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I've joined the club


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I've heard others talk about it but it finally happened to me. I got pulled over by the local constables the other evening so that they could check out the car. They told me I changed lanes without signalling, which was true, but I know that's not why they stopped me. One of them asked me how fast I had taken it up to. I told him the lawful freeway speed of course. I also told him I have a blast getting it up to freeway speed. They thanked me, told me to have a nice night and sent me on my way.


Life is good.

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I've heard others talk about it but it finally happened to me. I got pulled over by the local constables the other evening so that they could check out the car. They told me I changed lanes without signalling, which was true, but I know that's not why they stopped me. One of them asked me how fast I had taken it up to. I told him the lawful freeway speed of course. I also told him I have a blast getting it up to freeway speed. They thanked me, told me to have a nice night and sent me on my way.


Life is good.


I love it...I had two officers tell me not to ruin the car by putting the front license plate on...off the record of course!

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