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Be Careful What You Say!

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Yeah, only the people like this:


. . . concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles out returning war veterans as particular threats.

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I think this is funny though!


Why didn't you guys get all up in arms when they released the previous report on Left-Wing Extremist Groups that was released in January where they also issued warnings about left-wing extremists.


BTW: Both of these reports were initiated, and the studies conducted, during Bush administration these last 12 weeks of the Obama Administration was just editing and printing.




Anyway, there is a BIG difference between the extremists in each of these reports and the liberal or conservative political pundits, activists and citizens.



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I think you've done a fine job expressing your views lately!




Yeah, but I shouldn't be scared to do it!!! Seriously though, I do have to believe that these reports are geared towards the extremist / crazies fringe, but the concern is how they would exactly define these folks. Everything is subject to interpretation.


I had not heard about the left-wing report you mention - do you have a link to it?

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Yeah, but I shouldn't be scared to do it!!! Seriously though, I do have to believe that these reports are geared towards the extremist / crazies fringe, but the concern is how they would exactly define these folks. Everything is subject to interpretation.


I had not heard about the left-wing report you mention - do you have a link to it?


Yeah, but these are written by a bunch of analysts and filed on a shelf. If anyone tried to restrict free speech or freedom to assemble, I'll be right there with ya! :salute:


BTW: here is the left-wing report..apparently the left is really good with computers and we're going to take them all over! Ever wonder why I'm a moderator here? I'm a left-wing extremist sleeper cell waiting to take control of the site! :hysterical:


Now if the right and left could find common ground and join forces! Whoa! Your guns and our brains! We could topple anything!

:happy feet:



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Wow the writer is really... taking it out of proportion I think. Just my .02 - I'm a veteran. At this point, who do we have to fear more? Those across the border, or those inside the border... Hopefully not the later.


It further warned law enforcement to watch out for individuals with "radical" ideologies based on Christian views, such as opposing illegal immigration, abortion and federal taxes


Wow maybe I belong on the other side of the border!! Since when was opposing illegal immigration, or abortion, a "radical" Christian ideology?

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Wow the writer is really... taking it out of proportion I think. Just my .02 - I'm a veteran. At this point, who do we have to fear more? Those across the border, or those inside the border... Hopefully not the later.




Wow maybe I belong on the other side of the border!! Since when was opposing illegal immigration, or abortion, a "radical" Christian ideology?


radical's are everywhere... :hysterical2: and apparantly vets are more likely to become radical :shrug: who writes this stuff anyway :confused: . BTW, better remove your Ron Paul bumper stciker when in Missouri http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=93067 :hysterical:

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Yeah, only the people like this:


. . . concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles out returning war veterans as particular threats.



Does this mean the constitution is a radical right wing document? If you believe in states rights (read the 10th ammendment) you are a radical


Hmm, those that expect the government to enforce the laws the government made are radicals :headscratch:

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No one on THIS site seems to all fired worried about speaking their mind. I suppose one day you will all be rounded up in the dead of the night and flown off to San Fran for a little "torture". "We read your posts on Teamshelby.com, now we want information!" They will then proceed to put flowers in your hair(if you have any) and ask you nicely you to sing Cat Stevens and Joan Baez songs. You will be fed Vegan food. You MIGHT have to drive a Prius. OH GOD! If that doesnt break you, you will be given free education and health care. They will even give free education and health care to YOUR WHOLE FAMILY. NOOOOOOO! Its going to really be bad guys, watch your selves.... :hysterical:


Wasnt it Ari Fleisher (Bush's Spokesman) who actually SAID watch what you say? :headscratch:




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