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Window Sticker?


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I had it but I lost all of my bookmarks so I'm waiting for someone to post the link too!




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You should call and confirm your DATE is 8/6. You could be confusing that with your build WEEK -- meaning you car will build sometime during the week of August 6th. If that is true, then your build date could be as far out and 8/10, which means you won't see your sticker until perhaps tomorrow or over the weekend.


If your build day is indeed 8/6, then you should see your sticker. At least typically you would. Some guys say their stickers didn't show up a week before.

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Window sticker is up!!! SVT says build date is 8/9 with an eta to dealer of 8/15!!!! Can't wait!!!





Vinstang - I remember like it was yesterday the feeling you are having. I've had my new one for almost 6 weeks now and it is very awesome!!

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