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Why You Need Fire Suppression On the Track


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Long ago, I resolved that a fire extinguisher is not what you need on the track because, simply put, when fire decides to become a part of your day, you need to have at the ready a way to actually put it out (as you are on your way out of the car, for sure). We spend a lot of money on these cars so putting a bit of that into a true fire suppression system made sense to me. Just my two cents. Check out this video and you can see how things can go from just fine to something else: http://sports.yahoo.com/nascar/blog/from_the_marbles/post/Race-Wreck-Fire-Rescue-This-video-8217-s-go?urn=nascar-wp4316



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I'm not trying to discredit the value of a fire suppression system, but for the vast majority of us our Shelby's are not true track only vehicles therefore many if not all of the OE safety measure are in place which significantly reduce the likelihood of a fire such as this. The cars in the video are hand build track only cars and are very likely running high octane fuel and other off-road only equipment that may not have same level of safety expectations as those required in a retail vehicle. For example, all vehicles made today have a fuel pump safety switch that cuts the power to the pump in the event of an accident. I would be surprised to find such a safety device on a racecar.


All I'm saying is, use what safety equipment is best for you, your driving style, and is required by either your home track or governing body such as SCCA & NASA. A full fire suppression system may not be the best choice for everyone.


I personnaly like this system: Linky

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There are a few different systems listed on Ebay. Some are Hard Plumbed and some are Soft Plumbed. Then you will need to decide what Size Bottle and what is inside the Bottle. I am not sure how good Halon would be in a Car with the Side Windows rolled down. The main thing would be to not so much as to save the Car but more of giveing you time to get out safely. The Plumbing and the Nozzels could easily be hidden with the Bottle mounted in the Trunk like people do with NOS.

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I have my car plumbed so that the nozzles are under the hood aimed right where the fuel is. With the hood down, the fire suppressant creates a dead zone quickly and leaves no residue. I appreciate that a fire suppression system may seem like overkill to some but I have done everything I can to my car to keep me alive when something goes wrong. I control what I can control because, after the fact, how much would you pay for a fire suppression system, or a roll bar, or 5-point harnesses, or big brakes? The only thing that I cannot get to work is the ejection seat. I have the electrical in the car but will need the roof redone for it to work.






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I have my car plumbed so that the nozzles are under the hood aimed right where the fuel is. With the hood down, the fire suppressant creates a dead zone quickly and leaves no residue. I appreciate that a fire suppression system may seem like overkill to some but I have done everything I can to my car to keep me alive when something goes wrong. I control what I can control because, after the fact, how much would you pay for a fire suppression system, or a roll bar, or 5-point harnesses, or big brakes? The only thing that I cannot get to work is the ejection seat. I have the electrical in the car but will need the roof redone for it to work.








Didn't you see the Second "Fast & Furious" Movie? They Ejection Seats in a Challenger and a Camaro. Both were Coupes. You just have to be willing to Blow Off your Door............. :shift:

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I have my car plumbed so that the nozzles are under the hood aimed right where the fuel is. With the hood down, the fire suppressant creates a dead zone quickly and leaves no residue. I appreciate that a fire suppression system may seem like overkill to some but I have done everything I can to my car to keep me alive when something goes wrong. I control what I can control because, after the fact, how much would you pay for a fire suppression system, or a roll bar, or 5-point harnesses, or big brakes? The only thing that I cannot get to work is the ejection seat. I have the electrical in the car but will need the roof redone for it to work.








Ebay has them from $300.00 to $700.00 depending on Bottle Size and Set Up. Not bad Prices if you ask me.

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