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Neil Armstrong - An American Hero Passes...

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Neil Armstrong, a great American hero, passed from this world yesterday. I remember that warm July 20th night in 1969 when he became the first human to step on the surface of another planetary body. It seemed all things were possible back then and NASA enjoyed great success. His place in history is now fixed. :salute:


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This one really hurt. I was a Mercury-Gemini-Apollo space freak when I was in school. Like most of us from that era we know where we were when JFK was shot and when Armstrong landed on the moon - I was camping with a bunch of family and friends and oogling Debbie in her bikini - and then the 60's transistor radio all went to the landing and when he said "that's one small step" everyone was quiet. Noone said anything for about 10 minutes while they did the sound.

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Interesting fact on Neil Armstrong. He grew up having a love for anything that few, and while in his 1st year a Purdue Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. While Neil was in ah of the feat he was also disappointed. Neil felt he was born one generation too late and that no other great flying accomplishments were left to be tackled.


After he returned from the Moon, Neil felt guilty for the attention and fame he recieved as he knew that it took thousands of people to place him and Buzz on the moon. This why he stayed out of public view. He did not feel deserving of the praise.

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