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Clutch Question


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For any of the 2010 or 2011 guys.


Just something I found that's a little strange with my car and not sure if it's normal or not. It probably is and it's just something I have to get used to but it never hurts to check. My car has about 300 miles on it as it's been raining almost all month and I haven't had it out of the garage much. I haven't done any burnouts or dumped the clutch.


So here is the part I find a little strange, the clutch engages probably 80 percent of the way through it's travel point. What I mean is you depress the clutch, shift to second and have to bring the clutch back up about 80 percent of the way to engage again. Is this normal? I'm used to clutches contacting closer to the floor.


I thinky my 07 GT had about the same clutch travel and engage point. It could be I'm just used to driving my wifes manual Escape that engages very close to the floor. I stalled that bugger first time I drove it because I wasn't expecting the clutch to engage so quickly.

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Does the clutch start to engage at 80%, or is it fully engaged at 80%? Maybe that ? wasn't clear, when does your clutch start to engage and when is it fully engaged?



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Does the clutch start to engage at 80%, or is it fully engaged at 80%? Maybe that ? wasn't clear, when does your clutch start to engage and when is it fully engaged?


Pardon me, that's my bad for not being totally clear. I was in a rush typing it out. It starts to engage a lot lower and is fully engaged about 80 percent of the way back up. It just seems like a very long travel but then again the pedal has a lot of travel as well. Is this a specifici characterstic of a dual disc clutch by chance?


I've pretty much only driven standards and perhaps it's just the length of total travel of the clutch pedal that has me questioning this.


I should also mention that mechanically nothing seems wrong with the clutch. It bites well, it's not slipping or anything.

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Shifting into second is very sensitive on these cars. The clutch pedal has to be in the floor for it to shift properly. I have no idea why just that gear requires different pedal travel.


I thought second was a little wierd....glad to know I'm not the only one.


Do you also feel that it's fully engaged back near the top? kind of 80 percentish.

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To help a little with the 1st - 2nd shift at wot, make sure your seat is upright, clutch is buried and you pull the stick diagonally (fairly hard) to your ribs for 2nd. Don't pull it straight back like it feels like you should.


Ezkill, if noone gets back to you about the clutch engagemen beforehand, I'll try to take mine for a spin 2nite and let you know. I'm not positive on the exact engagemet & where so I don't want to pee in the wind by assuming.

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On level ground I can get the car to move at idle with the clutch about 1/3 of the way up. It takes 2/3 of travel before I would say its fully engaged.




Hmm ill try that when I get home. Again, mines probably totally normal...call it new car paranoia combined with an unhealthy dose of reading over the years about GT500 clutch issues. It just seemed like a ton of travel, the wifes escape...literally the clutch starts to grab right off the floor and fully engages about 2 inches later lol. I've had several cars that are comparable to that. If this is the nature of the beast it's fine, just takes some getting used to.

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Hmm ill try that when I get home. Again, mines probably totally normal...call it new car paranoia combined with an unhealthy dose of reading over the years about GT500 clutch issues. It just seemed like a ton of travel, the wifes escape...literally the clutch starts to grab right off the floor and fully engages about 2 inches later lol. I've had several cars that are comparable to that. If this is the nature of the beast it's fine, just takes some getting used to.



Mine will start to grab pretty early on, but it will take around 2/3 before it feels solidly connected. Most cars I've driven with hydraulic clutches feel pretty disconnected compared to cable and mechanical linkage. The 2010+ clutches are completely different from the 09 down clutches, time will tell if they have issues so I would just enjoy it while its new.

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The new 2010 clutch was designed to have a more gradual engagement and not so much an on off switch like the previous models. This is how they got rid of the chatter, in part. You can thank the now organic clutch surface material



I'll let you know how my McLeod RST works out. It's an organic clutch as well. It might be your next option if the 2010 clutch doesn't work out.

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