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3M Clear Bra wierd reaction


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Had my car 3md the other day full hood, full front 1/4s, front end, rockers., mirrors, A pillars and front of roof, they did and excellent job, but last night I went to wash and noticed a small dark spot under the 3m on the hood that was not previously there, I called the installer and he said bring it by when I got it there today there were several more now on the front bumper area almost looks like oil stains under the 3m, the installer tried buffing it but it was definitely under the 3m they are going to remove it tomorrow and replace it, instaler thinks it could just be a bad batch and is sending it back to the manufacturer to see if they can figure it out.

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Only thing I can think of that would grow like that is Mold or Mildew. Perfect environment for that stuff to grow. Clear bra works as both a vapor barrier (to hold moisture), and incubator to keep it nice and warm.


This could have come from dirty hands, or the spray bottle they used for the water/soap/ or what ever they use was contaminated and transfered it that way.


But it is great they just pulled it off and are going to redo it "no questions asked" SUPER +1 for that installer.




PS just reread your post. Yeah I put my money on the spray bottle they used, having it show up in so many different places was the red flag for me.

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Let us know if the installer ever get the word back from 3M as to what the problem was.



I will he pealed it off today it looks like it is in the 3m itself and it looked black or oil colored on the car but when removed it is yellowish.

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Could just be the 3M film itself. When my installer put SpeedFilm on my car, he showed me actual pieces from the rolls that he gets from the factory that had very small bugs (looked like nats) in it. Things like this would cause him to have to start over, but luckily he caught it be fore putting it on the car.

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