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David Hawkins

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Something is going on....................Several Months ago, while at Work, I was on TS and went into the Collecibles Forum and the next thing I knew my Computer got the Evil Black Screen of Death. The Virus kepy duplicating my Files until my Hard Drive was Full and Crashed. Today, whle at work, I tried to go to "Shelby Forums" to check things out and as soon as the Home Page came up, a Box poped up telling me that The Site wanted to run a Program, do you want to let it? and I clicked on the "X" on the Top Right Corner and BAME, the Evil Black Screen of Death.


Huge Question: Could there be a major problem with my Computer that allowed the Evil Black Screen of Death with out having anything to do with Team Shelby and Shelby Forums? It is just odd that as soon as I clicked on something the Evil Black Screen of Death happens.



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Something is going on....................Several Months ago, while at Work, I was on TS and went into the Collecibles Forum and the next thing I knew my Computer got the Evil Black Screen of Death. The Virus kepy duplicating my Files until my Hard Drive was Full and Crashed. Today, whle at work, I tried to go to "Shelby Forums" to check things out and as soon as the Home Page came up, a Box poped up telling me that The Site wanted to run a Program, do you want to let it? and I clicked on the "X" on the Top Right Corner and BAME, the Evil Black Screen of Death.


Huge Question: Could there be a major problem with my Computer that allowed the Evil Black Screen of Death with out having anything to do with Team Shelby and Shelby Forums? It is just odd that as soon as I clicked on something the Evil Black Screen of Death happens.







its the Car Porn that's doing it :hysterical:

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Dave, What operating sysem do you have?? I have a computer repair sevice in Sebastion, FL. Having just gone through that on one of my computers, you've caught a bad virus and may have a corrupted operating system. I had to do a complete reinstall of the operating system, but I could not get the system to fully boot before the BSOD popped up. If you have an anti virus program, boot into the "safe mode" by rapidly tapping the "F8" key as soon as you push the power button and run a full scan. If that doesn't work maybe doing a restore back to an earlier time before the problem started may fix it. If not you may have to reinstall everything. Might be a good time to upgrade to Win7. Computer trouble shooting is difficult without the computer sitting in front of any tech. You can email me direct at "wokeefe2000@yahoo.com".



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If you have an anti virus program, boot into the "safe mode" by rapidly tapping the "F8" key as soon as you push the power button


I found that if I just hold the F8 key down during boot-up, it does the same thing. That way I don't miss the right time to push it.


At least on my HP Desktop.




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Dave, What operating sysem do you have?? I have a computer repair sevice in Sebastion, FL. Having just gone through that on one of my computers, you've caught a bad virus and may have a corrupted operating system. I had to do a complete reinstall of the operating system, but I could not get the system to fully boot before the BSOD popped up. If you have an anti virus program, boot into the "safe mode" by rapidly tapping the "F8" key as soon as you push the power button and run a full scan. If that doesn't work maybe doing a restore back to an earlier time before the problem started may fix it. If not you may have to reinstall everything. Might be a good time to upgrade to Win7. Computer trouble shooting is difficult without the computer sitting in front of any tech. You can email me direct at "wokeefe2000@yahoo.com".





Hi Bill,

I am a State Employee so it is a State Computer. It already has Win7. I am not allowed to work on it so I have to wait till Monday for the Tech People to come and switch it out....AGAIN....... until they can fix it.......AGAIN. It did this once before while I was checking out the "Collectibles Forum" here on TS. This time it happened while I was trying to view the "Shelby Forums" site. This morning I turned the Computer on and it went thru all the same motions, :Log On" and then Failure Boxes over lapping until a Program popped up running a Scan that I didn't know. I stopped that. I checked to see if I still had my Photos and Documents, etc........NOTHING......all GONE........AGAIN. :banghead:


I think that the Server they have me on has a major breech................

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On Monday, our Tech Guy came out and tried to work on my Computer. He started it in "Safe Mode" and that was all he could do. Everything was gone. The Virus made the Computer keep coping everything until it filled up and crashed. I am just glad that he brought me a Back Up Computer to play with. This is the second Computer that Crashed like this since we moved into the new place and both Times I was visiting a Shelby Site.........First Time was Team Shelby and this time I was at Team Shelby trying to go to "Shelby Forums" when it Crashed. I am just waiting to hear back from the Tech.

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The Virus has nothing to do with the site, it is a trojan that has been downloaded and has "Hijacked" your system.


Since it is a State Computer is it networked and/or running through a VPN.


Are you running any type of malware/spyware protection? Antivirus at this point will not do anything for you.



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Are you still having the problem when you log in and can you locate your documents and images in the registry? If you backed up all your stuff as a disc image on the external Hard Drive then the Trojan is also been backed up.


If you are willing to take a leap of faith, PM me and I can walk you through what we need to do but this can take a few hours.


We need to verify if is buried in the OS and just in the user profile registry.

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Are you still having the problem when you log in and can you locate your documents and images in the registry? If you backed up all your stuff as a disc image on the external Hard Drive then the Trojan is also been backed up.


If you are willing to take a leap of faith, PM me and I can walk you through what we need to do but this can take a few hours.


We need to verify if is buried in the OS and just in the user profile registry.




The Tect now has my Computer. They gave me a temp Computer until they can fix mine.

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Two words... MacBook Pro


I had similar virus problems with my XP Toshiba laptop and finally tossed it. My work Windows 7 Dell is constantly glitchy too. Microsoft needs to step up before they get run over by Apple.




I have had conversations over the years with Apple Owners who have all said the thing……… Viruses are Man Made and designed to cause as much destruction as possible to a large number of Computers at once. Since Apple owners are a very small percentage of Computer Owners, The makers of the Viruses choose to attack Microsoft because it is such a larger number. If and when Apple gets to be as big as Microsoft, Apple will start to have the same problems with Viruses.

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I haven't had any security warnings, etc. from this site in the past few months.



Thats just it, both Crashes, there was NO warnings of any type. I clicked on a Link and that was all she wrote.

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Was it an actual link on this site? (don't post the actual link - just in case) or was this some "pop-up" that appeared on your screen while on the site?



It was an actual Link in the "Shelby Collectibles" Forum. I clicked on a Thread to check out what was being posted about a Collectable the Screen went blank and then all the Pop Ups starting poping up then after about 20 of those had poped up, a bigger Box poped up and an Anti-Virus program started running automaticly. I later found out it was NOT one of our programs. I no longer go in to the Collectibles Forum.

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I spent 12 years as a computer network systems guy. Just as the universal solvent is water, the universal fix it for computers is a hard cold reboot. It was widely accepted the the major cause of desktop computer issues was a DEU.


Defective End User


I am guessing you clicked on a link you should not have and the bad guys gotcha.


"I can't print" is my favorite complaint.

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I just went to the "Mustang Club Of America" Forums and clicked on the "Classifieds" Link and a Box poped up saying that there was a "Major Virus Threat" and I had to hold down to Power Button to shut off the Computer. I think my Computer is ok. It seems like someone is attacking the Car Sites.

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