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Carroll and the GT350


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If I recall correctly, that cat was let out of the bag a few years ago, and at the time some people weren't too happy it was leaked at that point in time.

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I did not know this but, Carroll was aware of the new GT350 in 2012 and personally signed off on the deal. So much for those who said he had no knowledge

Yes that is correct. I believe I've posted that info before on Team Shelby, who's saying that Carroll had no knowledge? I hope its not on Team Shelby?



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I had wondered about how much involvement CS had in the new GT350, and I saw no evidence presented that he was involved in any meaningful way. Is there proof, beyond some Ford execs claiming it now, four years after he died, that exists he was involved and not just "informed"?

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I don't really see where any of this matters. Last I heard Henry Ford was no longer involved either.

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Yes that is correct. I believe I've posted that info before on Team Shelby, who's saying that Carroll had no knowledge? I hope its not on Team Shelby?




Thanks Steve, I have seen it here but, I cant remember where. Just thought it was worth posting

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thats probably because it doesnt concern you, or any of us. the details of the dealings with Ford are what they are because that's what all involved parties agreed on. thus, the GT350 and the GT500 before it were and are intended to be the genuine article. the rest is none of your business, as they say.

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Yes that is correct. I believe I've posted that info before on Team Shelby, who's saying that Carroll had no knowledge? I hope its not on Team Shelby?



Absolutely worth posting, I just didn't realize there was a debate going on about it.



Don't look at me ! I didn't do it ! I'm already in enough trouble !
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So, I still have no answer to my question about the depth of CS's involvement in the new GT350, beyond "knowing" about it and signing a deal to hand over the rights to the name. Is there more?


I certainly don't know

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I, for one, do not care as it would not change the development of the unique engineering on this performance Mustang on which Ford decided to use CS name and allow some funds to go to the CHS Trust. CS, R.I.P.

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I, for one, do not care as it would not change the development of the unique engineering on this performance Mustang on which Ford decided to use CS name and allow some funds to go to the CHS Trust. CS, R.I.P.


Ford was motivated by Carroll, Living up to his high standards. So, you may very well be incorrect. I posted this because it makes a small difference to me. I agree, Ford did the work. Not significant but, interesting

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I don’t know why anyone could think they are owed answers on the depth of Carroll’s involvement on the new GT-350. Some people just put burrs under their own saddles. Carroll has been quoted on more than one occasion over the years that he is not a car designer, and that he leaves that up to the experts. I would also think that if he allowed his name to be put on it, he was probably shown some concept drawings and an engineering write up and from there he provided his input and then “graced” it. The fact that he allowed his name to be put on it is enough for me and it should be for anybody else. He didn’t really “design” the 60/70s GT-350 or the 2011-2014 GT-350’s either, so why be so concerned about the new ones. Either way the new GT-350 is one heck of a nice example of purpose built harmonious engineering. Unlike the 2011 to 2014 GT-350, it is selling well and is generating some good race history like the 1965/66 models did.

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I never thought or said anyone owes me anything about my question. I was just trying to determine what to think of all the PR and people's claims of CS's involvement in the new GT350. The 2011-2014 GT350s hand built one at a time at SAI were never supposed to be a huge seller sales leader in the industry, certainly not like the mass factory produced Ford lines, but I don't see how that diminishes them.

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I never thought or said anyone owes me anything about my question. I was just trying to determine what to think of all the PR and people's claims of CS's involvement in the new GT350. The 2011-2014 GT350s hand built one at a time at SAI were never supposed to be a huge seller sales leader in the industry, certainly not like the mass factory produced Ford lines, but I don't see how that diminishes them.


I never thought or said anyone owes me anything about my question. I was just trying to determine what to think of all the PR and people's claims of CS's involvement in the new GT350. The 2011-2014 GT350s hand built one at a time at SAI were never supposed to be a huge seller sales leader in the industry, certainly not like the mass factory produced Ford lines, but I don't see how that diminishes them.



So, I still have no answer to my question about the depth of CS's involvement in the new GT350, beyond "knowing" about it and signing a deal to hand over the rights to the name. Is there more?



I had wondered about how much involvement CS had in the new GT350, and I saw no evidence presented that he was involved in any meaningful way. Is there proof, beyond some Ford execs claiming it now, four years after he died, that exists he was involved and not just "informed"?

Don't you ever stop? Funny that you think the Gt350 from SAI are hand built. You do remember they are based off a GT that was mass produced at Ford?

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Don't you ever stop? Funny that you think the Gt350 from SAI are hand built. You do remember they are based off a GT that was mass produced at Ford?


Have you ever been to SAI and seen how they build the GT350 or SuperSnake, etc? It is a quite involved and lengthy process, that takes much, much longer than the original build Ford does at Flat Rock of the donor car. But again, if you are determined to diminish and trash SAI cars, think what you like.

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Have you ever been to SAI and seen how they build the GT350 or SuperSnake, etc? It is a quite involved and lengthy process, that takes much, much longer than the original build Ford does at Flat Rock of the donor car. But again, if you are determined to diminish and trash SAI cars, think what you like.

"Takes much longer.... diminish SAI cars..." :hysterical2: :hysterical2:


No, Mike, you're getting called out for your continued quest to "diminish" and "trash" the new GT350 starting even before the car was released. Let's expand your point of view a little more: Ford designs and manufactures the base car from scratch, which I'm sure is a longer and more involved process, and not just modifies an already existing car. How about you give us and Ford a break, Mike. It's gotten very old, seriously. You don't have to keep minimizing the new car to keep the value of your '13. :club:

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