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Cal. ban on black cars

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Just saw this on the news.


California is considering banning black cars. Their reason is that black absorbs more heat than lighter colored cars and thus the drivers use their air conditions more which in turn makes them to use more gas.


What’s next, banning people that have dark complexions because they absorb more heat and thus use their air conditioners more than people with light complexions?

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How can a state about to be bankrupt - one that sends out tax returns as IOU's - even think of yet another stupid law like this??


Hey, when they do go bankrupt you guys want to get together and buy California? I got $10 I'll throw in. happy%20feet.gif


Your overpaying. :censored:

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the actual truth to the story is......

..........they found out that we TS members always argue about which color is faster. They spent the last of thier money on a study that found the BLACK cars ARE actually the fastest and wanted to even the field. They figure the only way to do this is to get rid of the black cars. :poke:



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Hey, when they do go bankrupt you guys want to get together and buy California? I got $10 I'll throw in. happy%20feet.gif


Barry, its not worth $10. We cant let you own it by your self. I was thinking more on the lines of $.10



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You guys aren't thinking outside the box.

We buy CA.

Seceed from the Union.

Get rid of the Sierra club and all the other hippies.

Annex Baja and lock down the borders.



We got sand dunes, mountains, desert's, long open road's and nothing but time! :happy feet:



PLUS..... One good Earth Quake and California becomes an Island.......... Property Values Quadruple .......... :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:

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Maybe not, but it just shows how screwed up that state is that people automatically assume that it is the truth since no hair-brained scheme is too crazy for the peoples republic of kalifornia. :hysterical:

I think that says more about the right wing kooks outside of this state than it does about the people here.



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More fake stories, with more fake outrage....Obama swearing in on a Koran ring a bell? The right wing has more phoney baloney than John Bohner has spray on tan. Oompah, loompa, loompatity do... :hysterical:






Just what I have been saying all along........."GET REAL DITTO HEADS"!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

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I'm a native of California, and now live in Ohio. Seriously, for all that state has been through, I'm convinced it has become the testing ground for every left wing bill imagined. Great state though - unfortunate.



me too! it WAS a great state......once :(

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the actual truth to the story is......

..........they found out that we TS members always argue about which color is faster. They spent the last of thier money on a study that found the BLACK cars ARE actually the fastest and wanted to even the field. They figure the only way to do this is to get rid of the black cars. :poke:





+100 :hysterical:




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We've all lost it, it's all gotten to the point of absurd. Looking at Ken's post about it being B.S., but then realizing that they were even looking at "reflective finishes/glass" should of been enough to be labeled a waste of time. Seriously, there aren't more important things to spend time/money on??? I told my wife, if things get so bad here or I lose my job (God forbid) we're outta here! (Again!) We lived in CO for 8 years, but I don't think we'd end up there again. Texas sounds good or maybe one of the Carolina's. At any rate, I just want to be around people who think again.... Not people who think they're THINKING!!!

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