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AWD ShelbyGT350 coming?

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Not that they are considered automotive experts by any means but I just read in the July 8th edition of Popular Mechanics (page 54 bottom) that the ShelbyGT350 is currently equipped with splined front hubs. "So it's set up to accept driveshafts for the front wheels"


Can this be verified? If it is true, this is a very interesting fact. Why would they have splined hubs them if they were not going to eventually utilize them.



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This splined hub matter was pointed out and speculated on over 6 months ago......


Nice read. I think anything is possible and believe the splined hubs are there for a reason.

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Last April, some Ford Performance Techs spoke to the crowd at a track event at VIR. They said the GT350 needed a stronger front hub than what is currently being used on the Mustang, so they grabbed the hub off of the Lincoln MKT Town car limousine - an AWD vehicle complete with splined front hub. Sorry to ruin anyone's conspiracy theory.

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Last April, some Ford Performance Techs spoke to the crowd at a track event at VIR. They said the GT350 needed a stronger front hub than what is currently being used on the Mustang, so they grabbed the hub off of the Lincoln MKT Town car limousine - an AWD vehicle complete with splined front hub. Sorry to ruin anyone's conspiracy theory.


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Last April, some Ford Performance Techs spoke to the crowd at a track event at VIR. They said the GT350 needed a stronger front hub than what is currently being used on the Mustang, so they grabbed the hub off of the Lincoln MKT Town car limousine - an AWD vehicle complete with splined front hub. Sorry to ruin anyone's conspiracy theory.





Toward the very bottom of the page... "The AWD model comes standard with a..."




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