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12v and/or 120v Air Compressor? Any suggestions?


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Looking for something for the garage and the car to have just in case I need to add air to the tires. Tired of trying to find a place to inflate the tires that cost money and I have to run around trying to get the right amount of air in the tire before my dollars run out. LOL! Really just want a compressor to keep the tires properly inflated at all times so, wondered if anyone here had something they used and liked or did not like....so I know.



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Sent this to you on FordGT500.com with no response so I thought I would send it to you here as well:



Here is what I bought to replace the slime/air compressor unit that came from the factory. I like it because it connects directly to the battery and NOT a power socket in the car. With this, plus a plug kit, I can fix tires on the road without using the slime.


amazon_icon.gif Amazon


I have an old Campell Hausfeld compressor for garage use. It has lasted 25 years so far. There are many options to choose from. Check out this link:










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Thanks guys! I must have missed when I got the e-mail notification on here and the FordGT500 I don't appear to be getting them...for some reason.


Anyway...good info for sure!


I have a portable compressor but, after reading the warnings/instructions....on it it made me nervous to have it in the garage. I only need something to fill air in the tires...and that is dependable. I wanted to be sure i get something that the motor won't burn out quick.


I have TF wheels so, based on how the stems are...I'm not sure if something that has that locking clip on it will work given where the stems are. There may not be room so, I'm looking to get something without that. I'd just need a regular connection.


I think the suggestions above are in particular brands such as viair and campbell hausfield are what I will look at...these seem to be reliable brands.

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