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2017 Boss 302...it's coming soon!


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My Ford dealer told me today that they received some info regarding the 2017s models and there is information in the document concerning the 2017 Boss 302. Basically dealt with pricing. That's all I have for now, maybe someone out there in Boss-302-land has more info.

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The document was from Ford and centered around incentives or rebates. It stated they would not be available for the Boss 302. Now I know there are a couple smart and savvy guys here that have a relationship with their Ford dealers, so maybe they can check this info further. My contact said he didn't feel it was some type of Ford "April Fools" joke, but maybe...maybe not. I'm just the messenger here!

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The document was from Ford and centered around incentives or rebates. It stated they would not be available for the Boss 302. Now I know there are a couple smart and savvy guys here that have a relationship with their Ford dealers, so maybe they can check this info further. My contact said he didn't feel it was some type of Ford "April Fools" joke, but maybe...maybe not. I'm just the messenger here!


If it was real why haven't we heard about it anywhere else? No word on any of the other forums nor in the automotive press and no Ford press release. I'm skeptical until I see something that is from Ford in the press. Ford is very good about formal press releases for major program announcements.


Now what could have been sent is the final round of pricing adjustments for older inventory (ie, the rebates and incentives for previous model year vehicles.) I suppose there could still be some Boss302s in inventory and they are saying that the program would not apply (such programs have never applied to "SVT" vehicles, so wouldn't apply to 2014 GT500's that might still be laying around too.) More likely is that someone didn't edit off the Boss302 from a previously issued announcement.

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The document was from Ford and centered around incentives or rebates. It stated they would not be available for the Boss 302. Now I know there are a couple smart and savvy guys here that have a relationship with their Ford dealers, so maybe they can check this info further. My contact said he didn't feel it was some type of Ford "April Fools" joke, but maybe...maybe not. I'm just the messenger here!

No joke. You were informed correctly.
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If you want to know whats going on, dont bother with a dealeror even Ford. The dealer doesnt know much more thean you do and the Ford guys like thier jobs. A lot of leaks come from the suppliers

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If you want to know whats going on, dont bother with a dealeror even Ford. The dealer doesnt know much more thean you do and the Ford guys like thier jobs. A lot of leaks come from the suppliers

Correct, my Ford dealer contact read it in a Ford memo. Frankly, I'd like to hear from another insider here that knows something substantive, not speculation. We can speculate all day long.


Looks like someone else might have heard the same thing that I did.


Maybe the memo was referring to unsold Boss 302s, but when I talked with my contact, he said it referred to 2017 models. Later in the week, when I get a chance, I'm going to stop by the dealership and see if I can see this memo.


Anyway, you guys have a great week. I'll be taking out the "Voodoo" out for a little spin tomorrow.


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Maybe the memo was referring to unsold Boss 302s, but when I talked with my contact, he said it referred to 2017 models. Later in the week, when I get a chance, I'm going to stop by the dealership and see if I can see this memo.




As I said this is likely the case. There is no new Boss 302. If anything the communication was in error.


Think about it, if there were such a vehicle don't you think that the auto rags wouldn't be on it like a hawk on a snake?


By the way, did you know that Jalopnik is owned/run by the same guy that now owes Hulk Hogan a boatload of money? There is a resounding statement of the standing of the info they "publish". At least it's a little more accurate than horsepowerkings (who is batting negative.)

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This is probably what is being discussed. I have a picture of it but can't post the image so here is what it says (® marks omitted)


2015/2016 vehicles: $500 on most Ford or Lincoln vehicles. Not available on Raptor, Focus RS, Mustang SHelby GT350, Mustang Shelby GT500, Mustang Boss 302 and Mustang 50 Years Limited Edition. May not combine with other private, conquest or commerical offers. A/Z/D Plan ineligible. Nontransferable out of household. Limit one per household. U.S. residents. Must redeem using original offer; no duplicates accepted. Prior purchases not eligible. Take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 5/31/16. See dealer for details. Note to dealer: Claim in VINCENT using #35450 and customer ID. (Followed by <Ford logo> Go Further)




There are quite a few things that indicate that this is incorrect and that there is no new model coming.


1. The last Boss302 was a 2013 model year.

2. The last GT500 was a 2014 model year.

3. It is stated to apply to 2015/2016 vehicles.

4. The offer applies to in-stock vehicles delivered by 5/31/16.


So, this can't be an announcement of a 2017 Boss - see #4.


I believe what happened is the "Not available" list is taken from the SVT vehicle list, and whoever wrote it didn't think to remove vehicles no longer in production. Note that the same exclusion DOES apply to the A/Z/D plan.

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I say offer the Boss 302 right along with the GT350 there are buyers for both.


Being a Mach 1 fan its long overdue for it to come back

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