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Team Shelby Member Ed Rios needs our support and prayers


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So sorry to hear this news. Please let us know if there is an organized effort for donations to ED AND HIS FAMILY.


continued prayers for all those in harms way......especially Jeff and Lori! :grouphug:




Something is in the works. Stay tuned for more info.....

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We have a paypal account set up now. You can send donations to shelbyfirefund@gmail.com


Please remember that these donations are not tax deductible and that while free to send money, paypal does charge us about 3% to receive money.


Ed will be registering at a couple of places as soon as he finds a rental home. If you would prefer to send a check instead you can email me at shelbyfirefund@gmail.com and I will be glad to provide an address.


Thanks again!


Sean Cook

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