kids liked the SGT more and were going on and on how cool it looked. None of them seemed to know what a Shelby was, or cared, it was just cool to them. Maybe the return of Shelby will open the eyes of a whole new generation that will one day, like many of us, will clamor for a Shelby later in life talking about the old SGTs of 07! :)




Yeah, by that time we will be the old farts holding up traffic doing 50mph in a sports car while cussing those dang punks! :lol:

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...I will be running open track this weekend at Willow Springs and I want to run the car as equipped for a base comparison...


...Chris asked about tires for open track. The Goodrich tires as equipped are all weather tires which is understandable for a factory car. I will try out some "Dry" tires for the track in the future to compare, tire brand and size can either move in a positive direction or negative if you make the wrong selection. I asked John if they had any information on what works well and they have not been given any feelback from owners yet, I'll let you all know...




So, Randy...


How did it do at Willow ?

What tires did you end up running ?

Was the car what you expected ?

Are you going to be changing anything now that you've had some track time with it ?



Enquiring minds want to know... :rolleyes:



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