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Need Advice On My 2004 Dodge Ram 1500

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Hello everyone,

I'm glad that I've found such great forum.

Guys, I hope that you can help me...

In order to save some money on fuel, I'm planing to install the ethanol e85 kit on my 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 and run it on ethanol,
One of my friend uses the kit from this French manufacturer (www.ecofuelbox.com) but the problem is they have 4 models and 6 type of connectors, and I'm not sure which kit fill fit my Dodge. Can someone tell me,

what type of connector do I need for my Dodge Ram ?


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I sincerely doubt you will save money but you might. You can't look at the pure cost of E85, you have to look at cents per mile of operation. E85 is cheaper, but your MPG is going to nosedive...


I own that same truck and WOULD NOT TRUST THE HOSES TO SURVIVE 85% alcohol.


There are several a Dodge forums you're much more likely to get a definitive answer on the feasibility. Just google "dodge truck forum" I did one of them a long time ago when the up-down rear electric seat motor died. Found the place to get the motor is actually eBay and it worked!

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