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Clutch Slipping? Please Help!


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Hey all... I was wondering if someone could help me out with something I'm experiencing. Im pretty sure its the clutch but I thought I would have other symptoms if that was the case.


Ive noticed that if I'm in gears 4,5 or 6 and I get on the gas at a low RPM the engine RPM and Boost revs up, the car doesn't go anywhere and then all of a sudden it catches and takes off. It feels just like I'm spinning the tires but I know I'm not. No problems at all with gears 1,2 and 3. I can pull on them as hard as I want and nothing feels like its slipping. The clutch pedal itself feels fine and I'm not smelling anything either. Anyone got any ideas before I go spend $1200 and put a clutch in?


She's a 2010 Shelby with the 2.5" Pulley and tune and 37,000 miles on the whole car.


Thanks in advance.

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That's a classic sign of a slipping clutch. I'd throw a stock one back in, if you don't plan on modding it more than you have now. I wouldn't recommend to continue "getting it to slip in 4-5-6 gears", a few more of those pulls, and you won't have a clutch. Another test, but this only works on really slipping clutches, put it in 5th gear, at a stop, fully stepping on the brakes, and let the clutch out. The engine should immediately stall. I had a clutch, on a different car, that would continue to run, after doing this.

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