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The Lower Grill Thread

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Starting a thread for the lower grill.


Check out Grabber's hints and tips here:




I have a 2007 Shelby GT & just purchased the lower grill, thanks to all for the hints. The sad part I live in NY State & just got stopped by a trooper for not having a front plate. So I just installed a retractable frame, however it still takes away from the look...ouch!!!

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  • 3 months later...

I added the polished lower grille to my blue 08 SGT the other day. With the instructions above, I couldn't believe how easy it was to install. Very quick and easy. Having never used rivets before, I was hoping to just use some small bolts with locktite on the threads, but I ended up buying a rivet tool and box of rivets anyway and was very surprised at how quick that made things. Definitely the way to go, even if you have to buy the tool. Never know when you might be able to use it again...


No, I don't have pictures. It looks just like yours.

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