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I used to see this at Harley-Davidson meets, on a tee shirt: "I don't just own a tee Shirt, I own a Harley-Davidson!"




Phill - I don't just own a tee shirt, I own a Shelby!

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Keith has had some in the past, don't know TODAY's roster.

BTW, I've worked with him in the past (in my previous industry), he's a VERY cool guy. Extremely friendly, humble, and funny.




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My wife is crazy about him. He is coming here in concert in Aug. I am surpring her with some tickets and a meet and greet pass.


Make sure she doesn't wear heels, or she may MISS him...




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BTW, if you watch closely, you'll see who the producer is... Dann Huff, one of the greatest guitarists on the planet HIMSELF, for those "in the know".





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Awesome stuff Jer! Big fan of Keith myself, he is undeniably one of the greatest guitar players alive today!


He is a good entertainer and actor.


I just have a real hard time buying a guy who talks with a STRONG Aussie accent, singing CW songs with a strong southern drawl/twang.


Hence, my "actor" comment...


I do however have a strong attraction to his wife!




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Aw, it's no different than the British guys who have an American accent when singing. It all in what music you learned to sing to.




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