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Rest in Peace, ANDY ROONEY

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For you Ruff;


Quote from Andy"

it is possible to be dumb and be a college president,” but he acknowledged that “most college students are not as smart as most college presidents.” On the subject of higher education, he declared that most college catalogs “rank among the great works of fiction of all time,” and that a student of lackluster intellect who could raise tuition money would find it “almost impossible to flunk out.”



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in remembering Andy also recall that we are losing something like 1000+ WWII vets every day, Andy was one.


My Father, and Mother are also WWII veterans as well, I remember them every day, not just Nov 11.

I remember listening to Andy growing up. Reminds me of my parents.

A different time.

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My dad used to watch 60 minutes every week. I remember watching it with him. We only had one TV in the house and after 60 minutes we would watch Star Trek together with my 2 other brothers. Makes me sad thinking about it. My youngest brother is no longer with us, and my dad is very ill. Memories and photos of the good old days are very precious indeed. This life on earth is very short if you think about it. Spend time with your family and make that time count. You never know when there going to be gone.

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