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My New Playground


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As the official Regional Director of this Region,i will be spending more time in this part of the forum now that we are now LIVE with the Team Shelby Regional Clubs!!!!

all of the regions have directors and please utilize this part of the website more!!


as a group we will be having more TEAM SHELBY events and other great things in each of the regions!!


if there is something you'd like to see happen in our please let me know!!!!




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misc greensburg 010.JPG

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How about a get together in Detroit again, hasen`t happened since Sharon & Robert left




I agree....that was a great time.......but this time it should be done with the Woodward Dream Cruise which is the most incredible automotive event on the planet.


It would be awesome to see 100 + Shelby vehicles at the "Snake Pit"......We would need our own section of the town..lol..

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