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"Special" would be the only way to describe someone who would do that to that car. The dealership should have spent the three grand on fixing the paint job.

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I thought it was a clone gone horribly wrong at first glance....now we know its actually a Shelby that has been thrown into ghetto hell....Looks like a Ricer somehow got his hands on a GT500, and completely ruined it... :censored:

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Those must be 8000 miles driven at night only. No one could possibly drive that in the light of day.



Sweet Jesus that was so funny I almost had water coming out of my nose. Agreed maybe there should be some type of interview process that takes place before someone can buy a Shelby.


Q:"So what do you plan on doing to the car in the next few years"?

A: "I hope to supersnake it when i can get enought money"



Q: "So what do you plan on doing to the car in the next few years"?

A: "I hope to get a bigger blower and work on the exhasut"



Q: "So what do you plan on doing to the car in the next few years"?

A: "I am planning painting the top half pink, adding some cheap hood clips, and who knows after that maybe a giant wing on the back and some neon ground effects"


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Those must be 8000 miles driven at night only. No one could possibly drive that in the light of day.






I've also seen this car on ebay before. Having a tough time selling I guess.

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I just blew my lunch all over my keyboard...


BTW, what is that silver handle thingy on the shifter?



That handle is for the reverse lock-out. Keeps you from accidentally knocking the shifter into reverse, especially when used with a manual valvebody. Pretty sure it is required at the track. I had one in my BB Duster.

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