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Obama is at it again( Gun Control)

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Looks like Obama has picked up something that Clinton did not finish.29 other countries have done it so it has to be right. Again R rights R under assault.If he pulls this one off Foreign access to U.S. gun REGISTRY will be possible. check out this link.

Listen really careful to this towards the end when lou Dodds says just a couple things obama wants to to do like take R guns away.



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What planet are these gun-control weasels from anyway?


Yeah, I think its real smart to end up like the citizens in China, or Iran or several other such countries and not be able to possess firearms for defense....real smart.....see where that gets us....

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What planet are these gun-control weasels from anyway?


Yeah, I think its real smart to end up like the citizens in China, or Iran or several other such countries and not be able to possess firearms for defense....real smart.....see where that gets us....




Il you have one of the biggest gun-control weasels in your own country...James Brady's wife


She sterted the Brady bill...Or so I thought.

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Why would he want other nations to know which American citizens own firearms?


Because according to this treaty, if you do something in the US that is considered illegal in ANOTHER country, that OTHER country can charge you with a crime and it is EXTRADITABLE. You could actually serve time in a foreign prison for something done here that isn't even illegal here.

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What planet are these gun-control weasels from anyway?


Yeah, I think its real smart to end up like the citizens in China, or Iran or several other such countries and not be able to possess firearms for defense....real smart.....see where that gets us....

obama worshippers/voters do NOT care about your personal safety and well being.


obama'ites do not love the United States , in Fact obama supporters despise the USA and All that it stands for.


obama'ites want Socialism/Communism.


obama'ites want the Government to Control every aspect of your life from birth to death, including your, right to self protection.


obama'ites want to give 2nd , 3rd, 4th 5th chances to convicted felons, while taking away any ( guns) means, for personal self protection.




Once you understand that the people who voted for obama are the enemies of Freedom and democracy, the rest of their Socialist/Communist agenda's for America are very transparent.

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Every fascist dictator has been a strong advocate of gun control. FACT.


Why take away guns? Simple. A government totalitarian regime is easier to put in place when your citizenry are defenseless.


You liberals can thank us "gun totin', redneck SOBs" for PROTECTING YOUR FREEDOMS. Our constant vigilance and dedication to maintaining 2nd ammdendment rights IS THE REASON you can sleep safe at night knowing that your government will not turn into a Communist state over night.


It's just too bad you people voted a communist into the White House...I guess that's the thanks Liberals give people for doing a job well done. Someone's rich. Tax them till they're not. Someone's poor. Give them hand outs until they've spent them all on fake nails and expensive cellphones.



"You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers."


More admirable words were never spoken.

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