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My Democrat frinds were right

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Much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit it - my Democrat friends

were right.

They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's hope would deteriorate,

and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence

Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the

Bush administration. They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would

become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and now, tens of thousands

of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan .

My Democrat Party friends told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy

would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 8.8% and the

new stimulus packages implemented recently have sent the stock market lower

than at any time since the Islamic Terrorists attacks of 9-11. They told

me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking

positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet

nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of scandal, bribery and

tax fraud.

They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "Pork at the trough"

in Federal government and sure enough, 17,500 "Pork Bills" showed up in

Congress since January 2009.... I was also told by my Democrat friends

that if I voted for McCain, we would see more deficit spending in

Washington D.C. , and sure enough, Obama has spent more in just 30 days

than all other Presidents together - in the entire history of the good ole

USA ....

Well I voted for McCain in November and my Democrat friends were right...

all of their predictions have come true!

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Well, if you voted for Bush, you voted for the man who put us where we are. You think things would have been all straightened out by now if McCain was in there? If you do you are fooling yourself. 8 years of gross mismanagement of this country put us here. GM is not failing because Obama is President. Same with Chrysler. The banks failed before the election. Obama didnt run up this huge deficit. Obama didnt raise the debt ceiling to 11.7 trillion. He didnt piss away a trillion dollars in Iraq while Osama Bin Laden skips through the meadows of Pakistan with flowers in his hair. He wasnt holding hands with Saudia Arabia while they jacked us up for 5.00 gallons of gas. That was the GOP and BUSH.


The economy is like the titanic, it doesnt turn on a dime. The problems we are dealing with were already set in motion before Obama was President. What remains to be seen is if he can turn the ship before it hits the iceburg if it hasnt already. The GOP wrecks the economy everytime they get in power and run up huge deficits. Dont tell how great everything would have beeen if McCain was President.


What is troubling to me is these kind of smug attitudes by GOP supporters. The GOP took a robust economy and a budget surplus and turned it to economic disaster and a huge deficit, allowed terrorists to attack, failed to get those responsible and now want to blame someone else like they havent been running this mess for 8 years. Gimme a break.




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Don't forget the Democratic controlled House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush administraion! Both sides are just as culpable. And neither side did much to get a handle on the current issues we are now facing.

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If you are looking to blame someone for the economic trouble we are in, you must go back to the Clinton administration forcing the banks to make subprime mortages. :cry:


OH dont' forget who was in office during the first bombing of the twin towers. and who stoped the military from getting Osama.

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OK all you silly republicans; Time to face reality. Before Bush was elected this country was PERFECT. Unemployment was at 0%. There was no such thing as welfare. GM was making 500 billion dollars a day in profit and giving it all away to charity. The entire world loved us and wanted to be our friend. There were no Muslim extremeists. No war in the Middle East. Hugo Chavez, Sadam Hussain, Osama Bin Laden and that quack in North Korea were all holding hands and singing "We are the world" with Bill Clinton and Monica and Hilary and Oprah.


Remember this: Every problem this country has is because of the Republicans! How dare you try and put some of the blaim on the innocent Democrats. That is just mean! You might hurt someones feelings!




















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Much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit it - my Democrat friends

were right.

They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's hope would deteriorate,

and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence

Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the

Bush administration. They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would

become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and now, tens of thousands

of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan .

My Democrat Party friends told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy

would get worse and sure enough unemployment is approaching 8.8% and the

new stimulus packages implemented recently have sent the stock market lower

than at any time since the Islamic Terrorists attacks of 9-11. They told

me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking

positions in Federal government and sure enough, several recent cabinet

nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of scandal, bribery and

tax fraud.

They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "Pork at the trough"

in Federal government and sure enough, 17,500 "Pork Bills" showed up in

Congress since January 2009.... I was also told by my Democrat friends

that if I voted for McCain, we would see more deficit spending in

Washington D.C. , and sure enough, Obama has spent more in just 30 days

than all other Presidents together - in the entire history of the good ole

USA ....

Well I voted for McCain in November and my Democrat friends were right...

all of their predictions have come true!

Amen, brother. 31 year US Navy Submarine Vet


PM me when you get a chance.



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Well, if you voted for Bush, you voted for the man who put us where we are. You think things would have been all straightened out by now if McCain was in there? If you do you are fooling yourself. 8 years of gross mismanagement of this country put us here. GM is not failing because Obama is President. Same with Chrysler. The banks failed before the election. Obama didnt run up this huge deficit. Obama didnt raise the debt ceiling to 11.7 trillion. He didnt piss away a trillion dollars in Iraq while Osama Bin Laden skips through the meadows of Pakistan with flowers in his hair. He wasnt holding hands with Saudia Arabia while they jacked us up for 5.00 gallons of gas. That was the GOP and BUSH.


The economy is like the titanic, it doesnt turn on a dime. The problems we are dealing with were already set in motion before Obama was President. What remains to be seen is if he can turn the ship before it hits the iceburg if it hasnt already. The GOP wrecks the economy everytime they get in power and run up huge deficits. Dont tell how great everything would have beeen if McCain was President.


What is troubling to me is these kind of smug attitudes by GOP supporters. The GOP took a robust economy and a budget surplus and turned it to economic disaster and a huge deficit, allowed terrorists to attack, failed to get those responsible and now want to blame someone else like they havent been running this mess for 8 years. Gimme a break.






Where do you get that koolaid from? Man, that is some powerful koolaid you're on! :hysterical:

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If you are looking to blame someone for the economic trouble we are in, you must go back to the Clinton administration forcing the banks to make subprime mortages. :cry:


OH dont' forget who was in office during the first bombing of the twin towers. and who stoped the military from getting Osama.


















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Well, if you voted for Bush, you voted for the man who put us where we are. You think things would have been all straightened out by now if McCain was in there? If you do you are fooling yourself. 8 years of gross mismanagement of this country put us here. GM is not failing because Obama is President. Same with Chrysler. The banks failed before the election. Obama didnt run up this huge deficit. Obama didnt raise the debt ceiling to 11.7 trillion. He didnt piss away a trillion dollars in Iraq while Osama Bin Laden skips through the meadows of Pakistan with flowers in his hair. He wasnt holding hands with Saudia Arabia while they jacked us up for 5.00 gallons of gas. That was the GOP and BUSH.


The economy is like the titanic, it doesnt turn on a dime. The problems we are dealing with were already set in motion before Obama was President. What remains to be seen is if he can turn the ship before it hits the iceburg if it hasnt already. The GOP wrecks the economy everytime they get in power and run up huge deficits. Dont tell how great everything would have beeen if McCain was President.


What is troubling to me is these kind of smug attitudes by GOP supporters. The GOP took a robust economy and a budget surplus and turned it to economic disaster and a huge deficit, allowed terrorists to attack, failed to get those responsible and now want to blame someone else like they havent been running this mess for 8 years. Gimme a break.





And what is troubling to me is You really believe all the above! However, It is your personal opinion, you're entitled to it, but it's still troubling nonetheless...

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The GOP - allowed terrorists to attack, failed to get those responsible and now want to blame someone else like they havent been running this mess for 8 years. Gimme a break.




"ALLOWED" Thats funny. :hysterical: Almost like the terrorists asked permission and the GOP said "sure, come and attack us".


Strange how I dont see you saying Pres. Clinton "ALLOWED" Bin Laden to escape (He did BTW - made a decision to not deal with him). Maybe he was too busy "ALLOWING" interns :redcard: - Never mind, wont go there.

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If you are looking to blame someone for the economic trouble we are in, you must go back to the Clinton administration forcing the banks to make subprime mortages. :cry:


OH dont' forget who was in office during the first bombing of the twin towers. and who stoped the military from getting Osama.


Bingo! You just hit the jackpot my brother.


If you have any realistic comprehension of economics, this all started with Barneth Phrank and Chris "Who Me?" Dudd back during the B.J. Clintax years. They are the ones who controlled Fannie and Freddie, and forced them to make subprime loans to people who they knew did not have the wherewhithall to pay even the interest on those loans. All they cared about was getting votes from the deadbeats. This is precisely where the snowball started running down the hill.


As for the fools who continue the "this is Bush's fault" line, well, to tell you the truth, I feel sorry for them. They have so much pent-up anger and can't face the facts. Yes, W was a dissapointment, but now, with Commisar Obummer and his clan of Czars, they still blame Bush. Now, they, and the most corrupt congress in US history, are spending our grandchildren into debt, so deep, that the American dollar will be worth nothing in a few years. Do you understand what happened to the German Mark in the late 1930's. Yes, it IS that serious.


I hope the view down there, with your head burried in the sand, and dealing with your BDS (Busch Derangement Syndrome) you have a happy life. But then again, you can never be happy. You hate America and all she stands for.


Deal with the facts. Name me just ONE socialist/statist government that has succeeded. Yeah, that's right, there aren't any. And yet, you worship this piece of :censored: that's sitting in the oval office. Oh, wait a minute, he's to busy traveling oveseas bashing America to sit there. And he want's us to sacrifice, while he and his family are running up exhorbitant travel tabs on the American taxpayer? Give me a break!!!


Please stop and think about this. How can you be on this board, a proud Shelby owner, and not realize that Comrade Obama and his ilk hate you? We are the first people they want to destroy, and eventually confiscate our cars. How dare us drive something that gets less than 30 MPG?


Given the chance, they will shut SAI down as a wasteful company that serves no public interest. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the "Climate Change" bill that the Congress just passed. BTW, also note that they voted on this, without one single member having a chance to read the whole bill. Smacks of Socialism to me.


America is rapidly heading into the darkest days since our founding. The statists don't give a crap about the Constitution. They must be defeated!


BTW, my son, who is Marine Force Recon, is risking his life for you liberal scum to spew your anti-American pablum. Can you even begin to realize how many brave soliders are protecting your right to be a scum sucking douche bag?




Ok, I fell better now. May God Bless America.


BTW, I smoked a BMW M6 today. How dare those foreigners challenge my American Muscle!

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United we stand, why can't we all just support the president? This division thing sucks...we are all in the same crabpot together right?

I mean why can't we all just support the troops and our government they need it now, not doing so plays into the enemys hands...face it.


Weither you like Obama or not or Bush or not just support whos in charge after they win its the old school American way...you dont have to agree but constantly putting down the good old USA is wrong IMO.


Face it McCain lost beacause he picked Palin, she proved to be a bad choice lets move on already and SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT!


I cannot tell you how many times I was told that by friends about Bush II (I thought and still think he is a spoiled Daddy's Boy who ditched on his National Guard service) and you know what I did support him and I did not cry about what I thought of him or his stupid hunt for Saddam who tried to kill his Daddy.


Buck up and support the USA we all need it. Including buying USA made items...or we will fall divided.

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I support Obama's good and correct policies and decisions.


What... might those be? :headscratch:


The economy is like the titanic, it doesnt turn on a dime. The problems we are dealing with were already set in motion before Obama was President. What remains to be seen is if he can turn the ship before it hits the iceburg if it hasnt already.


KingCobra666... I agree with you here - Obama does have to pick up the ball and run, which is a sucky position to be in if you think about it. The economy is down. It took years for this to happen...


It is not going to get better in a few months, plain and simple.

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Well, if you voted for Bush, you voted for the man who put us where we are. You think things would have been all straightened out by now if McCain was in there? If you do you are fooling yourself. 8 years of gross mismanagement of this country put us here. GM is not failing because Obama is President. Same with Chrysler. The banks failed before the election. Obama didnt run up this huge deficit. Obama didnt raise the debt ceiling to 11.7 trillion. He didnt piss away a trillion dollars in Iraq while Osama Bin Laden skips through the meadows of Pakistan with flowers in his hair. He wasnt holding hands with Saudia Arabia while they jacked us up for 5.00 gallons of gas. That was the GOP and BUSH.


The economy is like the titanic, it doesnt turn on a dime. The problems we are dealing with were already set in motion before Obama was President. What remains to be seen is if he can turn the ship before it hits the iceburg if it hasnt already. The GOP wrecks the economy everytime they get in power and run up huge deficits. Dont tell how great everything would have beeen if McCain was President.


What is troubling to me is these kind of smug attitudes by GOP supporters. The GOP took a robust economy and a budget surplus and turned it to economic disaster and a huge deficit, allowed terrorists to attack, failed to get those responsible and now want to blame someone else like they havent been running this mess for 8 years. Gimme a break.






Could you please tell me what specific legislation was passed by the GOP (2001-2008) that caused the propblems we have today???? I can tell you one that was passed in the 90's, and we all know about it, and that ws the de-regulation of the banking industry creating mortgage brokers.

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United we stand, why can't we all just support the president? This division thing sucks...we are all in the same crabpot together right?

I mean why can't we all just support the troops and our government they need it now, not doing so plays into the enemys hands...face it.


Weither you like Obama or not or Bush or not just support whos in charge after they win its the old school American way...you dont have to agree but constantly putting down the good old USA is wrong IMO.


Face it McCain lost beacause he picked Palin, she proved to be a bad choice lets move on already and SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT!


I cannot tell you how many times I was told that by friends about Bush II (I thought and still think he is a spoiled Daddy's Boy who ditched on his National Guard service) and you know what I did support him and I did not cry about what I thought of him or his stupid hunt for Saddam who tried to kill his Daddy.


Buck up and support the USA we all need it. Including buying USA made items...or we will fall divided.


Obama is not special, so he should recieve the same respect and support that the past president recieved.

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Singapore. The economy is heavily managed by the government. It is a unique case, more of a city-state than a nation.


That's true and it's a spotlessly clean place and there is almost no crime. On the flip side, they fine you for spitting or not flushing the public toilet and they have people watching you everywhere you go to see that you comply. Not as free as I would like.

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Could you please tell me what specific legislation was passed by the GOP (2001-2008) that caused the propblems we have today???? I can tell you one that was passed in the 90's, and we all know about it, and that ws the de-regulation of the banking industry creating mortgage brokers.




A few days after the Supreme Court made George W. Bush president in 2000, Phil Gramm ® stuck something called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act into the budget bill. Nobody knew that the Texas senator was slipping America a 262 page poison pill. The Gramm Guts America Act was designed to keep regulators from controlling new financial tools described as credit "swaps." These are instruments like sub-prime mortgages bundled up and sold as securities. Under the Gramm law, neither the SEC nor the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) were able to examine financial institutions like hedge funds or investment banks to guarantee they had the assets necessary to cover losses they were guaranteeing.


Here is another interesting article that describes what happened and how the GOP is trying to spin it to avoid blame...rhetoric which is often repeated here.




Don't forget the Democratic controlled House and Senate during the last two years of the Bush administraion! Both sides are just as culpable. And neither side did much to get a handle on the current issues we are now facing.


Actually Mike, those 2 years the dems had a slim majority in the house and it was a tie in the senate. They controlled nothing. For the 6 previous years Republicans had absolute control. I'm not saying the dems are without blame, they voted to go into Iraq too, but this thread is like some I told you so BS. I think the GOP is MORE culpable because they set the agenda and spent the money on stuff like homeland security and the drug benefit etc. Thats why this country is so far in the hole. The dems havent run anything long enough to blame them. If they havent gotten anything accomplsihed in 4 years, I will HELP these guys throw them under the bus, but its too soon to blame them or say this aint working. Obama hasnt even been in office 6 mos. This recession started a long time ago.



If you are looking to blame someone for the economic trouble we are in, you must go back to the Clinton administration forcing the banks to make subprime mortages. :cry:


OH dont' forget who was in office during the first bomming of the twin towers. and who stoped the military from getting Osama.

Well lets not forget it was the GOP who deregulated the SEC and failed to have oversight of the derivitives markets that caused the collapse of many financial institutions like Bear Stearns.


Lets not forget it was the GOP that claimed Clinton went after Osama to "Wag the Dog" and distract from Monica and basically chastised him for his missle attack on BinLaden. Clinton didnt stop the military, the GOP tried to stop Clinton from going after him. Maybe the GOP should have spent less time examining the Presidents sex life and more time on national security. Ken Starr and his team of high tech peeping toms can own some of it.


Lets also not forget that it was G HW Bush's buddy buddy relationship wiht the Saudis and our setting up bases there for the Gulf War that were the motives for both attacks on the towers. Those bases were quietly closed by GWB while posturing that he was not going to give in to terrorism, thats exactly what he did by giving them what they wanted...our bases out of the holy land of Mecca.


I will say this, both sides have some culpability in this mess, but lets not pretend it was the democrats alone or that everything would be hunky dorie if only McCain was president. Thats the jist of this thread. I dont agree with it. After 8 years of gross mismanagement, the country is in shambles and the GOP is trying to shun its responcibility.




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Obama is not special, so he should recieve the same respect and support that the past president recieved.



Divided we fall dude...Bush had a whole lot of support, ever wonder what happened to all the "Support the Troops" ribbons or the sea of "American Flag" stickes and magnets all gone now...WHY is that.


Just noting what I obeserve.


Edit: spelling.

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Divided we fall dude...Bush had a whole lot of support, ever wonder what happened to all the "Support the Troops" ribbons or the sea of "American Flag" stickes and magnets all gone now...WHY is that.


Just noting what I obeserve.


Edit: spelling.


Bush's support was VERY short lived.

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That's true and it's a spotlessly clean place and there is almost no crime. On the flip side, they fine you for spitting or not flushing the public toilet and they have people watching you everywhere you go to see that you comply. Not as free as I would like.


You wouldn't be able to drive your Shelby there.................. :(

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The big problem here is that everyone is too busy trying to blame someone else for the things that are wrong today. If we will quit wasting our time blaming each other and actually start working together to solve our problems, we will certainly solve our problems much sooner and our country will be much stronger for it. I'm not optimistic that this is going to happen anytime soon. It is quite evident that that our politicians and population are much more interested in establishing blame than fixing the problems. Many of the opinions expressed in this thread support my observation. The sooner we forget that we are democrats or republicans and remember that we are Americans, the sooner we will begin to make real progress. Let's quit looking backwards and start looking forward.


Just my two cents.


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Actually Mike, those 2 years the dems had a slim majority in the house and it was a tie in the senate. They controlled nothing. For the 6 previous years Republicans had absolute control. I'm not saying the dems are without blame, they voted to go into Iraq too, but this thread is like some I told you so BS. I think the GOP is MORE culpable because they set the agenda and spent the money on stuff like homeland security and the drug benefit etc. Thats why this country is so far in the hole. The dems havent run anything long enough to blame them. If they havent gotten anything accomplsihed in 4 years, I will HELP these guys throw them under the bus, but its too soon to blame them or say this aint working. Obama hasnt even been in office 6 mos. This recession started a long time ago.



I will say this, both sides have some culpability in this mess, but lets not pretend it was the democrats alone or that everything would be hunky dorie if only McCain was president. Thats the jist of this thread. I dont agree with it. After 8 years of gross mismanagement, the country is in shambles and the GOP is trying to shun its responcibility.





KC - I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the points you brought up. I would like everyone to keep this in mind and draw your own conclusion.


I still feel that this country turned the wrong way when Mr. Clinton signed NAFTA into law. Is it fair to speculate that the recession started there? That opened the doors to a lot of manufacturing jobs getting shipped overseas. We need manufacturing jobs in this country. The wages earned in manufacturing were enough to support a family and still have some left over to purchase consumer discretionaries. Those jobs supported the middle class and we are the ones that do most of the purchasing of product which help sustain this economy. (I'm not sure about you but I refuse to purchase product from Walmart because it is cheap garbage.) And more Service Sector jobs aren't going to help bolster this economy. Does this make sense or am I off base?


I feel that our government as a WHOLE failed all of us. One administration inherits the other's issues and it keeps going. I've said this to Jeff and I'll say the same to you. I'd like to see Mr. Obama succeed for the good of our country. But with what he is proposing (Carbon Tax, another stimulus) and especially in regards to the health care program, I'm not seeing it. The health care proposal is only going to take more money out of my pocket; illegal immigrants and others will take advantage of it, and you and I will foot the bill. Less money in my pocket means less spending for product. So how is this going to help the economy? I'm not sure how you feel but this isn't part of the solution. It's making another problem.


I've rambled on enough. If I'm wrong; I'm wrong. Call me on it. You guys can take it from here. I'm done and I've had enough of Washington.


Edit: KC - Agreed that the Dems aren't the only ones at fault here. Sorry. I should have specified your point.

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Hey Mike;


I agree with your summise as Corperate America has sold out the American Workers for Profit...........


But we as a society actually lost it when we purchase Forein Goods over American made........

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