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My alloy coup arrived last Thursday. It was ordered December 1st and was worth the wait. Got pulled over the second day I had it by some officers who wanted to check out the car. They had already heard about it! I don't have any pics yet because my girlfriend is in New York with the camera. That worked out great - car shows up, girlfriend leaves for a week. She ordered it for me so she wasn't thrilled about the timing but she'll get over it.

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My alloy coup arrived last Thursday. It was ordered December 1st and was worth the wait. Got pulled over the second day I had it by some officers who wanted to check out the car. They had already heard about it! I don't have any pics yet because my girlfriend is in New York with the camera. That worked out great - car shows up, girlfriend leaves for a week. She ordered it for me so she wasn't thrilled about the timing but she'll get over it.

Great news Maverick! We have a rule in here...we want to see photos.... :happy feet:


Thanks for joining us!



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Here are the only two pics I have. I hope this works.




Very nice looking car Mav. Welcome to the board. Your lucky that you only have a few posts, otherwise we would of made you caugh up some pool pic's of your girlfriend for only posting 2 photos of the new car.


You got lucky.....this time. :hysterical:

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Very nice looking car Mav. Welcome to the board. Your lucky that you only have a few posts, otherwise we would of made you caugh up some pool pic's of your girlfriend for only posting 2 photos of the new car.


You got lucky.....this time. :hysterical:


Here you go grabber. These are my bartenders. My girlfriend is third from the left.




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Welcome to the forum Maverick, nice pics and your girlfriend ordered your car? Wow how nice, you own a bar? Since you said YOUR bartenders.



She ordered the car while I was on a business trip. We had talked about it and she knew what I wanted. It was my local dealers last slot (they had 2) so when she found that out, she decided not to wait and ordered it.


Yes I own a bar and the girls in the picture work for me. Frozen Sun Daiquiris! One of the great things about Louisiana. Drive through daiquiris!!! :happy feet:




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Congratulations, Maverick!

Does this make your car a Maverick-like-Mustang? :hysterical:

Sounds like you have a pretty sweet set-up down there. Frozen Daquiri drive-through?

Sounds like we need a road trip! :hysterical2:

Welcome to the boards. Enjoy!





Come on down. We would would love to have you. That would be quite a drive however.

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Maverick - Congrats on the great car!


Will be driving through Lafayette on the way back to FL from AZ weekend of 9-10 June. Would love to plan a stop by your place for a cold beverage and take a look at your new car. I'll be leaving my car in storage in AZ for 2 years and by that time will be in "distress" again!



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