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Where are they?

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I was just wondering, I know the economy sucks right now, however, the other day I saw a commercial on TV with a ice cream truck and I thought about it for some time and I told my wife that I have not seen a single truck in quite sometime- I know many of you Northerners are probably saying that there is no need for those up there right now with the winter season still amongst you but down here in South Florida with the 80 degree temps it just sounds good plus it always brings me back to my child hood good times when I made my dollar stretch a long way to get candy and that ice cream cone.....oh well, times are changing...


Is this what happened to all of them?


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We have one that comes around in the summer. We'll see if he does this summer. It was fun to relive a bit of history with my daughter and get an ice cream with her. I have fun memories of those trucks and I hop she will too. It's another piece of "Americana", like Drive in's, and Car Hops, that's fading from the landscape. :cry:

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