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Happy Birthdat Aussie67 !!!

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Happy Birthday Peter!!! :party2: :party2:



I hope that things are going well for you back in Australia and that you'll be able to drive your converted (right hand drive) Shelby pretty soon, if you haven't already had.


Take care



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Hey thanks Eric and all for the wishes. I actually got to spend the day at a local Mustang show here in Perth and couldn't have asked for a nicer day, weather was beautiful and a great bunch of guys and gals.


I will be receiving the GT/CS in about 3 weeks with the steeering wheel on the "right" side. The Shelby is still at least 6-8 weeks away as it has been held up in LA waiting for a 2010 that is late being delivered. (To fill the sea container).


Oh well hopefully soon.


Hope you guys are all doing well. I guess the snow is melting / melted now. Should all be out driving soon?



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