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Shelby's and Cobra Jet in Hot Rod


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Just got my June 2009 edition of Hot Rod magazine in the mail today and they have back-to-back stories of some guys that drove vintage Shelby's through India and the "Return of the Cobra Jet".


Hot Rod is already my favovite car magizine and this just makes it even better.

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I hadn't subscribed to Hot Rod for 30+ years since I moved to Utah and got in to off roading. After I bought my SGT, I started buying Mustang Monthly until I subscribed last year. Apparently they are from the same publisher beacuse I ended up gettng a deal I couldn't refuse from Hot Rod and a free wall clock, to boot. :happy feet: My first new issue was the CJ and India issue.


I was a Mustang fanatic in the late 60's and saw the original Cobra Jets run :drool: . I was excited to read about the new ones coming out this winter and then to have them painted in honor of the original drivers was fantastic. :happy feet: I couldn't believe they won their first meet, picking up where they left off in 1968 :rockon:


As for India, are they f :censored: ing nuts? Enough said :hysterical:


If this is the over all tone of the current Hot Rod magazine, I like it and will keep up my subscription.

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Hot Rod depends upon car enthusiasts who want to muscle up their cars, so if they dissed the Mustang crowd they would really be cutting their own throats.


Car & Driver is obviously paid by foreign car manufacturers and independent rear suspension special interest groups.

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