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Pronunciation of a Few Car Words/Parts


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i've heard so many different pronunciations of some of these words i just want to know the correct ones.


Novi = NO-vai or No-Veeeee?


Saleen = SAY- lean or sah -LEAN?


Kenne = Ken or Keen?


Roush = Roosh or Rowsh?


Gallardo = Galardo or Gai - Yardo?

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i've heard so many different pronunciations of some of these words i just want to know the correct ones.


Novi = NO-vai or No-Veeeee?


Saleen = SAY- lean or sah -LEAN?


Kenne = Ken or Keen? Neither - Kenny


Roush = Roosh or Rowsh?


Gallardo = Galardo or Gai - Yardo?

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I hvea nevre had ani isuues wyth spillig yat.





Spell checker? We don't need no stinkin' spell checker. I understood your sentence perfectly. How about this spelling?


How do you spell fast? S - H - E - L - B - Y


How do you spell agile? S - H - E - L - B - Y


How do you spell beautiful? S - H - E - L - B - Y


How do you spell legend? S - H - E - L - B - Y


See, English is not so tough to master.



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hmm, Kenne = Kenny? That doesn't follow any rules in the english langauge, and i always thought the empahsis/accent was on the "Leen" part of Saleen, not the "Sa"

I know Kenny is the correct pronunciation of Kenne by calling the place and hearing them answer the phone. As to Saleen you are correct. Here is an announcer saying Steve's name to him and Steve not correcting him:



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i've heard so many different pronunciations of some of these words i just want to know the correct ones.


Novi = NO-vai or No-Veeeee?


Saleen = SAY- lean or sah -LEAN?


Kenne = Ken or Keen?


Roush = Roosh or Rowsh?


Gallardo = Galardo or Gai - Yardo?


Uno were you asking a serious question? I've wondered the same thing, sometimes.


Novi - No idea


Saleen - "Say-leen"


Kenne - "Kenney" Bell


Roush - "Rowsh"


Gallardo - "Ga-lar-doe" ?

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