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Glass Roof Hold???

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Hi everybody. I'm pretty new to the forum and I've never owned a Mustang before or ordered a new car. I placed the order on 4/17 and I'm still on material hold/in processing. All the cars I see on eBay or in the videos seem to be without the glass roof and I'm curious if that's the hold up. Last time I spoke to SVT they said call back in a month... Rough

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There is no hold on the glass roof. I have every option except shaker and track pack and my car is scheduled to be built next friday. Your car will automatically be put in material hold until your order is pulled thats just how it is.

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I'm really looking forward to the glass roof on the GT I ordered. When in Carlisle I got my first look at one (the Shelby 1000) and it really looked good. My car is not yet scheduled either, but I'm hoping it might be by today...

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