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2009 Blue Terlingua


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We got everything worked out with the car that we won :happy feet: and went up to Quantum last weekend to check things out. :shift: We got everything in order and pulled the trigger on this deal. :spend: So we will be doing the full Terlingua package on an 2009 Vista Blue automatic. We are very excited! :yahoo: Now for the waiting. :waiting: Sounds like we might get the car in in late April or sometime in May. Hopefully we will get it sometime in June. Until then, just waiting for the phone call. :waiting::call::dreamy:

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Yes, welcome and congrats. Many of us know what the pain is like waiting for your car to be finished.


I am the registrar for the Terlingua cars so please send me all pertinent information when available. We will have forms ready soon so send me your email and I will send you the form when available.




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Well dh777 makes the 5th one of us waiting impatiently on their build that I'm aware of.















- It's a secret


Anybody else on TS to add to the list?


Appeantly there is someone else also. It is my understanding that someone slipped in right before me and pulled the first 09 build. :cry: I don't know who that might be. :shrug: Anyone know? Anyone? :waiting:

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Appeantly there is someone else also. It is my understanding that someone slipped in right before me and pulled the first 09 build. :cry: I don't know who that might be. :shrug: Anyone know? Anyone? :waiting:


Wow, I thought you would be the first 09

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We got everything worked out with the car that we won :happy feet: and went up to Quantum last weekend to check things out. :shift: We got everything in order and pulled the trigger on this deal. :spend: So we will be doing the full Terlingua package on an 2009 Vista Blue automatic. We are very excited! :yahoo: Now for the waiting. :waiting: Sounds like we might get the car in in late April or sometime in May. Hopefully we will get it sometime in June. Until then, just waiting for the phone call. :waiting::call::dreamy:



Have you joined the "Fear The Bunny" Club yet?

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I met a couple from Montana at Shelby during the 427 race. They were on the factory tour with me. They ask some questions about the Terlingua and it seemed I knew more than anyone else there, so I talked it up and then introduced them to Glenn and I think they pulled the trigger. If I remember correctly they have a light blue Mustang.

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I met a couple from Montana at Shelby during the 427 race. They were on the factory tour with me. They ask some questions about the Terlingua and it seemed I knew more than anyone else there, so I talked it up and then introduced them to Glenn and I think they pulled the trigger. If I remember correctly they have a light blue Mustang.


Interesting - Light blue, such as windveil blue was last offered in 2007 though. That would make an interesting car. But if it was vista blue - then maybe so...

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that might be be black 09' Tasca waiting loooooooong time

I believe that the first one is being built off an 08 donor, based on my contact with Tasca and the future owner. ;)

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Guest hfrosso
I believe that the first one is being built off an 08 donor, based on my contact with Tasca and the future owner. ;)



Just came back from Tasca this past weekend and took a picture of this terlingua, that it's been ther for a while, it looks that it's almost done.





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