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When Will It End

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Every time I dial a 1-800 number for banking, insurance, et al and I reach a person in India or the Phillipines I am reminded of why we have such unemployment. We need to take action to ensure that no company receives tax breaks or bail outs that have outsourced jobs until they bring them home.

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Every time I dial a 1-800 number for banking, insurance, et al and I reach a person in India or the Phillipines I am reminded of why we have such unemployment. We need to take action to ensure that no company receives tax breaks or bail outs that have outsourced jobs until they bring them home.


I really wish you guys would coordinate your efforts and thinking! On the one hand you're hitting Obama on the conditions of the second round of GM and Chrysler bailout funds and now saying there should be conditions and the government should be telling these companies where to contract and hire to.


You guys sound a lot like the Republican party of late...sort of confused? :hysterical:

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