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Pruis owner yells at a Diesel Truck Driver for sitting in a parking lot

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What was she yelling about? The fact that the truck was running while parked? Must be something with Prius owners. Couple of months ago I was sitting in my Shelby at a redlight when a woman in a Prius (or something similar) turned across in front of me. As she turned across in front of me she gave me the meanest look I've ever received in my adult life. It look like a heavyset woman in her 50's.


I'm in my late 50's and she sure wasn't my type. :headscratch:

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My best friend since 2nd grade and I have kept in touch over the years eeven though we pursued very different paths.


He is now a PhD and has always worked, and still does, for a universities in research. I went the other way after school, in to the working world.



I have always been a drag race fan. I have owned Chevelles, Firebirds, and a ’73 Blazer with a tricked out Vette motor. I built and raced 3 & 4 wheel ATVs on the desert for 30 years. I presently own my SGT. He on the other hand is mountain biker, hiker, and canoe person.



Last time he came to Salt Lake, he was in a Prius. He made comments about my SGT and the fossil fuels, the environment, etc. He said he never understood guys like me all these years since, as he saw it, everything I do for fun involves noise and high HP vehicles. I wonder what his point is? :shrug:



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Whats really crazy is how many people in this Country think they can dictate how someone else should live thier life. Obe symptom of the police state. Cameras everywhere and people dictating to other people the way they think it should be, instead of letting one live thier life in freedom. This woman is a joke she is so overweight, I bet she wastes more energy on food production for her piehole than that she saves in that Prius. Guy was polite I would have went into a curseword tirade, and yes I curse in front of my kid and no she does not. This woman is so disgusting it is unreal.


Treat me good I will treat you better, Treat me bad and I will treat you worse. -Sonny Barger


Freedom is not free. Sometimes you have to deal with heartburn like this.

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Next time you see a Prius headed down the road take note of their speed. I guarantee you they are cruising above the limit (wasting fuel).


If they where truely concerned with the environment they would at the very least drive the speed limit, stay in the far right lane, and get the hell out of my way!

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Next time you see a Prius headed down the road take note of their speed. I guarantee you they are cruising above the limit (wasting fuel).


If they where truely concerned with the environment they would at the very least drive the speed limit, stay in the far right lane, and get the hell out of my way!



Amen, Brother!



Couple of years ago I was driving my 1970 Mustang Mach 1 to a car show about 15 miles up the interstate. As I'm cruising down the road doing the 70 mph speed limit, I see some kind of little hybrid car come flying down the on ramp on to the interstate. He blasts by me and I can see all kinds of lettering on the car that says stuff like, "This Vehicle gets 100 mpg" and "This is a Green Vehicle" and crap like that. I decide I'm going to speed up and catch this clown and give him a big thumbs up, you know kinda like, "Hey Thanks for Driving That so I can Drive This" and point to my '70 Mach 1. Well I accelerate up to 85 mph and this guy is still out distancing me. I figure I'd better slow my butt back down before I get a ticket. That guy had to doing 100 mph and i seriously doubt he was getting 100 mpg on that day(LOL). :shift:

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It's a pity that the electric vehicle crowd doesn't really get it. Unless your electricity that it takes to recharge the battery is provided by a nuclear power plant (see note 1), most electricity is generated by coal. Given that all they are doing is moving the point of combustion byproducts from their tail pipe to a smoke stack in Nebraska.


Note 1: We'll deal with the nuclear waste elsewhere.

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I am all for the electric/hybrid/Teetotaling hyper efficient fuel sippers. Without them the Muscle Car & Supercars would find a very quick death and the Dino-Juice would dry up relegating the internal combustion engine to the Smithsonian far before its time.


If driving a hybrid helps these people sleep at night, fine, but they better stow their 'mightier than thou' attitude and stop living a double standard.


I drove a Prius on a business trip for a week a few years back; I was impressed with it and would have no problem using one as a daily commuter. But until the total cost of ownership surpasses that of a comparably equipped non-hybrid you are throwing away good money to sleep better.

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I think Top Gear UK did a bit on the Prius about how the material to make the batteries is strip-mined in Canada, then shipped around the world to China to create the batteries, then the batteries are shipped to Japan, etc. Not to mention, where does all of that stuff go when the Prius is kaput? Green? I think not!



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Personally, I would have sat there with my foot on the throttle to rev the engine higher.



I thought the same.


Gotta give the guy credit.................kept his cool even with that crazy Pruis tool yelling at him.

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I saw a bumper sticker one time..................it said............................."Save the environment"......"Kill yourself"!!!!!!

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We're being too hard on the woman, she was obviously sitting there finishing up her Wendy's Triple 1/4 cheeseburger, and the mere smell of your diesel ruined her appetite, causing her to be unable to enjoy her large fry and chocolate frosty!


Next time, make sure that you offer to put her in your cattle hauler to carry her out to the pasture for grazing.



I almost feel sorry for the batteries in her Prius, I'm sure that they often fail from over-use, I mean I know that they were designed to only carry the "lightened" load of that vehicle.



By the way, the fact that nobody got rolled up in that one shows who really does have consideration for other people..She's lucky she's still standing.


I'm just out of words, guess I'll just have to close with, "wow!"

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I got a few things to say about this woman. Sounds like she is ready to sit on these parents.


1. You were to curse in front of my kid like that for no reason, get ready for me to ignore you and be in for a good scrubbing in the mouth.


2. Your combined fuel economy in that POS jap econo box is probably going to be less than an ecoboost Explorer/Focus.


3. If you are going to be an environmentalist freak, do it at least in an American hybrid instead of being in an un-American peice of high maintaining cost plastic. Where this family is at least in an American truck.


4. The truck is a diesel. It gets decent mileage for what it is classified as a truck. It's also supposed to be loud and suburbs are going to be loud with cars passing by regardless so if you don't like it either ignore it, stay home, or go deaf.


5. You were not in a parking spot. Mind your own business.


6. Lady, Woodstock is over. Welcome to the real world.


7. You should break for lunch with Chris Christie. :ohsnap:

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Kudos to that couple for not smacking the crap out out her when she cursed in front of the their kids.

I work for a renewable energy company and drive my Honda to work 99% of the time. Occasionally I drive my diesel powered Excursion to work when the weather is bad or I need to haul something large after work. Without fail and usually more polite than the beast in that video, I get asked how I can do what I do for a living and drive a big gas guzzling SUV, the worst one on the planet to boot. When I explain the logic behind why the vehicle is practical for my situation more times than not people seem to understand, but there are a few that give me grief every time they see me in it. They don't get that my Excursion uses less fuel than a lot of the trucks and SUV's out there. People like the loud mouth in that video are doing nothing positive to promote a "green" way of life.


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Kudos to that couple for not smacking the crap out out her when she cursed in front of the their kids.

I work for a renewable energy company and drive my Honda to work 99% of the time. Occasionally I drive my diesel powered Excursion to work when the weather is bad or I need to haul something large after work. Without fail and usually more polite than the beast in that video, I get asked how I can do what I do for a living and drive a big gas guzzling SUV, the worst one on the planet to boot. When I explain the logic behind why the vehicle is practical for my situation more times than not people seem to understand, but there are a few that give me grief every time they see me in it. They don't get that my Excursion uses less fuel than a lot of the trucks and SUV's out there. People like the loud mouth in that video are doing nothing positive to promote a "green" way of life.




I don't know if it still considered green, but we have a car that has run 70k miles on just about 100% biodiesel an I run it in my scout...cool stuff works in any diesel

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