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Military Care Packages

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My son's Cub Scout troop is putting together Car Packages to be sent to some of our troops currently serving in Afghanistan. At their meeting last night they discussed what they thought the Soldiers would like. Here are a few of their ideas...


Comic books


Tooth brush / Tooth paste

Left over Halloween candy

Old Spice aftershave

Beef jerky


Instant Coffee

and my favorite.....more ammo.


If you have served, or are serving, in the Military, what would you like to receive in a Cub Scout Care Package?


Please let my son and know, and we will do our best to make sure that some of it ends up on it's way to one of our Servicemen/women overseas. :salute:




Z-man (and Little -Z)

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Great thread.................. happy%20feet.gif . I like the calling card idea.


We've sent Magazines, sunglasses, snack foods, cleanwipes. It is the least we can do as they are doing everything for others freedom............ :salute:



Keep the ideas coming.

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Calling Cards

Car Magazine (Mustang)



The last time I went to Apple B's I had the Ribblets and they gave me a Moist Towllet that was a LOT bigger then the usual ones you get. I keep meaning to swing back by to see if they would give me a Case of them to send to the Troops.

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Just wanted to say "Thank you!" to everyone who has responded so far. :victory:


I'll print this out and have my son take it to his Den meeting tonight to review with the other Scouts.


Please keep the ideas coming, as we still have some time before they start collecting items to assemble the care packages.



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How-about an airplne ticket home.....I know that's what most of them would like. God bless them all and may they all get home safe.



That would be nice.........If I was the Big Guy on the Hill, I would bring them all Home and take care of America First. Let those other Countries take care of themselves.

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AMEN on bring all them home NOW!!!


Having been in the service, these items would be great for the Soldies


T-Shirts (brown)

Undershorts (brown)

Calling cards for sure

Sunflower seeds


Licorice (sp)

Handy wipes

Suntan oil

Body lotion


and the list could go on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hope it's not too late to add to your list.

I was in Afghanistan a couple years ago and the

three things I thought was great were


1. Large cleaning wipes

2. Hand warmers

3. Instant hand sanitizers



Nope, it's not too late. We are assembling the Care Packages next week, so your suggestions are well timed.


Thanks for the input, and even more, thanks for the time you served. :salute:

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